150 MCQ ICT Skills Class 9

Q1. ICT stands for _____________
a. Information and Communication Technology.
b. Information and Communication Telephonic.
c. Information and Communication Telecast
d. Internal Communication and Technology
Q2. ICT includes ______
a. Computer
b. Internet
c. broadcasting technologies (radio and television)
d. All of the above
Q3. In analog technology, information is translated into ________.
a. bits (0 and 1)
b. Electric Pulses
c. Mechanical Pulses
d. digits (0 to 9)
Q4. In digital technology, information is translated into ________.
a. bits (0 and 1)
b. Electric Pulses
c. Mechanical Pulses
d. digits (0 to 9)
Q5. People use technology every day at _________
a. Home
b. Workplace
c. Hospital
d. All of the above
Q6. Which of the following is not an ICT tool?
a. Computer
b. Mobile
c. Internet
d. Hacking
Q7. Which of the following is an ICT tool?
a. Computer
b. Smartphone
c. Tablet
d. All of the above
Q8. ICT skills help us to ______
a. Communicate with others
b. boost our business
c. stay connected with friends
d. All of the above
Q9. Which of the following way is used to store/record information?
a. It can be hand written on paper.
b. It can be typed using typewriter
c. It can be typed using computer
d. All of the above
Q10. Which of the following is not an ICT device?
a. Tablet
b. Smartphone
c. E-mail
d. Laptop
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ICT Skills Class 9 MCQ
Q11. ICT is used in workplace for ______
a. making documents
b. doing calculation
c. making tables
d. All of the above
Q12. ICT is used at home to _____
a. stay connected with family and friends through social media networks, such as Facebook, Instagram etc.
b. talk with friends or family
c. play games
d. All of the above
Q13. Which of the following is not the basic ICT skills?
a. knowing how to operate computers.
b. knowing how to browse the Internet
c. knowing how to write program in python
d. knowing how to send or receive email
Q14. Which of the following task can be done through Simple mobile phone.
a. make phone calls and receive calls only
b. Sending email
c. Airline ticket reservation
d. use social media like Facebook, Instagram etc
Q15. Which of the following is operating systems for smartphones?
a. Android
b. Apple iOS
c. Windows
d. All of the above
Q16. Radio is used to broadcast _______________
a. audio
b. video
c. image
d. All of the above
Q17. Which of the following is used to watch movies , live matches etc?
a. Radio
b. TV
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q18. Radio is used to _______________
a. hear news
b. hear songs
c. hear cricket commentary
d. All of the above
Q19. In which of the following, we can use/install play store apps?
a. Radio
b. Simple Mobile
c. Smart Phone
d. None of the above.
Q20. On the screen of a Smartphone or Tablet, we see a lot of small pictures called ________
a. images
b. icons
c. iconic
d. pictures
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ICT Skills Class 9 MCQ
Q21. How a smartphone perform so many functions?
a. It does so, because it has a touch screen
b. It does so, because it has a battery
c. It does so with the help of software applications (Apps)
d. None of the above
Q22. Those apps which are already present on the phone or tablet are called __________
a. basic apps
b. phone apps
c. default apps
d. common apps
Q23. Which of the following are online app store?
a. Google Play Store
b. Apple App Store
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q24. Which of the following are online app store for android?
a. Google Play Store
b. Apple App Store
c. Windows App Store
d. None of the above
Q25. Which of the following are default apps installed on smartphones and simple mobile phones?
a. Phone
b. Clock
c. Calendar
d. All of the above
Q26. GPS stands for _____________
a. Global Performance System
b. Global Positioning System
c. Global Parallel System
d. None of the above
Q27. Ananya wants to go to “ABC” Mall, but she doesn’t know the way. Which of the following apps help her to find the Mall?
a. Play Store
b. Clock
c. Maps
d. Web Browser
Q28. Screen size of phone is _______________ .
a. Bigger than tablet
b. Smaller than tablet
c. equal to tablet
d. None of the above
Q29. Which of the following app help to explore different website?
a. Play Store
b. Messages
c. Web Browser
d. Photos
Q30. Which of the following is not a smartphone operating system?
