Digital Presentation Class 9 Notes

A digital presentation is a process of expressing your ideas to audience using digital tools.
A Presentation includes :
- Regular text
- Lists items
- Table
- Graphics elements
- Sound and Video
- Animation
Presentation can be used :
- To present the project proposal in business organisations.
- In teaching and training.
- Machine parts and operation of various machines can be easily shown.
What is Impress?
Impress is one of the important components of LibreOffice suite. It is free, open source. The presentation created in LibreOffice Impress can be opened in other presentation software like MS PowerPoint.
Examples of Presentation Software : MS-Office 365 PowerPoint, Google Presentation or Microsoft SkyDrive PowerPoint.
Characteristics of a good quality presentation :
- Number of lines: On one page or slide try to include 5 to 8 lines.
- Font-size : We should select an appropriate font-size depending upon the room size, distance between the screen and the audience.
- Correct use of grammar and language: We should present the contents error free in terms of grammar, spellings of language by reading the slides carefully.
- Inserting images, drawings, tables or graphs: We should try to avoid inserting more than two graphics (images, drawings, tables or charts) in any slide.
- Use of colours: We should try to use dark colours, bold letters with different fonts to highlight certain points.
- Animation and videos: We should not include more than one animation or video in one slide.
- Pay attention to target group: We should focus on the contents, sequence of the topics in such a way that it makes a flow to attract the attention of the audience.
Starting LibreOffice Impress :
To start LibreOffice Impress in Windows, double click its shortcut icon on the desktop. Or click on the Start or Windows button, select LibreOffice → LibreOffice Impress from application window.
In Ubuntu Linux, open the LibreOffice Impress by any of the following options.
- Find the LibreOffice Impress icon on the application launcher, and click it to start the application.
- Find the LibreOffice Impress icon through “Show Applications” icon on the launcher.
Digital Presentation Class 9 Notes
Various parts/components of the Impress application window :
A. Title bar: It contains the name of presentation file with extension (.odp) and presentation application as LibreOffice Impress. It is always of the top of the LibreOffice Impress title bar window.
B. Menu Bar: It contains the menus with logically grouped commands. The various menus are as under:
- File
- Edit
- View
- Insert
- Format
- Slide
- Slideshow etc.
C. Toolbars: There are various toolbar to manage GUI of Impress.
- Standard toolbar
- Slide pane
- Workspace
- Slides
- Task pane
- Master Pages
- Layout etc.
Closing LibreOffice Impress :
To close the Impress application directly, select the manipulation button Close (×), or select the File Menu→Exit command or use the keyboard shortcut Alt+F4 or Ctrl+Q.
Creating a presentation using template :
- To create a new blank presentation, select the File Menu→New or click on the icon New or use the combination of keys Ctrl+N.
- A window ‘Select a Template’ will appear. Choose a template as per your choice.
- Prepare your presentation using template. The selected template appears in the form of title slide layout.
- You can also select a slide layout by using menu, Slide → Slide Layout → Title slide.
- Adding text: To add text to a slide that,contains a text frame, click on Click to add text in the text frame and then type your text.
Digital Presentation Class 9 Notes
Saving a presentation:
Select the File Menu ¨Save, or, use the shortcut key combination Ctrl+S, or click on the Save button on the Standard Toolbar. This will open the Save dialog box which allows to select the location on the disk and assign the name to save the presentation.
Saving a presentation with different name :
To save the presentation with a different name, select File→ Save As or, use the shortcut key combination Shift+Ctrl+S. In Save As dialog box, a new file name can be entered and finally click on save button.
Saving with a different format:
By default the presentation is saved with .odp extension. To save a presentation as another file type, select File→Save As. In the Save As dialog box, click on the All Formats drop-down menu and select the choice from the offered programs.
Saving a presentation as HTML:
To publish the presentation on the web, save it in HTML format, which could be opened in any web browser. To save the presentation as html:
- Click on File → Export
- Select the directory in which you want to save the file
- Enter a file name
- Click Save
Save a file in PDF format:
A Portable Document Format (PDF) of the presentation can be created by saving a file in the PDF format. To save a file in the PDF format:
- Click on File → Export as PDF
- Select the directory in which you wish to save the file
- Enter a file name
- Click Save
Closing a presentation :
To close a presentation, select File Menu→ Close or use the keyboard shortcut keys Ctrl+W.
Open a presentation :
To open a presentation, select File→Open command, or, use the keyboard shortcut keys Ctrl+O. It will open the Open dialog box. Specify the location of the file that is to be opened and click on Open button.
