Data Visualization Quiz 2

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Welcome to your Data Visualization Quiz 2

Q11. plot(a, b) is provided with two parameters, which indicates values for ______________

Q12. By default plot() function plots a __________

Q13. Which of the following function is used to save the figure?

Q14. Name of the figure is passed to the ____________ function as parameter.

Q15. Which of the following pyplot function is used to plot histogram.

Q16. Which of the following pyplot function is used to plot pie chart..

Q17. Which of the following pyplot function is used to plot bar graph.

Q18. Which of the following pyplot function is used to set the label for the x-axis.

Q19. Which of the following pyplot function is used to set the values on the x-axis.

Q20. Which of the following pyplot function is used to set a title for the chart.

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