Competency Based Questions Class 10
Competency Based Questions Class 10

Q1. Parth is a student of class 10. His computer teacher taught him about Accessibility options which will enable a person with a disability or impairment to use a computer. He was curious to know about the types of impairment that impact computer usage. Being a friend of Parth, explain him any four such types of impairments.
Q2. Aman’s computer has Window’s XP operating system. He wants to open the Accessibility Options. He also wants to customise his keyboard but forgot the functionality of all the keys available on the keyboard tab of Accessibility Options window. Help him to open the Accessibility Options window and also explain the functionality of all the keys.
Competency Based Questions Class 10
Q3. Kashish is making a list of students who have some impairment or disability due to which they are not able to use the computer. Identify which Accessibility option will allow them to use the computer regardless of their disability.
Ambuj : Suffering from Hand tremor.
Shikhar : Auditory impairment.
Simran : Difficulty in using mouse.
Ramesh : Difficulty in using mouse and keyboard both.
Q4. Soumya is a student of class X. Her Computer teacher has given an assignment. She has done all the questions except the following. Help her to complete the assignment.
- The computer which provide services in a network is called Client.(T/F)
- What is Client – Server Architecture?
- Cursor Options is an accessibility feature that assists people with vision impairment by changing the _____ rate and __________ of the cursor
Competency Based Questions Class 10

