Green Skill Class 9 Quiz 4

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Welcome to your Green Skill Class 9 Quiz 4

Q31. ________________ word is derived from the Latin word “polluere” meaning “to soil” or “defile (contaminate)”.

Q32. Pollutants that break down into simpler, harmless substances naturally is called ___________________

Q33. Pollutants which cannot be broken down into simpler and harmless substances are called ___________________

Q34. Which of the following is non-biodegradable pollutants?

Q35. Which of the following is not the type of Pollution?

Q36. _________________ affect the alkailinity of the soil or the soil pH.

Q37. _______________ pollution is responsible for breathing problems in humans.

Q38. Which factor is responsible for land pollution?

Q39. Which factor is responsible for air pollution?

Q40. Carbon-dioxide gas trap and prevent the earth’s heat from escaping, leading to a global warming. This is called _______________

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