Information Technology Code 402 Class 10 Solutions

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Information Technology Code 402 Class 10 Solutions

Information Technology Code 402 Class 10 Solutions of Unit 4 : Web Applications and Security
Fill in the blanks
1. The option in Microsoft Windows XP used for helping users with physical disabilities and to reduce repetitive strain is Sticky Keys.
2. Sound Sentry is designed to help users with auditory impairments.
3. The High Contrast option in Microsoft Windows XP is designed to assist people with Vision impairments.
4. Serial Keys is designed to assist people that have difficulty using a keyboard or a mouse.
5. The acronym for LAN is Local Area Network.
Information Technology Code 402 Class 10 Solutions
6. Three types of Wired Internet Connectivity are Dial up , DSL & Cable Internet Access.
7. Instant Messaging is a form of communication over the Internet that offers an instantaneous transmission of text-based messages from sender to receiver.
8. Microphone , Headsets & Speakers & Web Camera are required for audio and video conferencing.
9. An organization can face some Health Hazards that could put the lives of the employees in danger.
10. Hazards can be of different types depending on the Industry and the Environment in which the employees work.
11. Organization must have a designated assembly point for emergencies
Information Technology Code 402 Class 10 Solutions

Information Technology Code 402 Class 10 Solutions
Questions and Answers
Q1. Define networking?
Ans. A computer network is a collection of computers that allow sharing of resources and information.
Q2. Give any three advantages of networking.
Ans. Three advantages of networking are :
1. Data Sharing:
2. Files Transfer
3. Hardware Sharing
4. Internet Access Sharing
Q3. Explain the term packet with reference to data transfer.
Ans. Data transfer over the network is divided into small segments called packet. Each packet is sent from one computer to another computer until it finds its destination.
Q4. Explain Wifi and its significance.
Ans. Wi-Fi stands for wireless fidelity. Wi-Fi is a popular technology that allows an electronic device such as computers or mobile phones to exchange data wirelessly over a network.
Wi-Fi is used where cables cannot be run (such as old buildings, outdoor areas) to provide network and Internet access
Q5. Compare LAN with WAN.
It Stands for Local Area Network | It Stands for Wide Area Network |
It covers a small geographical area. | It spreads across countries. |

Information Technology Code 402 Class 10 Solutions
Q6. Expand the Following terms :
a. DSL : Digital Subscriber Line
b. ISP : Internet Service Provider
c. Modem : Modulator and Demodulator
d. WWW : World Wide Web
e. LAN : Local Area Network
f. MAN : Metropolitan Area Network
g. WAN : Wide Area Network
h. P2P : Peer to Peer
Q7. Explain P2P Architecture and how it is different from Client Server Architecture?
Ans. Networks in which all computers have an equal status are called peer to peer networks. Generally in such a network each terminal has an equally competent CPU.
Networks in which certain computers have special dedicated tasks, providing services to other computers (in the network) are called client server networks. The computer(s) which provide services are called servers and the ones that use these services are called clients.
Q8. List any five application based instant messaging software.
Ans. Five application based instant messaging software are :
- Google Talk
- Yahoo! Messenger
- Skype
- Windows Live Messenger
- Rediff Bol
Q9. What do you mean by instant messages?
Ans. Instant messaging (IM) is a form of communication over the Internet that offers an instantaneous transmission of text-based messages from sender to receiver.
Q10. Give any three key features of Instant Messaging.
Ans. Three key features of Instant Messaging are :
- Text Messages can be sent to one or more person
- Audio calling and conferencing.
- Video calling and conferencing.

