Digital Documentation Class 9 MCQ with Answers

Q1. A __________________ is a paper with written contents.
a. Document
b. Documentation
c. Evidence
d. None of the above
Q2. The process of preparing a document is called ____________
a. Documentary
b. Documenting
c. Documentation
d. None of the above
Q3. Letters, reports, thesis, manuscripts etc. are examples of ______
a. Documentation
b. Documents
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q4. Electronic typewriter was replaced by Manual typewriter.(T/F)
a. True
b. False
Q5. A data entry operator should possess _________ skills.
a. Good Typing speed
b. Good understanding of Office tools like Writer, Calc etc
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q6. ___ is the use of computer software to enter, edit, format, store, retrieve and print the document.
a. Word processing
b. Word processor
c. Documentation
d. None of the above
Q7. The term word processing was invented by ________________
a. Intel
b. HP
c. IBM
d. Microsoft
Q8. A ______ is a computer application used for edit, format, store, retrieve and print the document.
a. Word Processing
b. Digital Documentation
c. Word Processor
d. None of the above
Q9. In the beginning _______ was the most widely used word processing software.
a. WordStart
b. WordStar
c. Microsoft Word
d. Writer
Q10. In typewriter, if any typing error occurs then ___________
a. it can be easily rectified
b. needs to use special eraser
c. whole sheet is required to be typed again
d. none of the above

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Q11. It is not possible to type all the characters using the typewriter.(T/F)
a. True
b. False
Q12. Limitations of typewriter is/are ______________
a. Typewriter does not have all the required characters or symbols.
b. It is not possible to produce a document in the desired format in typewriter
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q13. Advantages of Electronic Typewriter is/are ________
a. It is possible to make changes in the content.
b. We can make multiple copies with minor changes.
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q14. GUI stands for _____________
a. Graphical User Interface
b. Graphical User Interaction
c. Graphical Used Interface
d. Graphic Used Interface
Q15. WYSIWYG means ____
a. What You See Is Was You Get
b. What You See Is What You Get
c. Where You See Is What You Get
d. None of the above
Q16. Features provided by popular word processors is/are ________
a. Check spelling and grammar
b. Insert pictures or graphs within the document.
c. Print the selected text or selected pages of the document.
d. All of the above
Q17. Word Processor is used in school for ________
a. Preparing Reports
b. Preparing Letter
c. Preparing Assignment
d. All of the above
Q18. FOSS stands for ___________
a. Free and Open Soft Software
b. Free and Open Source Software
c. Free and Open Source
d. None of the above
Q19. ODF stands for ____________
a. Open Document Formal
b. Open Document Format
c. Open Document Form
d. None of the above
Q20. The components of LibreOffice are _________
a. Writer
b. Calc
c. Impress
d. All of the above
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Q21. Web-based word processer are :
a. Google Docs
b. Office 365 Word
c. Microsoft OneDrive Word
d. All of the above
Q22. Double click means to click the right mouse button twice, quickly.(T/F)
a. True
b. False
Q23. To start LibreOffice Writer in Windows ______________
a. Double click LibreOffice Writer shortcut available on desktop
b. Click on the Start or Windows button, select LibreOffice → LibreOffice Writer from application window.
c. both of the above
d. None of the above
Q24. To open a new document
a. Press Ctrl + N from Keyboard
b. Click on File Menu → New → Text Document
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q25. In Writer, by default, the file is saved in __________ format.
a. .odf
b. .ods
c. .odt
d. None of the above
Q26. We can save the file with another name using __________ option.
a. Save As
b. Save
c. Ctrl + S
d. All of the above
Q27. To close the file, select __________________
a. File → Close
b. File → Quit
c. File → Out
d. None of the above
Q28. To open an already existing file press ______ from keyboard.
a. Ctrl + N
b. Ctrl + O
c. Ctrl + A
d. None of the above
Q29. In LibreOffice Write, we can save document with password(T/F)
a. True
b. False
Q30. Top most bar of Writer Window is ________
a. Title bar
b. Menu bar
c. Status bar
d. Scroll bar
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Q31. ________ shows the title of the currently opened document.
a. Task bar
b. Title bar
c. Menu bar
d. Status bar
Q32. In Writer the default name of the document is _______
a. Document1
b. Writer1
c. Untitled1
d. None of the above
Q33. __________ appears below the Title Bar.
a. Format Toolbar
b. Standard Toolbar
c. Menu bar
d. Scroll bar
Q34. The submenu item(of Menu bar) which shows three dots ‘…’ means
a. nothing
b. a dialog box will open
c. a submenu will open
d. none of the above
Q35. The submenu item(of Menu bar) which shows right hand side arrows ‘►’ means
a. nothing
b. a dialog box will open
c. a submenu will open
d. none of the above
Q36. Which toolbar shows icons of Cut, Copy and Paste?
