Green Skills Class 9 Notes

Introduction :
The environment around us affects all aspects of our life. Everything around us forms our environment and our lives depend on the flora and fauna around us. Over the years, with economic development, there has been an increase in environmental pollution. We need to plan the maintenance of the areas in a sustainable manner so that we can enjoy the good environment created by us.
Society : A group of people living together in villages, cities, states and countries,thus forming a ‘Society’.
Resources : A resource can be defined as any natural or artificial substance, energy or organism, which is used by human being for its welfare.
Natural Resources : Those resources which occur naturally on earth are called natural resources. for example: water, fossil fuels etc. Natural resources come in many forms. It may be a solid, liquid or gas. It may also be organic or inorganic. It may also be metallic or non-metallic
Green Skills Class 9 Notes
Natural resources fall under the following main categories:
(a) Inexhaustible Resources : The resources which cannot be exhausted by human consumption are called inexhaustible resources. These include energy sources like solar radiation, wind power, water power and tidal power, etc.
(b) Exhaustible Resources : There are some resources, which are available in limited quantities and are going to be exhausted as a result of continuous use. For example, the stock of coal in the earth.
(c) Renewable Resources : Renewable resources are those that are constantly available (like water) or can be reasonably replaced or recovered.
(d) Non-renewable Resources : Non-renewable resources are those that cannot easily be replaced once they are destroyed For example fossil fuels.
Artificial Resources : The resources, which have been developed by human beings during the growth of civilisation, are called artificial resources. For example, biogas, thermal electricity, plastics, etc.
Human activities causing damage to the environment are :
1. Over Exploitation of resources : It occurs when the use of natural resources exceeds their reproduction or replenishment.
2. Mining : It is the process of digging things from the ground like ores. The ores are then refined to extract the valuable elements, such as metals, gems etc. Some of the environmental impacts of mining include erosion, contamination of soil, groundwater and loss of biodiversity.
3. Deforestation : It is the clearance of a forest where the land is converted to a nonforest use. It results in loss of habitat for many plants and animals living in the forest.
4. Pollution : This word is derived from the Latin word “polluere” meaning “to soil” or “defile
(contaminate)”. Pollution is caused by pollutants, which may be solid, liquid or gaseous in nature. Pollutants are of two types:
a. Biodegradabe Pollutants : Pollutants that break down into simpler, harmless substances naturally by the action of moisture and bacteria are called biodegradable pollutants. for example vegetable waste, sewage waste, paper, wood etc.
b. Non-biodegradabe Pollutants : Pollutants which cannot be broken down into simpler and harmless substances are called non-biodegradable pollutants. for example plastics, insecticides, pesticides etc.

Green Skills Class 9 Notes
Types of Pollution : There are three major types of pollution
1. Land Pollution : Damage to the land because of harmful substances is known as land pollution.
2. Water Pollution : Adding harmful substances and disease causing bacteria and other microorganisms to rivers, lakes, and oceans results in water pollution.
3. Air Pollution : Addition of harmful gases and particles in air results in air pollution.
Green House Effect : Burning of fossil fuels produce harmful gases like Carbon dioxide, methane. These gases trap and prevent the earth’s heat from escaping, leading to a global warming. This is called the “greenhouse effect”.
Ozone Layer : This layer in the atmosphere protects us from the harmful radiation (ultra violet) . It is made up of gas called ‘Ozone’. Refrigerators and Airconditioners, etc., release chlorofluorocarbons in the atmosphere. These substances destroy the ozone in the atmosphere, making ‘holes’ in the ozone layer.
3R’s (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) : There are three Rs which we can apply for saving the environment :
1. Reduce : We should reduce the use of unnecessary items like avoid buying disposable items and also avoid asking for plastic carry bags. Use your own reusable cloth or jute bags instead of plastic bags.
2. Reuse : It means to use the already used materials for other purposes, such as making pillow covers or rags out of used shirts or ladies suits.
3. Recycle : Recycling is reusing some components of the waste that may have some economic value. for example Plastic items are recycled into new plastic products.
Green Skills Class 9 Notes

