IT Sample Paper Class 10 Term 1
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IT Sample Paper Class 10 Term 1

IT Sample Paper Class 10 Term 1
CLASS X (SESSION 2021-2022)
Max. Time Allowed: 60 Minutes (1 Hrs.) Max. Marks: 25
General Instructions:
- Please read the instructions carefully
- This Question Paper is divided into 03 sections, viz., Section A, Section B and Section C.
- Section A is of 05 marks and has 06 questions on Employability Skills.
- Section B is of 15 marks and has 20 questions on Subject Specific Skills.
- Section C is of 05 marks and has 07 competency-based questions.
- Do as per the instructions given in the respective sections.
- Marks allotted are mentioned against each section/question.
- All questions must be attempted in the correct order
IT Sample Paper Class 10 Term 1
IT Sample Paper Class 10 Term 1
Answer any 5 questions out of the given 6 questions on Employability Skills (1 x 5 = 5 marks)
Q1. Raman is working as a team leader in a Multi National Company. He wants to apply for leave. Which of the following methods of communication, he will choose ?
a. E-mail
b. Poster
c. Facebook messenger
d. Notice
Q2. Communication between Simran and Shivam regarding school homework is an example of ______________
a. Interpersonal Communication
b. Written Communication
c. Small Group Communication
d. Public Communication
Q3. Students may feel __________ stress if they are unable to submit their assignment.
a. Physical
b. Financial
c. Mental
d. None of the above
Q4. Which of the following help to manage stress?
a. Recreational activities like watching movies etc
b. Going On Vacations with Family and Friends
c. Taking Nature Walks
d. All of the above
Q5. ICT stands for _______________
a. Information and Communication Technology
b. Information and Communication Terminology
c. Information and Common Technology
d. Information to Communication Technology
Q6. Sneha created a file in Notepad and saved the file by name “hello” so the complete name of file will be _____________
a. hello.doc
b. hello.docx
c. hello.txt
d. hello.jpg
IT Sample Paper Class 10 Term 1
IT Sample Paper Class 10 Term 1
Answer any 15 questions out of the given 20 questions (1 x 15 = 15 marks)
Q7. A _________ is a set of formats that you can apply to selected pages, text, frames.
a. Style
b. Template
c. Image
d. Graphics
Q8. Which of the following help us to gather data from different worksheets into a master worksheet.
a. Data Consolidation
b. Goal Seek
c. Solver
d. Total data
Q9. Which of the following styles is not offered by
a. Page Style
b. Frame Style
c. Presentation Style
d. Video Style
Q10. Sam forgot the shortcut for opening styles and formatting window. As a friend of Sam help him to find correct shortcut.
a. F12
b. F8
c. F11
d. F10
Q11. Which of the following is correct to open Picture toolbar?
a. View—> Tools—> Picture
b. Insert—> Tools—> Picture
c. View—> Toolbars—> Picture
d. Insert—> Toolbars—> Picture
Q12. Which filter makes the picture appear like painting?
a. Posterize
b. Poster
c. Postersize
d. poster like
Q13. Subtotals is available in __________ menu.
a. Tools
b. Format
c. Insert
d. Data
Q14. _________ refers to the relation of graphics to the surrounding text.
a. Anchoring
b. Text Wrapping
c. Graphic Wrapping
d. All of the above
Q15. Which option is suitable to calculate the effect of different interest rates on an investment.
a. Scenario
b. Subtotal
c. Consolidate
d. None of the above
IT Sample Paper Class 10 Term 1
Q16. ____________ is more elaborate form of Goal Seek.
a. Scenario
b. Subtotal
c. Solver
d. All of the above
Q17. Formula to refer a cell A3 in sheet named ‘S1’ is
a. =S1A3
b. =S1.A3
c. =’S1′.A3
d. None of the above
Q18. If you have two spreadsheets in the same folder linked to each other and you move the entire folder to a new location, a relative hyperlink will _____________
a. not work
b. work
c. may work
d. None of the above
Q19. After sharing the worksheet, the word ___________ is then shown on the title bar after the worksheet’s title
a. Sharing
b. Shared
c. Sharing Sheet
d. None of the above
Q20. Any cells modified by the other user in shared worksheet are shown with a ________ border.
a. Blue
b. Green
c. Red
d. Yellow
IT Sample Paper Class 10 Term 1
Q21. A database is an organized collection of _______________.
a. data
b. Attributes
c. Record
d. None of the above
Q22. Which of the following is not a database programs?
a. MySQL
b. Oracle
c. Writer
d. OObase
Q23. ________________ refers to the reference point for the graphics.
a. Anchoring
b. Text Wrapping
c. Text Reference
d. All of the above
Q24. When you open a new spreadsheet, by default it has a sheet named ______________.