Information Technology Code 402 Class 10 Solutions
Q11. State any 03 rules and etiquettes to be followed while chatting on the Internet.
Ans. Three rules and etiquettes to be followed while chatting on the Internet are :
- Messages should be short and to the point.
- Always introduce yourself by name if your screen name doesn’t reflect it.
- Always ask if the other person has time to chat first.
Q12. What are the basic needs to use instant messaging (chat) software.
Ans. The basic needs to use instant messaging (chat) software are :
- A valid instant messaging account.
- An active internet Connection.
- A computer and a browser
Q13. What is a blog? Explain its use.
Ans. A blog is a discussion style site used by non-technical (or technical users) users for creating personal web pages. Blogs are similar to an online personal diary and simple to use.
We can use a blog to convey messages about events, announcements, news, reviews, etc.
Q14. List any 5 websites that provide blog service.
Ans. Five websites that provide blog service are :
Q15. Difference between web page and website.
Ans. A single HTML document is called a web page. A collection of web pages is called web site.
Information Technology Code 402 Class 10 Solutions
Q16. What do you mean by publishing a post?
Ans. Publishing a post means to make the post public. Once we finished typing the content, we need to publish the post for others to see. To view the post, you can type the blog address in the address bar of the web browser.
Q17. Explain the purpose of an offline blog editor.
Ans. When ever we do not have an active internet connection, we can create blogs using a blog application and publish the blog whenever internet connectivity is available.
Q18. List any five offline blog editors.
Ans. Five Offline blog editors are :
- Qumana
- Windows Live Writer
- Blogdesk
- MarsEdit
- BlogJet
Q19. Explain the purpose of Online transactions.
Ans. Online transactions have made transactions very convenient and simplified the workflow in many forms in a business. Online transactions deals with transfer of money over the internet.
Q20. List any five websites that allow online transactions.
Ans. Five websites that allow online transactions are :
- Flipkart
- EBay
- RedBus
- Amazon
Information Technology Code 402 Class 10 Solutions
Q21. List any three payment tools to use online transactions.
Ans. Three payment tools to use online transactions are :
- Credit card
- Debit Card
- Net Banking
- Paytm
- PhonePe
Q22. Give any two benefits of online transactions.
Ans. Two benefits of online transactions are :
- Money can be transferred immediately.
- It helps to reduce black marketing to some extent.
Q23. Explain the purpose of Internet Security.
Ans. Internet security is a branch of computer security specifically related to the Internet. Its objective is to establish rules and measures to use against attacks over the Internet.
Q24. Explain different kinds of online threats.
Ans. Different online threats are :
1 Phishing
2. Email spoofing
3. Chat spoofing
Q25. Explain the need to clear data stored in browsers.
Ans. Browsers often prompt to save usernames and passwords when users attempt to logon to websites. Browsers can also store data such as cookies, visited websites or webpages data, browsing history, etc. However it is not advisable to leave the web browser store this data particularly on public or shared computers. So it is advisable to clear data stored in browsers particularly on public or shared computers.
Information Technology Code 402 Class 10 Solutions
Q26. Explain any five tips to manage strong passwords.
Ans. Following are general guidelines for managing strong passwords :
- Keep the length of the password at least 12-14 characters if permitted.
- Avoid keeping passwords based on repetition, dictionary words, letter or number sequences, usernames, relative or pet names, etc.
- Including numbers, and symbols in passwords if allowed.
- Use capital and lower-case letters.
- Avoid using the same password for multiple sites or purposes.
Q27. Explain any four best practices to secure data.
Ans. Four best practices to secure data are :
- Keeping your username and password private.
- Use updated antivirus and antispyware software.
- Clear browser cookies frequently.
- Do not click on link shared by unknown users.
- Never install software from unknown sources.
- Install firewalls
Q28. Explain use of Antivirus and Anti Spyware.
Ans. Antivirus and Antispyware programs offer real-time protection monitoring your computer for any changes by malware software. Keep your Antivirus and Antispyware software always up to date, this can help in protecting your computer from any threats.
Q29. Enlist any three basic safety rules to follow at workplace.
Ans. Basic safety rules to follow at workplace –
1. Fire safety
2. Falls and slips
3. Electrical safety.
Q30. Give any two basic safety rules for ensuring Falls and Slips safety.
Ans. Two basic safety rules for ensuring Falls and Slips safety are as follows :
