Chapter 3 Advanced Features of Writer Notes: Important points
Chapter 3 Advanced Features of Writer Notes: Important points

LibreOffice Writer is a word processor that provides a variety of features. To give the listing of the contents of the document, we can use the Table of Contents feature, which is based on different types of heading styles. LibreOffice Writer also provides templates to create professional documents. When multiple users are working on a single document, the Track Changes feature can be used to keep a track of the editing being done by each user.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents, allows to insert an automated table of contents in a document. The entries or contents of this table are automatically taken from the headings and sub headings of the document. Also, by clicking on any topic in the table of contents, we can navigate directly to the selected topic.
Creating a Table of Contents(ToC)
Before inserting the table of contents or ToC in a document, you must ensure that proper heading styles, such as Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3 and so on are inserted in the document.
Steps to insert the TOC in the document are:
- Open the document.
- Place the cursor at the position where the table of contents is to be inserted.
- From main menu, select Insert > Table of Contents and Index > Table of Contents, Index or Bibliography.
- The Table of Contents, Index and Bibliography dialog box will be displayed.
- Type the title of the Table of content and click OK.
NOTE: All the headings will appear with page numbers in the ToC. The entries in the ToC are hyperlinked. Pressing Ctrl+click the cursor will directly move on to the selected section heading.

Customisation of Table of Contents(ToC)
Right click anywhere on the ToC and select Edit Index option from the popup menu. The Table of Contents, Index or Bibliography dialog box open. This dialog box has five tabs Type, Entries, Styles, Columns and Background. The options in these tabs can be used to edit the table in various ways.
Type Tab: is active by default after opening the Table of Contents, Entries or Bibliography dialog box.
Entries Tab: contains options to set styles for various entries in the ToC.
Styles Tab: contains options to apply the desired styles to the text of each level in the table of contents.
Steps to apply a custom paragraph style to any level
- Click and select the level from the Levels list box.
- Click and select the desired paragraph style from the Paragraph Styles list box.
- Click OK button to apply the selected styles.
NOTE: To remove the applied paragraph styling, select the desired level in the Levels list box, and then click the
Default button
Columns Tab: contains options to set the number of columns that we want to have in our ToC.
Background Tab: contains options to change the background of the ToC. The current background color will be displayed in the Active Color window.
Steps to change the background color of ToC
- Right click on ToC and choose Edit index from the drop down menu.
- Click on background tab from the dialog box.
- Click the Color button on the top of the dialog box.
- Select the desired color from the Colors palette. The selected color will appear in the New color window.
- Click OK to apply the desired color to the ToC
Steps to remove the background color of ToC
- Right click on ToC and choose Edit index from the drop down menu.
- Click on background tab from the dialog box.
- Click None button present on the top of the dialog box.
Steps to add a graphic/image as a background of the ToC.
- Right click on ToC and choose Edit index from the drop down menu.
- Click on background tab from the dialog box.
- Click on Bitmap button in the Background tab of the dialog box.
- Select the desired graphic option and click OK button.
Maintaining a Table of Contents(ToC)
Maintaining a Table of Contents means to update (If any changes are made to the document section headings or page numbering) or delete the ToC.
Updating the ToC : Steps to update ToC are
- Right click on ToC and choose Update index from the drop down menu.
- Writer updates the ToC so as to reflect any changes made in the document into ToC
Deleting the ToC : Steps to delete ToC are
To delete the ToC, right click on the table and select Delete Index option from the pop-up menu. The ToC will
be deleted
A template in the context of this textbook refers to a preset layout used to create documents with a consistent format.
- Templates can be used to create a resume, chapter or project report.
- Templates can be used to add logo of company or any product image in multiple documents.
- Templates can be reused, saving time and effort in document formatting.
Steps to create a document with template
- Create a new document from File > New > Templates…
- A template selection window will be displayed.
- Select a template, for example, select the first template ‘Modern business letter’ and click on Open.
How to check the template name of the created document?
Click on File > Properties and see the template name under Template caption in the Property dialog box
Creating a Template
Steps to create and save a template in Writer are
- Open the document in LibreOffice Writer whose template is to be created.
- Select File > Templates > Save. The Save As Template dialog box appears.
- Type the name of the new Template in Template Name text box.
