MCQ Class 10 Green Skills

Q1. Over the years, with economic development, there has been an increase in _____
a. Water Pollution
b. Air Pollution
c. Noise Pollution
d. All of the above
Q2. Prithvi (Earth), Agni (Fire), Jal (Water), Vaayu (Air), Aakash (Space) are _____________
a. Five Objects
b. Five Elements of Nature
c. Five Parts of Nature
d. None of the above
Q3. Which of the following is/are the result of exploiting our Nature?
a. Scarcity of clean water to drink.
b. Scarcity of pure air to breathe
c. Depletion of ozone layer
d. All of the above
Q4. Solution to these global problems like scarcity of clean water to drink, scarcity of pure air to breathe, scarcity of unadulterated food, rising issue of global warming is _______
a. Stop using these resources.
b. Sustainability
c. to make people aware
d. None of the above
Q5. As per Collins English Dictionary, ‘the ability to be maintained at a steady level’ is _________________
a. Management
b. Sustainability
c. Maintainability
d. None of the above
MCQ Class 10 Green Skills
Q6. ____ is the development that satisfies the needs of the present without compromising the capacity of future generations.
a. Overall development
b. Economic development
c. Sustainable development
d. None of the above
Q7. Which of the following are common Sustainable Practices ?
a. Reusing of Waste Water
b. Conserving Rain Water
c. Segregating waste at source
d. All of the above
Q8. Which of the following is not a part of 4R’s of Sustainability?
a. Refuse
b. Reduce
c. Recycle
d. Recreate
Q9. __________ means giving a new look to the old product and making it look desirable.
a. Reuse
b. Recycle
c. Upcycling
d. None of the above
Q10. Which of the following are Environmental Problem?
a. Climate Change
b. Emission of Green House
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
MCQ Class 10 Green Skills
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MCQ Class 10 Green Skills
Q11. The economy that reduces environmental risks and strikes ecological balance is termed as ____.
a. Green Economy
b. Green Field
c. Green Nature
d. None of the above
Q12. Which of the following will help to protect our environment?
a. Solar Power Plants
b. Waste Water Treatment Plants
c. Electric Vehicles
d. All of the above
Q13. Major problems related to sustainable development is/are:
a. Food
b. Fuel
c. Water
d. All of the above
Q14. Sustainable development includes ___
a. recycling and reuse of waste materials
b. reducing excessive use of resources
c. using more environment friendly material
d. All of the above.
Q15. Which of the following is not included in Sustainable development?
a. Green grassy patches and trees to be interspersed between concrete buildings
b. Use of technologies, which are environmental friendly
c. Excessive use of resources and decreasing resource conservation
d. None of the above
MCQ Class 10 Green Skills
Q16. SDGs stands for _____
a. Sustainable Development Goals
b. Sustainable Development Goalseeker
c. Sustainable Developmental Goals
d. None of the above
Q17. SDGs were launched at the United Nations in ___
a. 2013
b. 2016
c. 2014
d. 2015
Q18. There are ____________ SDGs.
a. 13
b. 17
c. 12
d. 15
Q19. Which of the following are SDGs?
a. Poverty
b. Climate Change
c. Gender Equality
d. All of the above
Q20. In Organic Farming, farmers use _____
a. Chemical Fertilizers
b. Pesticides
c. Chemical Spray
d. None of the above
MCQ Class 10 Green Skills
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MCQ Class 10 Green Skills
Q21. Which organization has made the Sustainable Development Goals?
a. United Nations
b. League of Nations
d. World Health Organisation
Q22. Which of the following activities help to conserve the environment?
a. Organic Farming
b. Vermi-Composting
c. Rainwater harvesting
d. All of the above
Q23. Organic Farming helps in _________
a. getting better quality chemical free crops
b. Maintaining the soil quality for future use
c. All of the above
d. None of the above
Q24. Choose the option which defines sustainable development.
a. Taking care of future generations.
b. Taking care of only ourselves.
c. Taking care of ourselves and the future generations.
d. None of the above
Q25. ________ increase in consumption of the natural resources.
a. Increasing population
b. Development in all sectors
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
MCQ Class 10 Green Skills
Q26. Which of the following is not good for environment?
a. Clay pots (Kulhads)
b. Plastic cups
c. Edible cutlery
d. None of the above
Q27. ___________________ are the advantage of using Kulhads.
a. Reduce cutting of trees.
b. Job creation for potters.
c. Reduce plastic waste.
d. All of the above
Q28. Problems Related to Sustainable Development are ____________
a. Large population
b. Poverty
c. Lack of Awareness
d. All of the above
Q29. _______ is the affordable and clean energy.
a. Solar Energy
b. Energy from Fossil Fuel
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q30. Choose the option which is not a sustainable development goal according to United Nations.
a. Clean Water and Sanitation
b. Gender Equality
c. Population
d. Reduced Inequalities
MCQ Class 10 Green Skills
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MCQ Class 10 Green Skills
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