a. Android
b. Apple iOS
c. Windows
d. Ubuntu
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ICT Skills Class 9 MCQ
Q31. In smartphone _______________ is used to go to the previous screen in an application.
a. Home Button
b. Back Button
c. Power Button
d. Previous Button
Q32. Which button helps to increase or reduce the sound of your mobile?
a. Volume
b. Home
c. Power
d. None of the above
Q33. Which part of mobile help us to listen the voice of others during call?
a. Microphone
b. Earpiece
c. Home button
d. Touch Screen
Q34. In mobile we speak into the _____________ when we talk to someone.
a. Microphone
b. Earpiece
c. Home button
d. Touch Screen
Q35. Which of the following is a short-range wireless technology in smartphone?
a. Wifi
b. Bluetooth
c. Infrared
d. All of the above
Q36. Which of the following is a wireless network technology that helps you connect to the Internet?
a. Wifi
b. Bluetooth
c. Infrared
d. All of the above
Q37. First screen of smartphone is called ____
a. Home Screen
b. Basic Screen
c. App Screen
d. None of the above
Q38. The top part of the screen is called ______
a. Dock
b. Status bar
c. Screen bar
d. Title bar
Q39. Which of the following in mobile shows the icons of network signal, battery life etc.?
a. Dock
b. Status bar
c. Screen bar
d. Title bar
Q40. In Mobile, home screen has _______ main parts.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
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ICT Skills Class 9 MCQ
Q41. ______________ are used to interact with the touchscreen of your mobile device.
a. Gestures
b. Buttons
c. Menu
d. None of the above
Q42. Which of the following are basic gestures used in mobile?
a. Tap
b. Tap and hold
c. Double Tap
d. All of the above
Q43. In which of the following gestures, both thumb and fingers are used?
a. Tap
b. Double Tap
c. Pinch
d. Swipe
Q44. In which of the following gestures, we slide finger to the right, left, up or down of the screen like turning a page?
a. Tap
b. Double Tap
c. Pinch
d. Swipe
Q45. In which of the following gestures, we touch the screen with our finger, once, to click?
a. Tap
b. Double Tap
c. Pinch
d. Swipe
Q46. Which of the following gestures is similar to right-clicking your mouse?
a. Tap
b. Double Tap
c. Tap and Hold
d. Swipe
Q47. Which part of the mobile home screen is visible on all pages?
a. Maps
b. Main icon area
c. Dock
d. Clock
Q48. CPU stands for _________
a. Central Processing Unit
b. Control Processing Unit
c. Central Processing Union
d. Central Process Unit
Q49. Which of the following are main components of computer?
a. Input Unit
b. Output Unit
c. CPU
d. All of the above
Q50. A computer system _______
a. is designed to store and retrieve information.
b. perform arithmetic and logical operations.
c. can do complex calculation very fast.
d. All of the above
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ICT Skills Class 9 MCQ
Q51. Keyboard is the _____ of computer.
a. Input Unit
b. Output Unit
c. Processing Unit
d. None of the above
Q52. Which of the following is Output unit of computer?
a. Keyboard
b. Monitor
c. CPU
d. Hard Disk
Q53. Which of the following is Processing unit of computer?
a. Keyboard
b. Monitor
c. CPU
d. Memory Unit
Q54. Which of the following is brain of computer?
a. RAM
b. Hard disk
c. CPU
d. Memory Unit
Q55. ALU stands for ________
a. Arithmetic and Logic Unit
b. Algebra and Logic Unit
c. Arithmetic and Logistics Unit
d. Arithmetic and Logic Union
Q56. Which of the following component perform mathematical calculations?
a. CU
b. ALU
c. MU
d. None of the above
Q57. Which of the following is used to enter letters, numbers and control functions?
a. Mouse
b. Keyboard
c. Web Camera
d. Scanner
Q58. Which of the following is used to record sound?
a. Mouse
b. Microphone
c. Web Camera
d. Scanner
Q59. Which of the following is used to copy physical documents and stores them in a computer in digital format?
a. Mouse
b. Microphone
c. Web Camera
d. Scanner
Q60. Which of the following gives us the hard copy of the document?
a. Printer
b. Monitor
c. Web Camera
d. Scanner
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ICT Skills Class 9 MCQ
Q61. Which of the following stores data temporarily?