- Select the category.
- Select Set as default template checkbox to make the current template as the default template.
- Click Save button to save the template.
Q. What do you mean by category in Save As Template dialog box?
Ans. A category is just like a folder that helps to organise the templates. Some of the categories that can be seen in the dialog box are My Templates, Business Correspondence, Online Business Documents and Presentations.
Q. What is the extension of template in LibreOffice Writer?
Ans. .ott is the extension of template in LibreOffice Writer.
Q. What is the shortcut to open Template dialog box?
Ans. Ctrl + Shift + N
Using In-built/Saved Templates
steps to use a predefined template to style a document.
- Open the new document in LibreOffice Writer.
- From main menu bar, select File > Templates Manage Templates.
- The Templates dialog box will be displayed, showing a list of all available templates.
- Select the desired template and click Open button.
Using Online Templates
Steps to view and select online templates provided by Writer are:
- From main menu bar of LibreOffice Writer, select File > Templates > Manage Templates.
- Templates dialog box will be displayed.
- Click on “Browse Online Templates” icon which is in the lower left corner of dialog box.
- The official templates page of OpenOffice Writer ( will open.
- Download the desired template and save it on your computer.
- Open LibreOffice Writer.
- Click File > Templates > Open Template…
- From the Open dialog box, browse for the downloaded template and click on Open button.
- The template file will open.
- Make the desired changes in the content or appearance.
- Save the file as text file.
Importing a Template
After downloading the template, it is possible to import it so that it is visible in the list of templates in the Templates dialog box
Steps to import the template are:
- Open the Templates dialog box.
- Click Import Templates button.
- The Select Category dialog box will open.
- Choose the existing category from the list box or type the name of new category in New Category list box.
- Click OK button. The Open dialog box will appear.
- Select the downloaded template and click Open.
Editing a Template
Steps to edit a template are:
- Click File > Templates > Manage Templates.
- The Templates dialog box will be displayed.
- Right click on the template file that has to be edited and select the Edit option.
- The template file will be opened. Make the desired changes and save the file.
Setting Up a Custom Default Template
Any template can be set as a default template. Steps are:
- Open the Templates dialog box.
- Right click on the template that you wish to set as the default template.
- From the popup menu, select option Set as Default.
Moving a Template from one category to another
Steps to move template from one category to another are:
- Open the Templates dialog box.
- Click and select the template to be moved.
- Click Move button.
- Select the new category where the template has to be moved.
- Click OK button
Exporting a Template:
Exporting a template allows us to save the template file to a desired folder. This is useful for sharing templates with multiple users, as it creates a copy of the template file that can be transferred or sent to others.
Steps to export template are given below.
- In the Templates dialog box, select the template to be exported.
- Click on Export button.
- Select the folder where you want to export the template.
- Press on OK button and a confirmation dialog box will be displayed.
Applying Templates to a Blank Document
Steps to apply template to a blank document are given below
- Open a new document in LibreOffice Writer.
- Open the Templates dialog box.
- Select the desired template.
- Copy the entire content of the template.
- Paste the copied content of the template to a blank document
- Add or delete the content as desired and save it.
Track Changes Feature
Track Changes is a powerful tool that makes the process of commenting, editing and reviewing of a document easy between multiple users. Track Changes feature of Writer offers a method to keep a record of all the changes made in the original document. All the changes that are recorded can be either accepted or rejected by the original author.
To view the Track Changes toolbar, from main menu bar, select View > Toolbars > Track Changes

The various buttons present on the Track Changes toolbar are briefly explained below.
- View Track Changes – Clicking on this button displays all the changes made in the document by different users.
- Record Track Changes – Clicking on this button, turns on the Track Changes feature. Any character added to the document will be displayed in a different color and any deletion done will be seen in strike-through.
- Previous Track Changes/Next Track Changes – Click on these buttons to navigate between the changes made.
- Accept All Track Changes button will accept all the changes made to the document.
- Reject/Reject All Track Changes – This button helps to reject a single change or all changes made to the document.
- Manage Track Changes – This button shows a detailed list of all changes made to the document along with the author’s name and date and time of modification.
- Insert Comment – This button is used to add a comment in a document.
