Digital Documentation Quiz 1

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Welcome to your Digital Documentation Quiz 1

Q1. A ________ is a paper with written contents.

Q2. The process of preparing a document is called _____________

Q3. Letters, reports, thesis, manuscripts etc. are examples of _________

Q4. Electronic typewriter was replaced by Manual typewriter.(T/F)

Q5. A data entry operator should possess ___________ skills.

Q6. _______________ is the use of computer software to enter, edit, format, store, retrieve and print the document.

Q7. The term word processing was invented by ___________

Q8. A _____________ is a computer application used for edit, format, store, retrieve and print the document.

Q9. In the beginning _______________ was the most widely used word processing software.

Q10. In typewriter, if any typing error occurs then _______

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