Running a slide show :
To run the slide show, click Slide Show→Start from First Slide on the main menu bar or
Click the Slide Show icon on the Presentation toolbar or the Slide Sorter toolbar or Press F5 from the keyboard.
Digital Presentation Class 9 Notes

Working with slides :
Inserting a duplicate slide :
Inserting a duplicate slide will insert the copy of the existing or current slide into the presentation. Steps to insert a duplicate slides are :
Select the slide you want to duplicate from the Slides Pane and choose any one of the following :
- Select from menu bar Slide → Duplicate Slide.
- Or, right-click on the slide and select Duplicate Slide from the menu.
- Or, right-click on a slide in Workspace and select Slide → Duplicate Slide from the menu.
- Or, click the Duplicate Slide icon in the Presentation toolbar.
Inserting new slides :
To insert a new slide, use any of the following way.
- Select from menu bar Slide → New Slide.
- Or, right-click on a slide and select New Slide from the context menu.
- Or, right-click in an empty space in the Workspace and select Slide → New Slide from the context menu.
- Or, click the New Slide icon in the Presentation toolbar.
- Or, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+M
Copying and moving slides :
The slides once created can be reused within the presentation or in another presentation. To move the
slide to another location use cut and paste process. To copy the slide, use the process of copy and paste. Cut, Copy and Paste operations can also be performed by the combination of keys:
(i) Cut – Ctrl + X (ii) Copy – Ctrl + C (iii) Paste – Ctrl + V
Deleting slides : Steps to delete slides are :
- Select the slide(s) by marking them in the Slide Pane.
- Right click the mouse button and click on delete.
Select the slide and press the Delete button from the keyboard.
Renaming a slide : The slides are named as slide1, slide2,… by default. To rename a slide:
- Select the slide.
- Right click and select the rename slide option in the context menu.
- A Rename Slide dialog box will appear where you can assign the new name to the slide.
Digital Presentation Class 9 Notes
Copying, moving and deleting content :
To copy or move some text or an object in the presentation to another location, it is necessary to first select the text. Steps are :
- Select the text.
- Right click and select the Copy option from the context menu for copying or Cut option to cut.
- Position the cursor on the location and right click and select the Paste option.
Deleting the text :
The delete and backspace button on keyboard is used to delete the text. The delete key deletes the character on the right of the cursor, and the backspace button deletes the character on the left of the cursor. To delete the line or paragraph of text, first select the text and then press the delete key.
Undo and redo the changes :
When we execute a command on some text, for example delete the text, we are able to reverse what we have
done. This is known as the undo function. It is also possible after having undone the change, get it back. This is called the redo function. Shortcut keys Ctrl + Z is used for Undo and Ctrl + Y is used for Redo.
Workspace view :
The various workspace views are in the drop-down list of the View menu. These views are Normal, Outline, Notes, Slide Sorter, Slide Master, Notes Master, Handout Master.
1. Normal view: It is the main view for working with individual slides. This view is used to format and design and to add text, graphics, and animation effects.
2. Outline view : It contains all the slides of the presentation in a sequence. It shows each slide in the outline format. Only the text contained in each slide is displayed inside the Workspace.
3. Notes view : It is used to add notes to a slide for the information of presenter. It is not seen by the audience
while showing the presentation.
4. Slide Sorter view : It contains all the slide thumbnails. It is suitable for rearranging the slide order by using ‘drag and drop’ method.
Digital Presentation Class 9 Notes

Formatting Text
The contents of the slides can be formatted in various ways. The most common way is to use the formatting
icons on the Formatting toolbar. Another way is by selecting Format→Text from the menu bar. The various formatting options are :

- Increase font size : Keyboard shortcut is Ctrl+].
- Decrease font size : Keyboard shortcut is Ctrl+[.
- Bold : Keyboard shortcut is Ctrl+B
- Italic : Keyboard shortcut is Ctrl+I
- Underline : Keyboard shortcut is Ctrl+U.
- Superscript : Keyboard shortcut : Shift+Ctrl+P
- Subscript : Keyboard shortcut : Shift+Ctrl+B
- The alignment icons are used to align the text to the Left, Center, Right, or Justify.
- Bullets and numbering: Creates a bulleted or numbered list from selected paragraphs. Click on the small triangle to the right of the icon to select a bullet or numbering formatting option from a drop‑down list.
- Line spacing: Adjust the spacing between the lines of a selected paragraph.