a. RAM
b. ROM
c. Flash Memory
d. Hard Disk
Q62. ROM stands for _______
a. Random Only Memory
b. Read Only Memory
c. Read On Memory
d. Reading Only Memory
Q63. In which of the following, information is lost when computer is switched off?
a. RAM
b. ROM
c. Flash Memory
d. Hard Disk
Q64. Main Circuit board inside computer is called _____
a. Main Board
b. Motherboard
c. Full board
d. MainCircuit
Q65. Which of the following is not the storage device?
a. Hard disk
b. CD
c. DVD
d. CU
Q66. Which of the following has maximum storage capacity?
a. CD
b. DVD
c. Hard Disk
d. USB Flash drive
Q67. “I am the smallest unit of storage in computer”, Identify me
a. Byte
b. MB
c. Bit
d. GB
Q68. ________________________ bits combined together form a byte, which in turn represents a character.
a. 4
b. 6
c. 8
d. 10
Q69. 1MB = __ bits
a. 1024 x 1024
b. 1024
c. 1000
d. 100000
Q70. Which of the following is bigger storage unit in computer?
a. KB
b. MB
c. GB
d. TB
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ICT Skills Class 9 MCQ
Q71. The slots into which we connect the mouse/keyboard/external hard disk wires are called ________________
a. Points
b. Ports
c. Connect Point
d. Connector
Q72. USB stands for ______
a. Universal Serial Base
b. Universal Serial Bus
c. Universal Series Bus
d. Union Serial Bus
Q73. ________ port helps to connects the monitor, or any display unit, to the computer using the cable.
a. VGA
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q74. VGA stands for _________
a. Visual Graphics Array
b. Video Graphics Adaptor
c. Video Graphics Array
d. Visual Graphics Adaptor
Q75. HDMI stands for _______________
a. High Definition Multimedia Interface
b. High Define Multimedia Interface
c. High Definition Multimedia Interaction
d. High Definition Multi Interface
Q76. Which of the following port help to connects devices, such as a mouse or a keyboard or a printer to a computer using the cable?
a. VGA
c. USB
d. Audio
Q77. Which of the following port help to connect microphone, speakers, and headphones to a computer system?
a. VGA
c. USB
d. Audio
Q78. Which of the following port is used for connecting the system to high speed Internet cable?
a. VGA
c. USB
d. Ethernet
Q79. There is a talent contest in your town. For participating in the audition, you have to send a recording of a song. What would you connect to your computer to record your song?
a. Keyboard
b. Microphone
c. Scanner
d. Mouse
Q80. Aman wants to connect Projector with his laptop. Which of the following port is used to make connection?
a. VGA
b. Ethernet
c. USB
d. Audio
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ICT Skills Class 9 MCQ
Q81. Parts of computer that we can see and touch is called _______
a. Hardware
b. Software
c. Freeware
d. Physical ware
Q82. Which of the following is not a hardware?
a. Keyboard
b. Mouse
c. MS Paint
d. Printer
Q83. The most important software in any computer is the ________
a. Operating System
b. MS Word
c. MS Excel
d. MS PowerPoint
Q84. Which of the following is not an Operating System?
a. Ubuntu
b. Android
c. Mac OS
d. None of the above
Q85. BIOS stands for _______
a. Basic Input/output System
b. Basic Input/output Software
c. Base Input/output System
d. None of the above
Q86. When we switch on the computer, it automatically starts a basic program called _______
c. VGA
d. ALU
Q87. ______ function key is used to open help.
a. F4
b. F3
c. F2
d. F1
Q88. Which of the following is not the Control Keys?