a. Sheet1
b. Sheet_1
c. Sheet-1
d. Sheet=1
Q25. We can insert the new sheet in Calc by clicking on __ menu.
a. Format
b. Edit
c. Insert
d. Tool
Q26. Template option is available in ________________ menu
a. File
b. Edit
c. Insert
d. Tool
IT Sample Paper Class 10 Term 1
IT Sample Paper Class 10 Term 1
Answer any 5 questions out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)
Q27. Amit buys a new Showroom and wants to invite his friends and relatives (approximately 100) on inauguration ceremony. Which feature of Writer will help him to create personalized invitation letter for every one?
a. Documentation
b. Mail Merge
c. Style
d. Template
Q28. Raman wants to change the appearance of a document. He can do quickly through ____________
a. Template
b. Style
c. Format
d. Tools
Q29. Flip Vertically option in picture toolbar will make the image as the __________
a. mirror placed at the left of the image
b. mirror placed at the right of the image
c. mirror placed at the top of the image
d. mirror placed at the bottom of the image
Q30. “Accept or Reject Changes” dialog box (for shared worksheet) can be opened by clicking on
a. File > Changes > Accept or Reject.
b. Edit > Changes > Accept or Reject.
c. View > Changes > Accept or Reject.
d. None of the above
IT Sample Paper Class 10 Term 1
Q31. Suman and her friends wants to work together in a spreadsheet. They can do so by
a. Sharing Workbook
b. Linking Workbook
c. Macro
d. None of the above
Q32. Hyperlink icon is present on _________________
a. Format Toolbar
b. Standard Toolbar
c. Menu Bar
d. None of the Above
Q33. __________ store data in Single table.
a. Flat File
b. Relational
c. Single File
d. One File
IT Sample Paper Class 10 Term 1
CLASS X (SESSION 2021-2022)
Max. Time Allowed: 60 Minutes (1 Hrs.) Max. Marks: 25
General Instructions:
- Please read the instructions carefully
- This Question Paper is divided into 03 sections, viz., Section A, Section B and Section C.
- Section A is of 05 marks and has 06 questions on Employability Skills.
- Section B is of 15 marks and has 20 questions on Subject Specific Skills.
- Section C is of 05 marks and has 07 competency-based questions.
- Do as per the instructions given in the respective sections.
- Marks allotted are mentioned against each section/question.
- All questions must be attempted in the correct order
IT Sample Paper Class 10 Term 1
IT Sample Paper Class 10 Term 1
Answer any 5 questions out of the given 6 questions on Employability Skills (1 x 5 = 5 marks)
Q1. The word ‘communication’ comes from the Latin word ____
a. Commūnicāre
b. Commūnicāte
c. Commūnicāreon
d. Commūnicā
Q2. The ___________ conveys the message to the sender in the form of feedback to complete the communication cycle.
a. Sender
b. Environment
c. Receiver
d. Circumstances
Q3. Issues related to health of an individual can lead to low self-esteem and cause ___________stress.
a. Financial
b. Emotional
c. Mental
d. Physical
Q4. _____________ is/are Stress Management Technique.
a. Physical Exercise
b. Yoga
c. Meditation
d. All of the above
Q5. Which of the following is not computer hardware?
a. RAM
b. Keyboard
c. MS Paint
d. Monitor
Q6. ______ act as an interface between the user and the computer.
a. Operating System
b. Ms Excel
c. Impress
d. Digital Documentation
IT Sample Paper Class 10 Term 1
IT Sample Paper Class 10 Term 1
Answer any 15 questions out of the given 20 questions (1 x 15 = 15 marks)
Q7. Which of the style include header and footers, border, margins.
a. Character Style
b. Page Style
c. Frame style
d. Presentation Style
Q8. Consolidate option is available under _________ menu.
a. View
b. Tool
c. Insert
d. Data
Q9. Which of the following style include line, area, shadowing,
transparency, font, connectors, dimensioning, and other attributes.
a. Page Style
b. Presentation Style
c. Graphics Style
d. Cell Styles
Q10. ____________ is used to apply a style to many different areas quickly without having to go back to the Styles and Formatting window.
a. Fill mode
b. Format mode
c. Fill format mode
d. None of the above
Q11. Which of the following statement is wrong?
a) Shortcut to copy image is Ctrl + C.
b) Shortcut to paste image is Ctrl + V.
c) Clipboard is a special location which temporarily stored cut or copied text/image.
d) None of the above
Q12. Ananya wrote some filters and their effects. Her teacher told that one of the explanation given below is wrong. As a friend of Ananya, help her to find the wrong one.
a) Invert : Inverts the color values of a color image or the brightness values of a grayscale image.
b) Remove noise : Removes single pixels from an image
c) Aging : Simulates the effects of time on a picture.
d) Sharpen : Softens the contrast of an image.
