Program of Average of two Numbers in Python #6

Program of Average of two Numbers in Python Program of Average of two Numbers in Python Average means arithmetic mean which can be calculated by the following formula Average = Sum of all numbers/ Total numbers for example: if we have to calculate the average of 3 and 7, so average of these numbers can … Read more

Addition Subtraction Division Multiplication #5

Python Program Addition Subtraction Division Multiplication Python Program to perform Addition Subtraction Division Multiplication In this article, we are going to understand the basic mathematical operations like Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division. So in other words we can say that we are going to discuss the following programs. In all the above programs we will take … Read more

Best 70+ MySQL Functions Class 12 MCQ

MySQL Functions Class 12 MCQ MySQL Functions Class 12 MCQ Q1. Single Row Functions are also known as _____ a. Static Functions b. Scalar Functions c. Dynamic Functions d. Vector Functions Q2. Which of the following are categories of Single Row Function in MySQL? a. Numeric b. String c. Date d. All of the above … Read more

User Defined Functions in Python Class 12 Important Notes

User Defined Functions in Python Functions in Python A function is a group of statements that perform a specific task. A function executes when it is called. Advantages of Functions in Python Functions can be categorized into the following three types: Built in Functions : Those functions which are already available in python is called … Read more

Best Societal Impact Class 12 IP Notes

Societal Impact Class 12 IP Notes Societal Impact Class 12 IP Notes UNIT-4 SOCIETAL IMPACT SYLLABUS Digital footprint, net and communication etiquettes, data protection, intellectual property rights (IPR), plagiarism, licensing and copyright, free and open source software (FOSS), cybercrime and cyber laws, hacking, phishing, cyber bullying, overview of Indian IT Act. E-waste: hazards and management. … Read more

Evaluation in AI Class 10 Notes Important Points

Evaluation in AI Evaluation in AI Class 10 Notes What is evaluation in AI? Evaluation is the process of understanding the reliability of any AI model. It is an integral part of the model development process. It helps to find the best model that represents our data and how well it work in the future. … Read more

Natural Language Processing Class 10 Notes

Natural Language Processing Class 10 Natural Language Processing, or NLP, is the sub-field of AI that is focused on enabling computers tounderstand and process human languages. Natural Language Processing is all about how machines try to understand and interpret humanlanguage and operate accordingly. Applications of Natural Language Processing Some of the applications of Natural Language … Read more

Best Digital Documentation Class 9 Questions and Answers

Digital Documentation Class 9 Questions and Answers Q1. What do you mean by document and documentation? Q2. What is word processor? Q3. Write any two limitations of using typewriter. Q4. Write any four features of Word Processor. Q5. Name any two Web-based word processor. Q6. Expand FOSS. Q7. Write any two uses of Word Processor. … Read more

100+ MYSQL Viva Questions class 12 Important for Practical Exam

MYSQL Viva Questions for Practical Exam CLICK FOR CLASS 12 COMPUTER SCIENCE PRACTICAL QUESTION PAPER (SOLVED) Click for Python Viva Questions Q1. What is DBMS? Q2. What is the full form of RDBMS. Q3. Give two example of DBMS. Q4. What is table in DBMS? Q5. What is record in a table? Q6. What is … Read more

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