Q89. Which of the following key is used to move the cursor to the beginning of a new line?
a. Tab
b. Shift
c. Enter
d. Ctrl
Q90. _______ key move the cursor to the left end of a line of text.
a. End
b. Enter
c. Home
d. Page Up
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ICT Skills Class 9 MCQ
Q91. __________ key is Navigation Key?
a. Arrow
b. Home
c. Page Up
d. All of the above
Q92. _____ key helps to overwrite characters to the right of the cursor.
a. Delete
b. Backspace
c. Insert
d. Home
Q93. _________ key remove the character to the left of the cursor.
a. Delete
b. Backspace
c. End
d. Arrow
Q94. ________ key remove the character to the right of the cursor.
a. Delete
b. Backspace
c. End
d. Arrow
Q95. Pressing _________ key opens the Start menu.
a. Alt + S
b. Ctrl + N
c. Ctrl + S
d. Windows
150 MCQ ICT Skills Class 9
Q96. Double Click means to quickly click the __________ mouse button twice
a. Right
b. Left
c. Scroll
d. None of the above
Q97. What is the term used when you press and hold the left mouse key and move the mouse around?
a. Highlighting
b. Dragging
c. Selecting
d. Moving
Q98. All information stored in a computer is kept in ___
a. files
b. folder
c. directory
d. root
Q99. The file name and file name extension are separated by a ______
a. period
b. comma
c. colon
d. semi colon
Q100. Which of the following is an extension of image file?
a. .txt
b. .doc
c. .jpg
d. .img
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ICT Skills Class 9 MCQ
Q101. Which of the following is an extension of Notepad file?
a. .txt
b. .doc
c. .jpg
d. .img
Q102. Which of the following is an extension of Sound file?
a. .doc
b. .xls
c. .txt
d. .mp3
Q103. A _____ is a location where a group of files can be stored.
a. Folder
b. Filegroup
c. File number
d. None of the above
Q104. Which key should be pressed along with ‘Ctrl’ to undo a task?
a. U
b. A
c. Z
d. Y
Q105. Which key should be pressed along with ‘Ctrl’ to redo a task ?
a. R
b. A
c. Z
d. Y
150 MCQ ICT Skills Class 9
Q106. Which key should be pressed along with ‘Ctrl’ to select all ?
a. R
b. A
c. Z
d. Y
Q107. Which key should be pressed along with ‘Ctrl’ to print ?
a. P
b. A
c. N
d. T
Q108. Which key should be pressed along with ‘Ctrl’ to copy ?
a. Y
b. P
c. C
d. T
Q109. _____________ is a huge network of computers around the world
a. Intranet
b. Internet
c. Internetwork
d. Internal Network
Q110. Which of the following are common uses of Internet?
a. Shopping
b. Search Information
c. Email
d. All of the above
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ICT Skills Class 9 MCQ
Q111. To connect to the Internet, we need:
a. A computer or laptop
b. Modem (internal or external)
c. ISP
d. All of the above
Q112. ISP stands for ________________
a. Internet Service Provider
b. Intranet Service Provider
c. Internet Series Provider
d. Internet Service Plan
Q113. ________ is the amount of data that can be transmitted over a network in a certain amount of time.
a. Bandwidth
b. Band-data
c. Data-width
d. Spectrum
Q114. 1Gbps = __________
a. 1000 Mbps
b. 1000 Kbps
c. 1000 bps
d. None of the above
Q115. _______ is an application or software program which help to access various websites.
a. Notepad
b. Browser
c. Office
150 MCQ ICT Skills Class 9
Q116. Which of the following is not a web browser?
a. Google Chrome
b. Mozilla Firefox
c. Norton
d. Internet Explorer
Q117. To connect to the Internet, the computer has to be connected to the ________________.
a. Internet Society
b. Internet Architecture
c. Internet Service Provider
d. Large Area Network
Q118. What is the Internet?
a. Phone connections
b. Collection of computer networks
c. Network of computers in an office
d. None of the above
Q119. Full form of WWW is ____________
a. World Wide Web
b. World Wide Website
c. World Wide Webpage
d. None of the above
Q120. A document present on a computer that is connected to the Internet is called _______
a. Internet Page
b. Webpage
c. Website
d. Hyperlinked Page
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ICT Skills Class 9 MCQ
Q121. In a webpage, when we bring our mouse pointer over a hyperlink, it turns into a ____ symbol.
a. hand
b. arrow
c. vertical line
d. big arrow
Q122. In browser, address bar is present at the ______ of the window.
a. bottom
b. left
c. top
d. right
Q123. In chrome browser, shortcut to make address bar active is ____
a. Ctrl + D
b. Alt + D
c. Ctrl + A
d. Alt + A
Q124. What is the shortcut to open the new tab in browser?