a. Standard Toolbar
b. Formatting Toolbar
c. Menu bar
d. None of the above
Q37. _________ bar is present at the bottom of the Writer window.
a. Status bar
b. Menu bar
c. Vertical Scroll bar
d. None of the above
Q38. Which bar is used to move document up and down?
a. Horizontal Scroll bar
b. Vertical Scroll bar
c. Status bar
d. None of the above
Q39. From which menu, you can select various toolbars?
a. File Menu
b. Tool Menu
c. View Menu
d. Edit Menu
Q40. Zoom Slider is available on ________ bar.
a. Status
b. Standard
c. Formatting
d. Scroll
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Q41. Status bar shows ______________
a. Page Number
b. Page Style
c. Zoom Slider
d. All of the above
Q42. _____________ toolbar contains the various options for formatting a document
a. Standard
b. Formatting
c. Status
d. All of the above
Q43. When you bring the mouse pointer on any tool and see the meaning of that tool is called_____
a. Tip Tool
b. Tool meaning
c. Tool Tip
d. None of the above
Q44. The ___________is a flashing vertical line in the body of the text.
a. Mouse Pointer
b. Mouse Cursor
c. Text Cursor
d. None of the above
Q45. _______________ control the movement of text cursor in a document.
a. Arrow keys
b. Function Keys
c. Special Keys
d. None of the above
Q46. Which of the following keys can move the text cursor?
a. Arrow keys
b. Home key
c. End key
d. All of the above
Q47. Which of the following key move the Text cursor to the beginning of the line?
a. End
b. Home
c. Insert
d. All of the above
Q48. Which of the following key move the Text cursor to the end of the line?
a. End
b. Home
c. Insert
d. All of the above
Q49. Which of the following key combination move the Text cursor to the end of the document?
a. Ctrl + End
b. Ctrl + Home
c. Ctrl + Insert
d. All of the above
Q50. Which of the following key combination move the Text cursor to the beginning of the document?
a. Ctrl + End
b. Ctrl + Home
c. Ctrl + Insert
d. All of the above
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Q51. Mouse pointer changes to ___________ shape, while moving it around the screen.
a. I
b. +
c. Arrow
d. None of the above
Q52. Shortcut key for Undo is _____________
a. Ctrl + Y
b. Ctrl + U
c. Ctrl + Z
d. None of the above
Q53. Shortcut key for Redo is _______________
a. Ctrl + Z
b. Ctrl + Y
c. Ctrl + R
d. None of the above
Q54. Undo Command is available in ____________________ menu.
a. File
b. Edit
c. View
d. Format
Q55. Shortcut to open an existing file.
a. Ctrl + E
b. Ctrl + N
c. Ctrl + O
d. None of the above
Q56. Shortcut to cut is _________
a. Ctrl + X
b. Ctrl + C
c. Ctrl + V
d. None of the above
Q57. Shortcut to copy is _________________
a. Ctrl + X
b. Ctrl + C
c. Ctrl + V
d. None of the above
Q58. Shortcut to paste is _________
a. Ctrl + X
b. Ctrl + C
c. Ctrl + V
d. None of the above
Q59. Which key combinations are used for moving text?
a. Ctrl + X and Ctrl + C
b. Ctrl + X and Ctrl + Z
c. Ctrl + X and Ctrl + V
d. None of the above
Q60. Paste option is available in ___________ menu.
a. File
b. Edit
c. Format
d. View
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Q61. Which key combinations are used to duplicate the text?
a. Ctrl + X and Ctrl + C
b. Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V
c. Ctrl + C and Ctrl + X
d. None of the above
Q62. To select a single word at a time
a. Click on a that word
b. Double Click on a that word
c. Right Click on that word
d. None of the above
Q63. To select a complete sentence at a time :
a. Triple Click on that Sentence
b. Click on that Sentence
c. Double Click on that Sentence
d. None of the above
Q64. Shortcut to select complete document is _________
a. Ctrl + S
b. Ctrl + C
c. Ctrl + B
d. Ctrl + A
Q65. Double click means _________
a. Quickly click the left mouse button three times
b. Quickly click the right mouse button three times
c. Quickly click the right mouse button two times
d. Quickly click the left mouse button two times
Q66. Which of the following key is used for selecting non-consecutive text?
a. Alt
b. Ctrl
c. Shift
d. None of the above
Q67. Keyboard Shortcut to select the vertical block of text :
a. Ctrl+F5
b. Ctrl+F6
c. Ctrl+F7
d. Ctrl+F8
Q68. Find and Replace option is available in __________ menu.
