Term 1 – IP Sample Paper Class 12 2021

Term 1 – IP Sample Paper Class 12 2021
1. IP Sample Paper Class 12 2021 with Solutions – Paper 1
2. IP Sample Paper Class 12 2021 with Solutions – Paper 2
3. IP Sample Paper Class 12 2021 with Solutions – Paper 3
Term 1 – IP Sample Paper Class 12 2021

IP Sample Paper Class 12 2021 with Solutions Syllabus of IP - TERM 1 Unit 1: Data Handling using Pandas and Data Visualization Data Handling using Pandas -I ● Introduction to Python libraries- Pandas, Matplotlib. ● Data structures in Pandas - Series and data frames.Series: Creation of series from dictionary, scalar value; mathematical operations; series attributes, head and tail functions; selection, indexing and slicing. ● Data Frames: creation of data frames from dictionary of series, list of dictionaries, text/CSV files, display, iteration. Operations on rows and columns: add ( insert /append) , select, delete (drop column and row), rename, Head and Tail functions, indexing using labels, Boolean indexing. Data Visualization ● Data Visualization : Purpose of plotting, drawing and saving of plots using Matplotlib (line plot, bar graph, histogram). Customizing plots:; adding label, title, and legend in plots. Unit 4: Societal Impacts ● Digital footprint, net and communication etiquettes, ● Data protection, intellectual property rights (IPR), plagiarism, licensing and copyright, ● Free and open source software (FOSS), ● Cybercrime and cyber laws, hacking, phishing, cyber bullying, overview of Indian IT Act. ● E-waste: hazards and management. Awareness about health concerns related to the usage IP Sample Paper Class 12 2021 with Solutions

Time: 90 min MM : 35
General Instructions:
- The paper is divided into 3 Sections- A, B and C.
- Section A, consists of Question 1 to 25 and student need to attempt 20 questions.
- Section B, consists of Question number 26 to 49 and student need to attempt 20 questions.
- Section C, consists of Question number 50 to 55 and student need to attempt 5 questions.
Section – A
Section A consists of 25 questions, attempt any 20 questions
Q1. ___________ library is used for Data Analysis in Python.
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Numpy
- All of the above
Q2. An empty Series object have ____________ as a default data type.
- float16
- float48
- float32
- float64
Q3. Which of the following function help to create an empty series?
- DataFrame( )
- Series( )
- series( )
- Series(n)
Q4. A series in python can be created from ___________
- List
- Dictionary
- Scalar Value
- All of the aobove
Q5. Anil is trying to create a series from the given list L = [1, 2, 3]. He has written the following code. As a friend of Anil help him to complete the code.
import pandas as pd
S1 = _______ .Series(L)
- Pandas
- Pd
- pd
- List

Q6. In Series, if data is a scalar value, then the __________ argument to Series( ) function must be provided.
- indexes
- index
- Index
- None of the above
Q7. Write the output of the following:
import pandas as pd
S = pd.Series(“HE”, index=range(1,3))
- HE
- H
- E
- None of the above
Q8. Which of the following function help us to create the chart?
- plot( )
- show( )
- Plot( )
- Create( )
Q9. DataFrame can be created from:
- Series
- List of Dictionaries
- Numpy Arrays
- All of the above
Q10. Which of the following is correct statement for giving label of X –axis? #plt is an alias name
- plt.xlabel(“Currency”)
- plt.XLabel(“Currency”)
- plt.xlabel(Currency)
- Plt.xlabel(“Currency”)
Term 1 – IP Sample Paper Class 12 2021
Q11. Sending an email, posting a comment on website are examples of _________________
- Passive digital footprint
- Active digital footprint
- Inactive digital footprint
- None of the above
Q12. Anil is using some copyrighted material without the permission of content owner. This act of Anil is _____________
- Trademark Infringement
- Patent Infringement
- Copyright Infringement
- Identity Theft
Q13. _____________ is a kind of cyber-crime where the attacker blackmails the victim to pay for getting access to the data.
- Identity Theft
- Phishing
- Ransomware
- Spam
Q14. Which library (other than pandas) Shubham has to import, if he is creating series from NumPy Arrays?
- NumPy
- numpy
- NumPyArrays
- Numpy
Q15. Which of the following is proprietary software?
- Adobe Acrobat reader
- Libre Office
- Linux
- Mozilla Firefox
Term 1 – IP Sample Paper Class 12 2021
Q16. FSF stands for ____________
- Free System Foundation
- Free Software Foundation
- Free and Secure Foundation
- Free and Software Foundation
Q17. Pandas store tabular data like the result of a class, reservation chart of a train using a ________________
- Series
- DataFrame
- Table
- Dictionary
Q18. Code of the software will be protected by _________________
- Patent
- Trademark
- Copyright
- None of the above
Q19. Read the statement given below. Identify the right option from the following
Statement 1: >>> DF[‘Ram’]=[25, 32, 28, 49] This code will add a new column in a dataframe “DF” (if the column label does not exist)
Statement 2: >>> DF.loc[‘Ram’]=[25, 32, 28, 49] This code will update the values of already existing column
- Both the statements are True
- Statement 1 is True and Statement 2 is False.
