MySQL Functions Quiz 7

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Welcome to your MySQL Functions Quiz 7

Q61. Write the output of the following:

select power(4, 3)

Q62. Write the output of the following:

select round(529.8734, 2)

Q63. Which of the following is not a mathematical function?

Q64. Write the output of the following:

Select year("2003-10-03") + 3;

Q65. Write the output of the following:

SELECT YEAR("2003-10-03") + month("2003-10-03");

Q66. Write the output of the following:

Select left(monthname("2003-10-13"),3);

Q67. Write the output of the following:

SELECT instr(monthname("2003-10-03") , right(monthname("2003-10-03"),1)) ;

Q68. Write the output of the following:

select trim("comm" from "communication")

Q69. Write the output of the following:

select left(trim("info" from "informatics"),5)

Q70. Which of the following statement will display names from table 'emp' starting from alphabet 'A'.

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