Working with tables :
A Table can be inserted from the Insert menu by selecting Insert→Table or by selecting the Table icon on the Standard toolbar . In the Insert Table dialog box, specify the number of columns and the number of rows and click on OK button.
Entering and editing data in a table :
The content can be put in a table by placing the insertion point in a cell. The insertion point in a table can be done in three ways:
- by pressing the left mouse button.
- by pressing the TAB key on a keyboard.
- by using arrow keys on the keyboard.
Selecting a cell : To select a cell within a table, position the mouse cursor along its left edge, and when the cursor changes to a sloped white arrow, press right mouse button.
Selecting a row/column : To select a row or column in a table, position the mouse cursor along left edge of row or column to select, and when the mouse cursor changes to a sloped white arrow press the left mouse button and drag it to the end of the row or column.
Selecting a table : To select an entire table, first click on its edge. When the mouse cursor changes to a sloped white arrow, click on the left mouse button.
Adjusting column width and row height using the mouse : To change the width of the column, position on the
border line between the two columns, and when the cursor changes to a (↔) sign, drag it to the desired width. The same can be done for adjusting the row height.
Table borders and background : Right click on the table border, the Table Properties dialog box will open, from where you can change the borders and background of the table.
Deleting a table : Click on the table border to select the table and press the Delete key.
Digital Presentation Class 9 Notes
Adding images :
Images can be inserted from the gallery, files stored in the computer.
Inserting an image from a file :
Select Insert → Image on the menu bar or, click on the Insert Image icon located on the standard toolbar. The
Insert Image dialog opens. Select the image and click on open button.
Inserting an image from the gallery :
- Select Insert → Media → Gallery from the menu.
- Select a theme.
- Click on the image and drag it onto the workspace.
Formatting images
Formatting an image includes moving, resizing, rotating an image.
Moving images : Click on an image and drag it to the desired position.
Resizing images : Select the image by clicking and selection handles displayed. Position the cursor over one of
the selection handles. Click and drag to resize the image
Rotating images : Select the image by clicking. Click the Rotate icon on the Line and Filling toolbar. Click again on the selected image and the selection handles change shape and colour. Click the mouse and move in the direction in which you want to rotate the image.
Formatting using the Image toolbar :
When an image is selected, the Image toolbar becomes available under the Properties window as shown. The Image toolbar can also be displayed by selecting View → Toolbars→Image from the menu bar.
Drawing tools :
Impress provides various drawing tools. To activate Drawing toolbar, select View → Toolbars →Drawing from
the main menu bar.
Grouping objects :
A group formed by grouping the objects, can be formatted as a single object, moved, rotated, deleted. To group objects together:
- Select the objects to be grouped by clicking on selection tool from Drawing toolbar and draw a rectangle around the objects. To select all the objects, go to Edit → Select All or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+A.
- Click on Format→Group or use the keyboard combination Ctrl+Shift+G or right-click on an object within the selected group and select Group from the context menu.
Ungrouping objects :
To ungroup objects follow the below given procedure:
- Select the group by clicking on any one of the objects in the group.
- Click on Format →Group → Ungroup on the menu bar or use the keyboard combination Ctrl+Alt+Shift+G or right-click on the group and select Ungroup from the context menu.
Digital Presentation Class 9 Notes
Working with Slide Masters :
Impress comes with various slide masters. These slide masters are available in the Master Pages section of the
Sidebar. There are three subsections, namely Used in this Presentation, Recently Used, and Available for Use.
Adding transitions :
- In the Sidebar, select the Slide Transition icon to open the Slide Transition section.
- In the Slides pane or Slide Sorter view, select the slides to apply the transition.
- Select a transition.
- Modify the selected transition by changing the speed or adding a sound.
- Select how to advance to the next slide: manually (By mouse click) or automatically (Automatically after).
- To apply transition to all slides, click Apply to All Slides.
Digital Presentation Class 9 Notes
Digital Presentation Class 9 Notes
Disclaimer : I tried to give you the simple and correct “Digital Presentation Class 9 Notes ” , but if you feel that there is/are mistakes in “Digital Presentation Class 9 Notes” given above, you can directly contact me at Book and Study material available on CBSE official website are used as reference to create above “Digital Presentation Class 9 Notes“. Screenshot used in the above blog is taken from CBSE study material.
Digital Presentation Class 9 Notes
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very good notes for students i am proud of your site ….continue with this work
very useful and understandable for students. keep it up