- Both the statements are False
- Statement 1 is False and Statement 2 is True.
Q20. Violation of intellectual property right may happen in the following ways. Select the odd one out.
- Plagiarism
- Trademark Infringement
- Copyright Infringement
- Copyright
Term 1 – IP Sample Paper Class 12 2021
Q21. Digital footprint is created _______________________________
- When a person is doing some offline money transaction.
- When a person copy content from one document to another document.
- When a person start virus scan.
- When a person is surfing the web.
Q22.To delete a row, the parameter axis of drop( ) function is assigned the value __________
- 1
- index
- 0
- columns
Q23. Which of the following statement appends rows of the second DataFrame (DF2) at the end of the first DataFrame (DF1)?
- >>> DF1 = DF1.append(DF2)
- >>> DF1 = DF2.append(DF1)
- >>> DF1 = append(DF1, DF2)
- >>> DF1 + DF2
Q24. Which of the following are parameter of read_csv( ) function?
- Sep
- Header
- Both of the above
- None of the above
Q25. Aman wants to check whether a dataframe “DF” is empty or not. He writes the following statements. Help him to find the correct statement.
- >>>DF.Empty
- >>>DF.empty
- >>>DF.empty( )
- >>>DF.Empty( )
Term 1 – IP Sample Paper Class 12 2021
Section – B
Section B consists of 24 Questions (26 to 49). Attempt any 20 questions
Q26. Write the output of the following:
import pandas as pd
S1 = pd.Series(1, index = range(1,7,2))
- 1
- [1]
- (1)
- Error
Q27. Consider the following series “S1” and select the statement which returns “False”
A 1
B 5
C 9
dtype: int64
- S1.empty
- S1.isempty
- S1.empty( )
- S1.isempty( )
Q28. Consider the given dataframe ‘DF’ and write the output of the following code:
Days Class
0 Mon 5
1 Tue 3
2 Wed 6
3 Thur 8
4 Fri 2
5 Sat 7
print(DF.loc[[True, False, True, False, False, False]])
Days Class
0 Mon 5
2 Wed 6
Days Class
0 Mon 5
1 Tue 3
Days Class
1 Tue 3
2 Wed 6
d) Error
Term 1 – IP Sample Paper Class 12 2021
Q29. ___________is the most widely used free software license which grants the recipients, rights to copy, modify and redistribute the software.
- CC
- GC
Q30. Which of the following are attributes of plot( ) function?
- marker
- markersize
- linewidth
- All of the above
Q31. Read the statement given below and identify the right options
Statement 1 : We can substitute the ticks at x axis with a list of values of our choice by using plt.xticks(ticks,label)
Statement 2 : In plt.xticks(ticks,label) label is a list of items to place at the given ticks.
- Both the statements are True
- Statement 1 is True and Statement 2 is False
- Both the statements are False
- Statement 2 is True and Statement 1 is False
Q32. To make a histogram, the data is sorted into _____________
- Points
- Height
- Size
- bins
Term 1 – IP Sample Paper Class 12 2021
Q33. Which of the following is not a cyber-crime?
- Phishing
- Ransom ware Attack
- Tracing
- Hacking
Q34. The most common phishing method is through _____________ where a fake or forged email address is used and the user presumes it to be from an authentic source.
- Email spoofing
- Web Spoofing
- Text Message Spoofing
- GPS spoofing
Q35. Write the output of the following:
import pandas as pd
S1 = pd.Series((1,5,9), index = (“A”,”B”,”C”))
print(S1[: : -2])
C 9
A 1
dtype: int64
C 9
B 5
dtype: int64
C 9
dtype: int64
A 1
dtype: int64
Term 1 – IP Sample Paper Class 12 2021
Q36. After a fight with your friend, you did the following activities. Which of these activities is not an example of cyber bullying?
- You sent an email to your friend with a message saying that “I am sorry”.
- You sent a threatening message to your friend saying “Do not try to call or talk to me”.
- You created an embarrassing picture of your friend and uploaded on your account on a social networking site
- None of the above
Q37. Fill in the blank in the output of the given code:
import pandas as pd
DF = pd.DataFrame({‘Days’:[“Mon”,”Tue”,”Wed”],’Class’:[5,3,6]})
0 Mon
1 Tue
2 Wed
Name: __________, dtype: object
- Class
- Days
- None
- NaN
Q38. Ananya, Rohit, Suman and Simran are debating on E-waste management. Their statements are given below:
Ananya: Feasible methods of e-waste management are reduce, reuse and recycle
Rohit: Recycling is the process of re-using the electronic or electric waste after slight modification.
Suman: E-waste is causing soil and sound pollution.