Conservation of Natural Resources : Conservation is the proper management of a natural resource to prevent its exploitation, destruction or degradation. Conservation is the sum total of activities, which
can derive benefits from natural resources but at the same time prevent excessive use, which may lead to
destruction or degradation.
Soil Conservation : Soil conservation means checking soil erosion and improving soil fertility by adopting various methods. Soil conservation can be useful for the following:
- Maintenance of soil fertility.
- Control on grazing.
- Reforestation
- Terracing
- Contour ploughing
Water Conservation : It is the practice of using water judiciously and avoid wasting of water. It is essential for the survival of mankind, plants and animals. This can be achieved by adopting the following methods:
- Growing vegetation in the catchment areas, which will hold water in the soil.
- Constructing dams and reservoirs to regulate supply of water to the fields.
- Rainwater harvesting should be done.
Energy Conservation : Conservation of resources or energy means saving them and using them efficiently. It can be done by adopting the following ways:
- Switch off lights, fans, TV and other electrical items, when not in use
- Use tube lights and energy efficient bulbs that save energy rather than bulbs.
- Keep the bulbs and tubes clean.
- Use pressure cooker to save energy required for cooking.
- Keep vessels covered with a lid during cooking.
Food Conservation : Food conservation and storage have been practiced to feed mankind in times of shortage. Food is stored in warehouses on large scale and in refrigerators at home.
Forest Conservation : Forest conservation means the retention of existing forest or the creation of new forest at the levels prescribed by the State or local authority.
Green Skills Class 9 Notes

Sustainable development : Sustainable development is defined as ‘development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs’.
For example, sustainable agriculture consists of environment friendly methods of farming that allow the production of agricultural crops or livestock without damage to human or natural systems. It also involves preventing the use of chemicals so as to avoid adverse effects to soil, water and biodiversity.
Sustainable development includes the following:
- Reducing excessive use of resources and enhancing resource conservation.
- Recycling and reuse of waste materials.
- Scientific management of renewable resources.
- Planting more trees.
- Green grassy patches to be interspersed between concrete buildings.
- Using more environment friendly material or biodegradable material.
Biological Diversity : Biological diversity or biodiversity in short is that part of nature which includes the differences in genes among the individuals of a species, the variety and richness of all the plant and animal species at different scales in space, locally, in a region, in the country and the world, and various types of ecosystems, both terrestrial and aquatic, within a defined area.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) : The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), otherwise known as the Global Goals, are a universal call to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. The total number of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is 17 which were launched at the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit in New York in September 2015.
Green Growth : It means to enhance the strategies with regard to their impact(s) on environmental sustainability and the environmental resources available to poor and vulnerable groups.
Green Economy : The term ‘Green Economy’ was first coined in a 1989 report for the Government of the United Kingdom by a group of leading environmental economists, entitled Blueprint for a Green Economy. A ‘Green Economy’ is a system which helps in economic growth while at the same time, taking care of the environment.
Green Consumer : A green consumer is someone who is very concerned about the environment and, therefore, only purchases products that are environment-friendly or eco-friendly. Green Consumer Day is
celebrated on September 28 of each year.
Components of a Green Economy : A green economy includes the following components
- Renewable Energy
- Green Building
- Water Management
- Waste Management
- Sustainable Transport
Green Skills Class 9 Notes
Green Skills : The skills used for promoting green economy are known as green skills. Some of the areas
in which green skills contribute to the sustainable development are as follows:
- using renewable energy (example, using solar power and wind energy)
- water and waste management
- rain water harvesting
- conserving energy
- reducing pollution
Green Job : A ‘green job’ is employment in any industry that contributes to preserving or restoring environmental quality in that sector and allowing for sustainable development. It includes jobs that help protect ecosystems and biodiversity and reduce energy, materials and water consumption through high efficiency strategies.
GREEN SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (GSDP). The programme endeavours to develop green
skilled workers having technical knowledge and commitment to sustainable development, which will
help in the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Green Skills Class 9 Notes
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Green Skills Class 9 Notes
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