Data Entry and Keyboarding Skills Class 9 Book Solution

A. Multiple choice questions
1. Which of the following is not a key for punctuation marks?
(a) comma (,)
(b) period (.)
(c) semicolon (;)
(d) equal sign (=)
2. Which of the following is not an arrow key?
(a) top (^)
(b) down (↓)
(c) right (→)
(d) left (←)
3. Which of the following operation is not performed by a
(a) Left Click
(b) Right Click
(c) Middle Click
(d) Double Click
4. In the Rapid typing tutor, which of the following is not
(a) Green letters denote right inputs.
(b) Yellow letters stand for right inputs in extra time.
(c) Red letters denote wrong inputs with in time.
(d) Orange letters indicate wrong inputs with in time.
5. The lesson control panel can be used for______________.
(a) animation
(b) enable or disable sounds
(c) plain
(d) background

Data Entry and Keyboarding Skills Class 9 Book Solution
B. Fill in the blanks
1. A touch typist knows the location on the keyboard through ________________memory.
2. The typing speed is measured in ___________.
3. Alphabets (A–Z) and numbers (0–9) are known as _______________ keys.
4. Del key deletes the character at the ____ cursor position.
5. A standard keyboard has________________Function keys.
Data Entry and Keyboarding Skills Class 9 Book Solution
6. Numeric keypad is used to enter _____________ data.
7. Page Up key is used to shift the _______________ one page up.
8. Pressing the End key moves the cursor to the _______________
character of the line.
9. On numeric keypad ‘0’ is to be pressed by the ______________ thumb.
10. The numeric keypad has ____________ columns and ____________ rows.
Data Entry and Keyboarding Skills Class 9 Book Solution
C. State whether the statements given below are True or False.
1. The Alt key is always used with the other key.
2. There are 5 arrow keys on the keyboard
3. The Backspace key is used to delete the character on the
right to the cursor.
4. Caps lock key is a toggle key.
5. The control key is used in conjunction with other keys.
Data Entry and Keyboarding Skills Class 9 Book Solution
6. Enter key is also known as Return key.
7. The function keys have different meaning in different
8. The keys ‘F’ and ‘J’ are known as guide keys.
9. There are two Caps Lock keys on the keyboard.
10. The mouse has two scroll buttons.
Data Entry and Keyboarding Skills Class 9 Book Solution
11. Page Down key is used to move the cursor on next page.
12. Pressing the Home Key, moves the cursor to the first
character in the document.
13. On a numeric keypad, the number 8 is the guide key.
14. In Rapid typing tutor, the right input entered is denoted
by yellow color.
15. In Rapid typing tutor, the right input entered in exceeding
time frame is denoted by Red colour.
Data Entry and Keyboarding Skills Class 9 Book Solution

D. Short answer questions (50 words)
Q1. Discuss the various types of keys available on a computer
Q2. Differentiate between Home Keys and Guide Keys.
Q3. What do you understand by Guide Keys? Name the Guide keys of a
(a) computer keyboard
(b) typewriter
Q4. Explain the role of typing ergonomics.
Q5. Why the use of various typing software is common now-a-days?
Data Entry and Keyboarding Skills Class 9 Book Solution
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Data Entry and Keyboarding Skills Class 9 Book Solution
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Nice bro
Thank you very much bro you are like God for me this time tomorrow is my exam bro 🤜🤜🤜🤜🤜🤜