Preparing a Document for Review
Track Changes feature is used when a document is shared with one or more users. So, before sharing a document, one should make sure that the changes made should be recorded for review or editing purposes. For that, select Edit > Track Changes Record option. Alternatively, select the Record button from the Track Changes toolbar.
We can protect the document with password so that no user can disable the track changes option. Follow the
following steps for the same
- Create a new document in LibreOffice Writer. From the main menu, select Edit > Track Changes > Protect option.
- Enter the same password in Password and confirm text box and click on OK button.
Recording Changes
Click Edit > Track Changes > Record option. Alternatively select Record button from the toolbar. The shortcut key to start recording the changes is Ctrl+Shift+C.
Once the Record option is selected, the Track Changes feature is ON. Now, any character being deleted will be shown as strike through text and any character added will be shown in different colour.
To stop recording, deselect the record option by selecting Edit > Track Changes > Record or click the Record button on the toolbar.
Accepting and Rejecting Changes
Once the changes are made by all the reviewers, the original author may accept or reject them.
To accept or reject a change
- Click on the change made and then select Accept Track Change /Reject Track Change button.
- To navigate between the changes made to the document click Previous Track Changes and Next Track Changes buttons.
- To accept or reject all the changes made, select Accept All Tracked Changes / Reject All Tracked Changes button respectively
If Manage Track Changes button is clicked, a Manage Changes dialog box appears. It contains the details of all the changes made in the document. The dialog box contains buttons to accept and reject changes as well
Adding Comments
Follow the steps given below to add comments in a document.
- Click Insert Comment button on the Track Changes toolbar. A comment box will appear.
- Type the comment.
- Once done click anywhere on the document to activate it.
comments added by different users will be shown in different coloured comment boxes.
Deleting Comments
To delete any comment, click on the down arrow of the comment box. A popup menu will be displayed which shows the option to delete only the current comment, all comments by a particular author and to delete all comments. Select the desired option.
Comparing Documents
Steps to compare the documents are given below:
- Open the edited document.
- Select Edit > Track Changes > Compare Documents option.
- The Compare To dialog box will appear. Select the original file to be compared.
- The Manage Changes dialog box is displayed.
- Accept or reject the desired changes.
- Close the dialog box when done.
- Save the edited file
SUMMARY 1. A Table of Contents (ToC) contains a list of topics and subtopics that have been covered in the book along with page numbers. 2. A ToC in Writer allows to insert an automated table of contents in a document. 3. The contents in the ToC are hyperlinked in the table. 4. LibreOffice Writer supports up to 10 levels of headings H1 to H10. 5. To insert a ToC, select Insert > Table of Contents and Index > Table of Contents, Index or Bibliography. 6. To add a graphic as a background of the ToC, select the Bitmap button in the Background tab of the Table of Contents, Index or Bibliography dialog box. 7. Once inserted, a ToC can be edited or deleted from the document. 8. A template is a preset layout that helps to create professional and/or formal documents easily. 9. In a template we can create and save defined headings, text formats, styles, page numbers, headers and footers. 10. The new documents created from these templates have the same content segregation, formatting features and appearance as that of the applied templates. 11. To create a new document with a template, select File > New > Templates … 12. To create and save your own template, select File > Templates > Save. 13. LibreOffice provides a wide range of online templates which can be downloaded from then Internet. 14. Once these templates are installed on your computer, they will appear in Templates window from where they can be viewed and selected. 15. Any template can be set as a default template. 16. Export template option allows to store the template file in the desired folder on your computer. 17. Exporting a template is a very useful feature to share the templates with multiple users. 18. Track Changes feature of Writer makes the process of commenting, editing and reviewing of a document easy between multiple users. 19. The Track Changes feature of Writer helps to record all the changes made in the original document. All the changes that are recorded can be either accepted or rejected by the original author. 20. The Track Changes feature also gives us the option to add comments while reviewing a document. 21. The Track Changes toolbar contains various tools that help to track the changes made by different users.
Important links of Class X (IT – 402)
Unit 1: Digital Documentation (Advanced) using LibreOffice Writer
Chapter 1. Introduction to Styles – NOTES
Chapter 1. Introduction to Styles – Question Answers
Chapter 2. Working with Images – NOTES
Chapter 2. Working with Images – Question Answers
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