a. Ctrl + B
b. Ctrl + T
c. Alt + T
d. Shift + T
Q125. In browser, Alt + left arrow key is shortcut _____
a. to go the next page
b. to go to the previous page
c. to refresh the page
d. None of the above
150 MCQ ICT Skills Class 9
Q126. Aman wants to reload the webpage. Help him to find the correct shortcut key to reload the page.
a. F5
b. F3
c. F4
d. F6
Q127. Which of the following is a web browser?
a. Internet
b. Chrome
c. Windows
d. None of the above
Q128. An e-mail address is made up of two parts separated by the ___ symbol.
a. #
b. @
c. $
d. %
Q129. Identify username from the mail “amitdhar@gmail.com
a. amit
b. amitdhar
c. gmail.com
d. .com
Q130. Advantages of e-mail is _________
a. E-mails can be sent to multiple users along with the attachments
b. E-mail is very fast
c. E-mail is environment friendly, as no paper is used.
d. All of the above
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ICT Skills Class 9 MCQ
Q131. What do I need to get information from the World Wide Web?
a. Computer
b. Browser
c. Internet Connection
d. All of the above
Q132. In an email, the part after the ‘@’ symbol is the _________ of e-mail service.
a. username
b. domain name
c. name
d. None of the above
Q133. Which of the following are popular email providers?
a. Google
b. Yahoo
c. Hotmail
d. All of the above
Q134. Outlook is an email provider run by _____
a. Google
b. Yahoo
c. Hotmail
d. Microsoft
Q135. Here are the steps to sign in to your Gmail account.
- Type username
- Go to www.gmail.com
- Click Sign in
- Type password
Choose the option with the correct order.
a. 1> 2 > 4 > 3
b. 2 > 1 > 3 > 4
c. 2> 1 > 4 > 3
d. 2 > 3 > 1 > 4
150 MCQ ICT Skills Class 9
Q136. Which of the following is an e-mail service?
a. WhatsApp
b. WeChat
c. Gmail
d. Facebook
Q137. Which one of the following statements is false?
a. You need to create an account before you can send an e-mail
b. You should sign out of your account when you are not using the computer.
c. You do not need an Internet connection to use your Gmail account
d. You must not share your password with others
Q138. Which of the following is free email service?
a. Gmail
b. Yahoo
c. Hotmail
d. All of the above
Q139. In Gmail, click on ___________ to open a new message window.
a. Compose
b. New
c. Write
d. None of the above
Q140. Raman wants to send a birthday greeting to his friend. In which of the following section, he will write “Happy Birthday”?
a. To
b. CC
c. BCC
d. Subject
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ICT Skills Class 9 MCQ
Q141. In the ____________ , we write the email-id of the person to whom we are sending the mail.
a. To Section
b. Subject
c. CC box
d. BCC box
Q142. In which of the following section, we write the email-ids of all the people to whom we want to send copies of the message.
a. To
b. CC
c. Subject
d. Main body
Q143. In which of the following section, we write the topic of the mail.
a. To
b. CC
c. Subject
d. Main body
Q144. In which of the following section, we write the actual message that we want to send.
a. To
b. CC
c. Subject
d. Main body
Q145. Which of the following folder holds all the e-mail you have started writing, but not yet sent.
a. Sent
b. Inbox
c. Draft
d. Trash
150 MCQ ICT Skills Class 9
Q146. Which of the following folder holds e-mails that you have sent to people.
a. Sent
b. Inbox
c. Draft
d. Trash
Q147. Which of the following folder holds e-mails that you no longer need and have deleted.
a. Sent
b. Inbox
c. Draft
d. Trash
Q148. The Attach button often has a __________ as its symbol
a. paper clip
b. Paper pin
c. Safety pin
d. None of the above
Q149. After typing the message in the main body of the e-mail, you need to click on ___________ button to send the e-mail.
a. Send
b. Sent
c. Compose
d. New
Q150. Once you have read the e-mail, you can _______ the mail
a. reply
b. forward
c. delete
d. All of the above
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ICT Skills Class 9 MCQ
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ICT Skills Class 9 MCQ
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