a. Keep the moving area clean and clutter free.
b. Workplace must be proper ventilated receive light.
c. Wear non slippery footwear.
d. Floors must be clean and dry.
Information Technology Code 402 Class 10 Solutions
Q31. Give any two electrical safety rules in any organization.
Ans. Two electrical safety rules in any organization are as follows :
1. Electrical equipment used should be approved by a recognized organization.
2. Workers should be trained to handle the electric equipment safely.
Q32. Explain any two first aid rules.
Ans. Two first aid rules are :
1. Assure the injured to remain calm and not to panic.
2. Keep them warm if they are under shock.
Q33. What do you mean by occupational hazards?
Ans. An occupational hazard is the illness one may acquire due to his occupation. for example people working in a chemical factory may get affected due to presence of certain chemicals.
Q34. List any three types of occupational hazards.
Ans. Three types of occupational hazards are as follows :
1. Physical hazards
2. Chemical hazards
3. Biological hazards
Q35. Explain the terms accident and emergency.
Ans. Accident can be defined as an unfortunate incident that occurs unintentionally causing hazardous result or injury or unwanted results.
Any unexpected situation that needs immediate attention and action is called emergency.
Information Technology Code 402 Class 10 Solutions
Q36. Enlist any four types of accidents.
Ans. Accidents may be of following types :
1. Accidents at workplace : Slips and fall accidents
2. Industrial disease/illness
3. Road traffic accidents
4. Clinical Accidents
5. Sports related accidents
Q37. Give any three situations of emergency that require evacuation.
Ans. Some of the types of emergencies that require evacuation are:
- Fire
- Explosion
- Floods
- Earthquake
- Hurricane
- Tornado
- Toxic material release
- Civil disturbance
- Workplace violence
Q38. Give any two ways to handle accidents.
Ans. Accidents must be handled carefully. Two ways to handle accidents are : (Write any two)
1. Every organization must follow SOP for accident handling.
2. Safety measures must be placed to prevent workplace accidents.
3. Immediately call the medical team for any injury.
4. Stay Alert
Q39. List any three types of hazards.
Ans. Different types of hazards are as follows : (Write any three)
Q40. Give a checklist for workstations to minimize the hazards.
Ans. Checklist for Workstations : The workstation should:
1. Provide sufficient space for the user to alter position comfortably.
2. Provide adequate lighting.
3. Have windows fitted with adjustable coverings to alter the sunlight level.
4. Be spacious enough when a workstation is shared by more than one person.
Information Technology Code 402 Class 10 Solutions
Q41. Explain the term ‘Evacuation Policy’.
Ans. Evacuation Policy means a plan to evacuate a place in case of any emergency or disaster. Evacuation is the process of emptying a place in case of an emergency, disaster. Every organization must have an evacuation policy.
Q42. Explain Buddy System to implement evacuation efficiently in case of emergency.
Ans. This system ensures that differently-abled are assisted and guided out of the premises or the impacted area properly. If you are a buddy to someone, ensure that your buddy is safe at the assembly point with you in case of any emergency.
Q43. Explain the terms Floor Plans and Assembly /areas.
Ans. Floor Plans means to show evacuation routes in work area. It is the responsibility of all employees or workers to understand these plans so that they can use in case of any emergency.
Assembly areas : A space where all employees or workers are required to assemble after evacuation.
Q44. Describe the importance of periodic evacuation drills.
Ans. Evacuation drills are very important for all employees or workers so that they know which path they have to follow to evacuate their floor/room/office in case of any emergency.
Q45. Explain importance of a healthy lifestyle.
Ans. Healthy Lifestyle leads to a healthy being. A healthy living has a lasting impact on an individual at home as well as at work place. A happy and healthy worker will always perform best to his ability.
Information Technology Code 402 Class 10 Solutions
Q46. Give any four points of a healthy lifestyle.
Ans. Healthy lifestyle includes : (Write any four)
1 Healthy eating habits
2. Physical activities
3. Stress management
4. Healthy mind
5. Sound sleep
6. Goal setting
Information Technology Code 402 Class 10 Solutions
Important Links
Click for IT 402 Practical File Questions and to download sample Practical File
Click for IT 402 Class 10 Book Solutions | Unit 3 RDBMS(Basic)
Click for IT 402 Class 10 Book Solutions | Unit 2 Spreadsheet (Advanced)
Click for IT 402 Class 10 Book Solutions | Unit 1 Digital Documentation
Click for IT 402 Class X (E-Book)
Click for IT 402 Sample Paper 2020-21
Click for IT 402 Sample Paper 2020-21 (Marking Scheme)
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