Q5. Anshu is a student of class X. She has scored very low marks in her computer exam so she requested her teacher to show her the paper. She had a mistake in the following questions. Being a friend of Anshu, explain her the following questions.
1. What is WWW?
2. Expand the following terms:
- P2P
3. Write any two Key Features of an instant messaging.
Q6. Raman is a Computer teacher in a private school. He has 4 computers in a computer lab where his colleagues used to work. All the computers are stand alone and not connected with the internet. He called a Network engineer to form a network of 4 computers. Answer the following questions in reference to the given situation.
- What type of Network will be formed?
- Which application/software is required in all computers to browse internet? Give two examples.
- Write any two advantages of Computer Network.
- Name any two ISP.
Competency Based Questions Class 10
Q7. Raman had applied for job in a company via email last week. Today he received a mail from HR department of the company regarding his interview date. His interview will be conducted online (due to Covid-19) using video conferencing and instant messaging software. Answer the following questions in reference to the given situation.
- What is Video Conferencing?
- Name any two hardware which is required for video conferencing.
- Write any two features of instant messaging software.
- Name two types of instant messaging software.
Q8. Aman and Suman want to start an IT blog where they can share their knowledge about computers and technology with others.
- Name any four websites where Aman and Suman can create their blog for free.
- Write the following steps of creating and publishing post in sequence.
- Click Publish Post.
- Click New Post.
- Give title to the post.
- What do you mean by publishing a post?
Competency Based Questions Class 10
Q9. Raman is an engineer working in an IT company. He wants to replace his DSL with a good speed Wi-Fi internet connection for home so that his kids can attend uninterrupted online classes.
- Write the full form of Wi-Fi and DSL
- Write any one difference between Wi-Fi and DSL.
- What is Modem?
- What you need for using DSL connection?
Q10. Suman used to work in a private Bank. She lost her job due to Covid Pandemic. So she decided to create a YouTube channel where she will show some kitchen tips and recipes. For making good quality videos she needs some accessories like a good mobile, tripod stand etc. Suman discussed this with her friend Anju and she suggested that you can buy all these products Online.
- What is Online Shopping?
- Write any four payment methods offered by Flipkart.
- Write any two situations where online shopping will be useful.
Competency Based Questions Class 10
Q11. Internet provides so many opportunities for students and teachers. Now a days it is more important to strengthen Internet security to deal with new and emerging online threat. According to a survey many students and teachers are worried about their online safety. Software, Firewalls, strong passwords, spreading awareness etc. are the best practices to avoid cyber threat.
- What do you mean by Internet Security?
- Name any two online threat.
- What is Firewall?
- Name any one website which help us to generate a random strong password.
Q12. Every organization must follow a standard set of safety rules and procedures. These rules must be stated and displayed clearly in the important areas . All the employees must be given a demonstration and training to follow safety rules – Fire safety, Falls and slips, Electrical safety, Use of first aid. Timely repairs should be carried out by a competent person or organization at workplace to avoid any hazards.
- Write any two basic Fire safety rules in an organization.
- What do you mean by First Aid?
- What is Occupational Hazards? Name any four types of Occupational Hazards.
Competency Based Questions Class 10
Q13. Consider the following table : Student
Admno | Name | Class | Sec |
S121 | Aman | 9 | A |
S122 | Suman | 10 | C |
S123 | Ravi | 11 | E |
Write SQL Commands
- Display detail of all Students.
- Display all the details of “Aman.”
- Display Name and Class of a student whose Admission Number is S122.
- Display the details of all the students in alphabetical order of Name.
Q14. Consider the following table : Employee
Empid | Name | Salary | Designation |
121 | Sonam | 50000 | Manager |
125 | Naman | 38000 | Sales Executive |
148 | Bhanu | 32000 | Clerk |
Write SQL Commands
- Display details of all Employees whose salary is less than 50000.
- Display half of the salary amount paid to all the Employees.
- Display details of all the Managers.
- Increase the salary of Bhanu by 4000.
Competency Based Questions Class 10
Q15. Consider the following table : Furniture
Fid | Type | Price | Weight |
F298 | Double Bed | 40000 | 25 |
F192 | Sofa | 46000 | 22 |
F231 | Dressing Table | 15000 | 8 |
Write the SQL commands for the following:
- Display price of Double Bed.
- Display details of furniture whose price is more than 20000 and less than 40000.
- Replace the Type of “F192” from “Sofa” to “Sofa-set”.
- Display the details of all furniture in increasing order of price.
Q16. Consider the following table “Hotel”.
Roomid | C_Name | Tariff | Type_of_Room |
321 | Rahul | 3500 | Deluxe |
122 | Suman | 3000 | Semi deluxe |
120 | Alok | 2500 | Normal |
Write SQL commands for the following
- Display all the records of table.
- Display Roomid, Customer Name and double the tariff amount.
- Change the customer name from “Alok” to “Aman”.
- Display details of all the “Deluxe” room.
Competency Based Questions Class 10
Q17. Suppose if you own a stationary shop, you need to keep detailed records of the materials available in your shop. You also need to store information about pricing, stock levels for reordering, old stocks, etc. in a database program.
- Name any two database programs to organize the data as per your business need.
- When was the database concept was evolved?
- What is DBMS? Explain in brief.
Q18. Aman has a small library at home. He want to store the details of all books in RDBMS. He created a table with five fields by name “Aman_Lib” in the RDBMS program. He also created a primary key in that table.
- What do you mean by table?
- What is the purpose of creating a primary key in table?
- Aman can create more than one primary key in his table.(Yes/No)
- Expand RDBMS.
Competency Based Questions Class 10
Q19. Consider the following table: Order
Order_id | Order_date | Value | Discount |
1256 | 2022-02-20 | 40000 | 3000 |
1357 | 2022-01-13 | 35000 | 1000 |
1024 | 2021-09-17 | 45000 | 3500 |
- Which field is suitable for Primary Key?
- How many fields and records are there in Order table?
- Write SQL commands for the following:
- Display details of all orders whose discount is more than 1000.
- Display details in increasing order of value.
Q20. Aman wants to create a table in OpenOffice Base. He wants to set the field properties during creation of table. Help him to identify the suitable field properties for the following task.
- Which property will help to get the auto numeric values.
- Which property will help to set the format of the data entered in the field.
- Which property, if set to yes then it will be must to insert the value in the field.
- Which property will help to set the default value of a field.
Q21. Reena is working as a school teacher. She saves the marks of exams Term1, Term2 and Term3 in different sheets of spreadsheet file. At the end of session she needs all the marks of her students in a single sheet. Her friend suggested the use of “Consolidate Data” option.
1. Consolidate data option available in ___________________
- OpenOffice Calc
- OpenOffice Base
- OpenOffice Writer
- All of the above
2. Under what menu Reena will find Consolidate option?
3. What is the name of default function in Consolidate dialog box?
4. What is the purpose of option “Link to Source Data” available in Consolidate dialog box?
Q22. Raman is a student of class 10. He was doing an assignment of I.T. He has done all the questions except one given below. Being a friend of Raman, help him to remove his doubt.

