Class 12 Computer Science Data Structure in Python Handout with important questions

Class 12 Computer Science Data Structure in Python Handout Table of Contents Data structure in Python What is Stack Operations on Stack Working with stack using list. Practice Questions – Part 1 Practical Implementation of stack using list What is Queue? Operations on Queue Queues in daily life Working with queue using list Practice Questions … Read more

Class 11 Important SQL Practice Questions

Table of Contents SQL Practice – Assignment 1 SQL Practice – Assignment 2 SQL Practice – Assignment 3 SQL Practice – Assignment 4 CHAPTER : SQL Practice Questions ASSIGNMENT SET – 1 Time: 30 min                                                                                   M.M. – 20 Instructions: All Questions are compulsory Q1 to Q6 carry 1 mark Q7 to Q10 carry 2 marks … Read more

Class 11 Free Python Dictionary Assignments

Class 11 Python Dictionary Assignments CHAPTER: PYTHON DICTIONARY ASSIGNMENT SET – 1 Time: 30 min                                                                                   M.M. – 20 Instructions: All Questions are compulsory Q1 to Q6 carry 1 mark Q7 to Q10 carry 2 marks Q11 to Q12 carry 3 marks Q1. Keys must be ______ in dictionary.(mutable/immutable) Q2. Write a built in function which … Read more

Class 12 Computer Science Important Concept of Module Random in Python

Random in Python : When ever there is a situation where we need to generate random numbers in coding of python, then python allow us to generate random numbers by using module RANDOM in Python. Following are the situations where we need to generate random numbers in Python To generate the scratch card of online … Read more

Free Class 11 Python List Questions for Practice

Python List Questions for Practice CHAPTER: LIST IN PYTHON Python List Questions ASSIGNMENT SET – 1 Time: 30 min                                                                                   M.M. – 20 Q1. What do you mean by List in Python?                                            [1] Q2. Write the output of the following code:                                         [1]         >>> A = [ ]         >>> A         >>> print(A) Q3. What … Read more

90+ List in Python Important Practice Questions

Table of Content: Practice Questions of List in Python – Test 1 Practice Questions of List in Python – Test 2 Practice Questions of List in Python – Test 3 Practice Questions of List in Python – Test 4 Practice Questions of List in Python – Test 5 Practice Questions of List in Python – … Read more

70+ Important (Solved) Python Output based Questions class 11

Table of Contents Python Output based Questions-Test 1 Python Output based Questions-Test 2 Python Output based Questions-Test 3 Python Output based Questions-Test 4 Python Output based Questions-Test 5 Python Output based Questions-Test 6 Python Output based Questions-Test 7 Python Output based Questions-Test 1 Q1. Write the output of the following code: [1]: for i in … Read more

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