Simran: Good maintenance of electronics devices also increases the life of the devices
Identify those who are giving correct statements:
- Both Ananya and Rohit are correct
- Both Suman and Simran are correct
- Both Ananya and Simran are correct
- Suman and Simran are correct
Q39. Which of the following function is used to delete a column in Dataframe?
- delete( )
- del( )
- drop( )
- Drop( )
Term 1 – IP Sample Paper Class 12 2021
Q40. Write the output of the following code:
import pandas as pd
S1 = pd.Series((1,5,9), index = (“A”,”B”,”C”))
a = S1[2]>10
- Boolean
- <class ‘numpy.bool_’>
- <class ‘bool_’>
- <class ‘pandas.bool_’>
Q41. As a responsible netizen, we should follow __________ etiquettes.
- Net
- Communication
- Social Media
- All of the above
Q42. Rani wants to display the first and second row from the dataframe “DF”. Help her to choose the right syntax:
- DF.loc[[0:1]]
- DF[[0,1]]
- DF.loc[[0,1]]
- DF[[0:1]]
Q43. Suhani wants the output of the following code is “45”. Help her to complete the code
import pandas as pd
L={“A”:65, “B”:45,”C”:23}
S = pd.Series(L)
- B
- “B”
- 1
- 2
Q44. Sam created a DataFrame from the following code.
import pandas as pd
Nm = [“Ashu”, “Riya”, “Gautam”, “Myra”]
Sc = [23, 24, 25, 12]
M = [30, 28, 23, 26]
S = pd.DataFrame({“Name” : Nm, “Science” : Sc, “Math” : M})
After creating a dataframe, by mistake he executed the following command. Choose whose name will be deleted from the dataframe.
- Ashu
- Riya
- Gautam
- Myra
Term 1 – IP Sample Paper Class 12 2021
Q45. Which of the following is popular category of public licenses?
- CC
- Both of the above
- None of the above
Q46. Write the output of the following code:
import pandas as pd
Sc = [23, 24, 25, 12]
S = pd.DataFrame({“Name”:Nm, “Science”:Sc,”Math”:M})
- 11
- 10
- 12
- 8
Q47. Consider the following DataFrame “S”
Name Science Math
0 Ashu 23 30
1 Riya 24 28
2 Gautam 25 23
3 Myra 12 26
Which of the following statement will display marks of “Gautam” of only “Science” subject?
- print(S.loc[1:2, [“Sc”]])
- print(S.loc[2:2, [“Science”]])
- print(S.loc[1:2, [“Science”]])
- print(S.loc[0:2, [“Science”]])
Q48. Consider the following series “S2”.
0 30
1 28
2 23
3 26
dtype: int64
Which statement will return the following output?
0 35
1 33
2 28
3 31
dtype: int64
- print(S1 +[ 5])
- print(S1 + 5)
- Both of the above
- None of the above
Q49. Read the statement given below. Identify the right option from the following.
Statement 1: We can add a new row to a DataFrame using the DataFrame.loc[ ] method.
Statement 2: DataFrame can be created from List of Dictionaries.
- Both the statements are False
- Statement1 is True and Statement2 is False
- Statement1 is False and Statement2 is True
- Both the statements are True
Term 1 – IP Sample Paper Class 12 2021
Section – C
Section C consists of 6 Questions (50 to 55). Attempt any 5 questions
Case Study
Arun is a student of class 12. His teacher has given him data of heights and weights
in the following two lists.
ht = [120, 125, 80, 110, 110]
wt= [20, 22, 23, 25, 21]
His teacher asked him to write the code to plot a line chart according to the following criteria:
- x axis will represent weight
- y axis will represent height
- x axis label should be “Weight in kg”
- y axis label should be “Height in cm”
- colour of the line should be green
- use * as marker
- Marker size as 10
- The title of the chart should be “Average weight with respect to average height”.
Arun has written the incomplete code. Help him to complete the code.
import matplotlib._____________ as plt #Statement1
import pandas as pd
ht = [120, 125, 80, 110, 110]
wt= [20, 22, 23, 25, 21]
df=pd.DataFrame({“height” : ht, “weight” : __________}) #Statement2
plt.______________(‘Weight in kg’) #Statement3
plt.ylabel(‘Height in cm’)
plt._______________(‘Average weight with respect to average height’) #Statement4
plt.________________(df.wt, df.ht, marker=’*’, markersize=10, color=’green ‘) #Statement5
plt._________________ #Statement6
Q50. Identify the correct command for statement1.
- plt
- pyplot()
- pyplot
- plot
Term 1 – IP Sample Paper Class 12 2021
Q51. Identify the correct command for statement2.
- Wt
- wt
- weight
- ht
Q52. Identify the correct command for statement3.
- label
- labelx
- xlabel
- Xlabel
Q53. Identify the correct command for statement4.
- Top
- Title( )
- title
- top
Q54. Identify the correct command for statement5.
- plot
- draw
- create
- new
Q55. Identify the correct command for statement6.
- show( )
- display( )
- show
- display
IP Sample Paper Class 12 2021 with Solutions
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IP Sample Paper Class 12 2021 with Solutions
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