Q13. One of the method to rename a worksheet is given below. Complete the method with suitable option.
Select the worksheet you want to rename (click on the worksheet tab) and then select the _____________ option from the _____________ menu. This displays a submenu from which you should select the Rename option
a) Sheet, Format
b) rename , Format
c) Format, Sheet
d) rename, Insert
Q14. Which of the following option will help to cut or remove the unwanted parts of image?
a. Crop
b. Filter
c. Wrap
d. Picture
Q15. In OpenOffice Calc, Hyperlink option is available on _________________
a. Standard Toolbar
b. Formatting Toolbar
c. Formula bar
d. Title bar
IT Sample Paper Class 10 Term 1
Q16. A __________ is a saved sequence of commands or keystrokes that are stored for later use.
a. Goal Seek
b. Scenario
c. Subtotal
d. Macro
Q17. Anant is working as teacher in a school. He saves/store marks of his students of each exam in different sheets. Which of the following option will help him to gather data from different sheets to one sheet.
a. Subtotal
b. Consolidate
c. Goal Seek
d. Scenario
Q18. Which of the following function is not available in Subtotal?
a. Average
b. Sum
c. Difference
d. Count
Q19. Simran is working as a Financial Officer in a company. She knows what the company’s total income must be for the year to satisfy stockholders. She also knows the company’s income in the first three quarters. For the fourth quarter, however, no definite income is available. Which of the following method help her to find how much must the company earn in fourth quarter to reach its goal?
a. Solver
b. Goal Seek
c. Subtotal
d. Scenario
IT Sample Paper Class 10 Term 1
Q20. ________________ can be used in Calc to jump to a different location from within a spreadsheet
a. Links
b. Hyper
c. Hyperlinks
d. Hypertext
Q21. In which of the following, tables are linked using a common
a. Flat File
b. Relational File
c. Linked File
d. None of the above
IT Sample Paper Class 10 Term 1
Q22. In client server model, database server are referred to as ____________
a. Back-ends
b. Front-ends
c. Interface tools
d. None of the above
Q23. _________ setting is not used to control the positioning of graphics in Writer.
a. Arrangement
b. Anchoring
c. Text wrapping
d. Centre
Q24. Subtotal, Consolidate, Define Range options are available in ________ menu.
a. Tools
b. Data
c. Format
d. Insert
Q25. “I am available under Data menu Which is used to give name to a range of cells” Who am I ?
a. Define Range
b. Select Range
c. Range Name
d. None of the above
Q26. All documents in are based on ___________
a. Styles
b. Templates
c. Wizard
d. Text Format
IT Sample Paper Class 10 Term 1
IT Sample Paper Class 10 Term 1
Answer any 5 questions out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)
Q27. Data Source in Writer can be created in __________
a. Spreadsheet
b. MySQL
c. Oracle
d. All of the above
Q28. In Insert Index/table dialog box, _______________ tab is not present.
a. Style
b. Background
c. Template
d. Columns
Q29. Mail merge is merging of __________ documents.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
Q30. Hyperlinks can be stored within your file as either ____________ or ______________
a. relative, fixed
b. relative, absolute
c. reference, absolutr
d. active, passive
IT Sample Paper Class 10 Term 1
Q31. In reference to hyperlink in Calc, Select the odd one out.
a. Internet
b. Document
c. New Document
d. Open Document
Q32. Ravi wants to share the spreadsheet with his friends. Which of the following option he will select?
a. Tools > Share Document
b. Format > Share Document
c. View > Share Document
d. Data > Share Document
Q33. Which of the following is not the advantage of database?
a. Sharing of Data
b. Reduce Data Redundancy
c. Increase Data Inconsistency
d. Data Security
IT Sample Paper Class 10 Term 1
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IT Sample Paper Class 10 Term 1
Important Links of Class IX
Unit 1 : Introduction to IT–ITeS Industry BOOK SOLUTIONS
Unit 1 : Introduction to IT–ITeS Industry NOTES
Unit 1 : Introduction to IT-ITeS MCQ
Unit 3 : Digital Documentation NOTES
Unit 3 : Digital Documentation BOOK SOLUTIONS
Unit 3 : Digital Documentation MCQ
Unit 4 : Electronic Spreadsheet BOOK SOLUTIONS
Unit 4 : Electronic Spreadsheet MCQ
Unit 5 : Digital Presentation MCQ
Important Links of Class X

FIRST SAMPLE PAPER 2020-21 (Class 10)
SECOND SAMPLE PAPER 2020-21 (Class 10)

Respected Sir,
In the sample paper 1, 24th question is incorrect. Sheet1 is the correct answer.
Thankyou for your feedback.
The website seems to be a Great help for term 1 ..
Thankyou so much Sanju.
please provide book solutions for PART – A also
Thank you sir for this sample paper 🤗🤗