ICT Skills Class 9 Quiz 11

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Welcome to your ICT Skills Class 9 Quiz 11

Q101. Which of the following is an extension of Notepad file?

Q102. Which of the following is an extension of Sound file?

Q103. A ____________ is a location where a group of files can be stored.

Q104. Which key should be pressed along with 'Ctrl' to undo a task?

Q105. Which key should be pressed along with 'Ctrl' to redo a task ?

Q106. Which key should be pressed along with 'Ctrl' to select all ?

Q107. Which key should be pressed along with 'Ctrl' to print ?

Q108. Which key should be pressed along with 'Ctrl' to copy ?

Q109. ____________ is a huge network of computers around the world

Q110. Which of the following are common uses of Internet?

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