1. Name the dialog box shown above.
2. What is the default function in function list box?
3. Name any two options which are visible on clicking “More” button.
4. Clicking on which button, the Source data range will appear in Consolidation ranges box.
Q23. Read the following comprehension and answer the following:
To consolidate by row labels or column labels, the label must be contained in the selected source ranges. The text in the labels must be identical, so that rows or columns can be accurately matched. If the row or column label does not match any that exist in the target range, it will be appended as a new row or column.
1. Which component of OpenOffice has this consolidate feature?
- Writer
- Base
- Calc
- Impress
2. Consolidate option is available in ________________ menu
- Tool
- Data
- Format
- Insert
3. Clicking on which button in consolidate dialog box shows options like Row labels, Column labels etc.
4. Define Range option is available under the _______________ Menu.
Q24. Parth is a student of class X. He is very good in studies. He is learning one of the functions listed under the Mathematical category of Open Office Calc which totals/adds data arranged in an array—that is, a group of cells with labels for columns and/or rows.
1. Name the mathematical function.
2. Under what menu, this function is available?
3. Name any two functions which are listed in the dialog box of above function.
4. How many groups can be used in the above function?
Q25 Scenarios are a tool to test ______________ questions. Each Scenario is named, and can be edited and formatted separately. A scenario is essentially a saved set of cell values for your calculations. You can easily switch between these sets using the Navigator.
Read the above lines and answer the following questions.
1. Fill in the blank given above.
2. Under what menu you will find scenario.
3. Name any two settings which we can do in Create scenario dialog box.
4. When you print the spreadsheet, only the content of the currently active Scenario is printed. (T/F)
Q26. Ananya is a Chief Financial Officer of a company. She is developing sales projections for each quarter of the forthcoming year. She knows what the company’s total income must be for the year to satisfy stockholders. She also has a good idea of the company’s income in the first three quarters, because of the contracts that are already signed. For the fourth quarter, however, no definite income is available. So how much must the company earn in fourth quarter to reach its goal of Annual income (Rs 20,00,000)? She can enter the projected earnings for each of the other three quarters along with a formula that totals all four quarters. Then she uses an option – X in the empty cell of fourth quarter sales, and receives her answer.
1. What is option-X in the above situation?
2. Under what menu she will find that option-X?
3. Name the elaborated form of option-X.
4. In reference to above situation, what is Target value in option-X dialog box?
Q27. Suman was learning Open Office Calc. She downloaded few questions from the internet for practice. She had done all the questions except few listed below. Being a friend of Suman help her to solve the following questions.
1. What do you mean by Solver?
2. Aman opens the Open Office Calc to store some tabular data. What is the default name of spreadsheet?
3. Name the option to be clicked in Insert menu to insert a new sheet.
4. What is Macro?
Q28. Naman and Rashi are working in a file of Open Office Calc named “mywork”. They want to insert a new sheet in a file “mywork”. Also they want to share their file with the Project leader Amar. Answer the following on the basis of this condition.
1. What is the extension of file “mywork”?
2. Write any two ways to insert a new sheet.
3. What is the default number of sheet available in file “mywork”?
4. Naman and Rashi have to click on ___________ menu to share file with Amar.
Q29. Consider the picture given below and answer the questions.

1. Identify the dialog box shown above.
2. Write the two ways to open this dialog box.
3. How many sheets were already in the file?
4. What is the purpose of ‘Link’ checkbox in the above dialog box?
Q30. Arushi was learning hyperlink in Open Office Calc. Her teacher forwarded a brief handout on hyperlink. When she took printout of handout, few words were missing due to some technical error in printer. Help her to fill the missing words.
___________ can be used in Calc to jump to a different location from within a spreadsheet and can lead to other parts of the current file, to different files or even to web sites.
_________ link will stop working only if the target is moved. A _____________ link will stop working only if the start and target locations change relative to each other. For instance, if you have two spreadsheets in the same folder linked to each other and you move the entire folder to a new location, a _____________ will not break.
Q31. Ananya is a class 10 student. She was preparing for her I.T. exam where she has to prepare a chapter Open Office Calc. She saw an icon (shown below)

above the menu bar and trying to learn about the purpose and function of this icon. Being a friend of Ananya, help her to remove all her doubt.
- What is this icon used for? Define the term.
- Above icon is present on ___________ toolbar.
- A dialog box appears when we click on this icon. Name any two options which are available on left side of dialog box.
Q32. Consider a file named “mydata” in Open Office Calc. This file is created and shared by Parth so that multiple people can work together. Answer the following questions.
1. Which word is shown on the title bar after the worksheet’s name?
2. Name any two options which are disabled from the shared file.
3. What happens if we save the shared worksheet by another name using File———-> Save As…?
- This creates a copy of the spreadsheet that is not shared mode.
- This creates a copy of the spreadsheet that is in shared mode.
- This will change the name of the shared worksheet.
- Nothing will happen.
4. Who is the author of above file?
Competency Based Questions Class 10
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Competency Based Questions Class 10
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IT Question Paper Class 10 with Solution

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