a. File
b. Format
c. Edit
d. View
Q69. Shortcut to open Find and Replace is ___________
a. Ctrl + H
b. Ctrl + R
c. Ctrl + F + R
d. All of the above
Q70. Replace All button in Find and Replace dialog box is used to replace ____________.
a. Only first matching occurrence
b. All the matching occurrences
c. Only second matching occurrence
d. None of the above
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Q71. Amit wants to jump to a particular page number of a document. Which of the following feature of Writer is useful?
a. Go to Page
b. Go to
c. Go to Specific Page
d. None of the above
Q72. Keyboard Shortcut to open Go to Page feature in Writer is _______
a. Ctrl + P
b. Ctrl + G
c. Ctrl + S
d. None of the above
Q73. Go to Page option in Writer is available in ____________ menu
a. File
b. View
c. Format
d. Edit
Q74. Keyboard Shortcut to display non printing character is _______
a. Ctrl + F7
b. Ctrl + F8
c. Ctrl + F10
d. Ctrl + F9
Q75. Which of the following are non printing characters?
a. Enter key
b. Space bar
c. Tab key
d. All of the above
Q76. Clicking on which of the following icon will display the non-printing characters?
a. ¶
b. →
c. +
d. None of the above
Q77. Grammatical errors in LibreOffice Writer are detected, by a wavy _______ line.
a. Red
b. Blue
c. Purple
d. None of the above
Q78. To check the spelling and grammar of the document (or selected text), select ________
a. View → Spelling and Grammar
b. Format → Spelling and Grammar
c. Tools → Spelling and Grammar
d. Edit → Spelling and Grammar
Q79. Spelling and Grammar button is available on ____
a. Standard toolbar
b. Formatting toolbar
c. Picture Toolbar
d. None of the above
Q80. To check the spelling and grammar of the document (or selected text), press _ from keyboard.
a. F3
b. F5
c. F7
d. F9
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Q81. Automatic Spell Checker displays a wavy _______ colour line under any unknown words.
a. Red
b. Green
c. Blue
d. None of the above
Q82. Right-click on a word and click on ____________ option on the context menu to find a different word with same meaning.
a. Antonyms
b. Synonyms
c. Same meaning
d. None of the above
Q83. In Page style dialog box we can _________
a. Select paper size (A4, A5, B4, Letter).
b. Adjust ‘Orientation’ of page
c. Set the Margins (Left, Right, Top, Down)
d. All of the above
Q84. In Landscape Orientation
a. Height is more than Width
b. Width is more than Height
c. Height and Width are same
d. None of the above
Q85. To remove manual formatting, select the text and choose _______
a. Format → Clear Direct Formatting
b. Edit → Clear Direct Formatting
c. View → Clear Direct Formatting
d. None of the above
Q86. Clear Direct Formatting button is present on the ________ toolbar
a. Standard
b. Formatting
c. Picture
d. None of the above
Q87. Shortcut of clear direct formatting is ________
a. Ctrl + N
b. Ctrl + F
c. Ctrl + M
d. Ctrl + D
Q88. Keyboard shortcuts for making text bold is _______
a. Ctrl + V
b. Ctrl + B
c. Ctrl + D
d. Ctrl + C
Q89. Change Case options available in LibreOffice Writer are ______
a. Upper Case
b. Lower Case
c. Sentence Case
d. All of the above
Q90. Which of the following feature help us to write chemical formula?
a. Superscript
b. Subscript
c. Script
d. None of the above
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Q91. Superscript option available in _______ menu.
a. View
b. Format
c. Edit
d. File
Q92. Left, Right, Center and Justify text alignment icon is present on _________ toolbar.
a. Standard
b. Picture
c. Formatting
d. None of the above
Q93. Shortcut of left alignment is _______
a. Ctrl + L
b. Ctrl + R
c. Ctrl + A
d. Ctrl + T
Q94. Shortcut of center alignment is ___________________
a. Ctrl + C
b. Ctrl + Alt + C
c. Ctrl + E
d. Ctrl + L
Q95. Shortcut of Justified alignment is _____________
a. Ctrl + J
b. Ctrl + L
c. Ctrl + R
d. Ctrl + E
Digital Documentation Class 9 MCQ with Answers
Q96. A list inside another list is called _____________
a. Inside List
b. Outside List
c. Nested List
d. None of the above
Q97. To break the current page select ________
a. File → Page Break
b. Edit → Page Break
c. Insert → Page Break
d. View → Page Break
Q98. Keyboard shortcut to break the current page is _______
a. Ctrl + Return
b. Alt + Return
c. Shift + Return
d. Spacebar + Return
Q99. In Writer, by using Insert → Manual Break, options showing are:
a. Line break
b. Column break
c. Page break
d. All of the above
Q100. Headers appear at the _______ of every page.
