Workplace Quality Measures Quiz-4

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Welcome to your Workplace Quality Measures Quiz-4

Q31. Which Syndrome is caused by poor lighting and glare on the computer screen?

Q32. To reduce eye strain while working on computer we should _______________________

Q33. What should be done to reduce the risks of visual problems?

Q34. Headache may occur due to _____________________

Q35. Which of the following problem may occur due to long working hours on Computer?

Q36. Spending long hours on computers and lacks of physical activity and exercise may lead to ___________________

Q37. Stress can lead to ______________________

Q38. What should be done to combat our stress?

Q39. Laptops are designed for short periods of use. (T/F)

Q40. Which of the following can be set up ergonomically correct, while working for long hours?

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