a. Bottom
b. Left
c. Right
d. Top
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Q101. To insert footer in the document, _____
a. Select Insert →Header and Footer → Footer
b. Select File →Header and Footer → Footer
c. Select Format →Header and Footer → Footer
d. Select Edit →Header and Footer → Footer
Q102. To insert an image in your document, select ________________
a. File → Image
b. Edit → Image
c. Insert → Image
d. Format → Image
Q103. Lines, Arrows, Symbols, Stars, Callouts, Flowcharts can be inserted by ________________
a. Insert –> image
b. Insert –> shape
c. Insert –> special symbol
d. None of the above
Q104. To divide the page into columns, select ___________.
a. Insert → Column
b. Format → Column
c. View → Column
d. Edit → Column
Q105. We can not change the size, colour of an inserted image or shape. (T/F)
a. True
b. False
Digital Documentation Class 9 MCQ with Answers
Q106. We can create table by clicking the Table icon on _________
a. Standard Toolbar
b. Format Toolbar
c. Edit Toolbar
d. None of the above
Q107. Shortcut to insert table in LibreOffice Writer is ________
a. Ctrl+F1
b. Ctrl+F2
c. Ctrl+F11
d. Ctrl+F12
Q108. Which of the following key combination open Table menu?
a. Alt + T
b. Ctrl + T
c. Alt + A
d. Ctrl + A
Q109. Tables can only be split horizontally.(T/F)
a. True
b. False
Q110. Anita wants to divide a table into two. Which of the following option will help her?
a. Table → Split Table
b. Table → Merge Table
c. Format → Table → Merge Table
d. Format →Table → Split Table
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Q111. Which of the following operation will create duplication of table?
a. Deleting a table
b. Copying a table
c. Moving a table
d. None of the above
Q112. _______ feature is useful to check the document before printing.
a. Print
b. Print Pre
c. Print Preview
d. Preview Print
Q113. Shortcut to print document is _____________
a. Ctrl + P
b. Ctrl + T
c. Alt + P
d. Alt + T
Q114. Print option is available in _____________ menu.
a. Edit
b. Format
c. File
d. View
Q115. Which of the following printing option available in Print dialog box?
a. All pages
b. Pages
c. Selection
d. All of the above
Digital Documentation Class 9 MCQ with Answers
Q116. Which of the following range in print dialog box will print pages from 1 to 4 (including both)?
a. 1-4
b. 1,2,3,4
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q117. Which of the following option in print dialog box will print selected text?
a. All pages
b. Pages
c. Selected Text
d. Selection
Q118. Which options we can choose from print dialog box?
a. Printer
b. Properties
c. Range and Copies
d. All of the above
Q119. Mail Merge is a very important feature of __________________
a. Word Processor
b. Excel
c. Internet Explorer
d. Power Point
Q120. Mail merge is the process of merging the main document with ________________________
a. Source of data
b. Data Source
c. Data Out Source
d. None of the above
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Q121. Mail Merge involves merging of _____________
a. two documents
b. two mails
c. both of the above
d. None of the above
Q122. Which of the following feature of Writer help us to create a letter for multiple people with personalized touch?
a. Mail Merge
b. Merge Mail
c. Merge Letter
d. None of the above
Q123. Anil purchased a new Shop and wants to invite his friends and relatives (approximately number 100) on inauguration ceremony. Which feature of Writer help him to create personalized invitation letter for every one?
a. Documentation
b. Mail Merge
c. Style
d. Template
Q124. Document (in mail merge) which contain the common data is called ______________________
a. Data Source
b. Common Document
c. Main Document
d. None of the above
Q125. List that contain name, addresses etc which is used in mail merge is called _____________________
a. Data Source
b. Common Document
c. Main Document
d. None of the above
Digital Documentation Class 9 MCQ with Answers
Q126. Advantages of Mail Merge is ___________________
a. Time Consuming
b. Write letter multiple times
c. Difficult to implement
d. None of the above
Q127. Mail merge wizard option is available in _________ menu.
a. File
b. Tool
c. View
d. Format
Q128. There are _______________ steps of doing Mail Merge using Mail Merge Wizard.
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
Q129. Data source(List of recipients) saved with ________ extension.
a. .jpg
b. .doc
c. .pdf
d. .csv
Q130. Data Source can be created in _______
a. Spreadsheet
b. MySQL
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
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Digital Documentation Class 9 MCQ with Answers

4th question is wrong
Its right
No its right ‘Electronic typewriter was replaced by Manual typewriter’ is false
So many important questions