Ch 7 Share and Review a Spreadsheet Notes
Ch 7 Share and Review a Spreadsheet Notes
A shared spreadsheet is a sheet that can be accessed by more than one user and can allow them to make changes simultaneously on it. Sharing allows working in collaboration so that everyone can contribute, make changes and view it.
Sharing Spreadsheet
Steps to share the spreadsheet are:
1. Open a spreadsheet which is to be shared with others.
2. Save the file with some name.
3. Click on Tools > Share Spreadsheet.
4. Share Document dialog window will open.

5. Click on the checkbox “Share this spreadsheet with other users”.
6. Click on OK button.
7. Confirmation dialog window will open

8. Click on Yes to continue.
NOTE: Once the spreadsheet is saved, the name of the spreadsheet in the title bar will display (shared) along with the name of the spreadsheet. (as shown below)

Disable the shared mode
1. Open the spreadsheet which is shared.
2. Click on Tools > Share Spreadsheet from main menu bar.
3. Share Document dialog window will open.
4. Remove the check-mark on the check box, “Share this spreadsheet with other users”, and click on OK button.
5. Confirmation dialog window will appear.
6. Click Yes to continue.
Opening a Shared Spreadsheet
When we open a shared spreadsheet, a message will appear that the spreadsheet is in shared mode and some of the features are not available to use in this spreadsheet
Click on OK button

If you don’t want this warning option to be displayed again, then check the mark in the checkbox ‘Do not show warning again’.
NOTE: Observe the Edit menu, that shows Undo, Redo, Repeat, Paste, Links to External files, ImageMap, Object are not available for use.
Saving a Shared Spreadsheet
Steps to save a shared spreadsheet are:
1. After making the changes in the shared spreadsheet, we should save it before closing the spreadsheet.
2. If two or more users are working at the same time and the changes do not conflict, then the message will appear stating that the spreadsheet has been updated.
3. If there is any conflict for the changes, then resolve conflict dialog window will appear.
4. No other user can save the shared spreadsheet during resolving of conflicts.
NOTE: If another user is trying to save the shared document when you are resolving the conflicts, then he will be notified with a message that the file is locked.
Recording Changes
This feature of LibreOffice Calc provides different ways to record the changes made by one or other users in the spreadsheet. Steps for recording changes are:
1. First disable the shared mode of spreadsheet (if Shared)
2. Turn Off the feature of Track Changes > Record under Edit menu.
NOTE: The border colour of the cell in which data has been changed turns to red.

Add, Edit and Format the Comments
In Calc, the comments are automatically added. Also, the author or reviewer can add their own comments as well.
Steps to add the comments are:
1. Click on Edit > Track Changes > Comment
2. Add comment window will open.
3. Enter your comments and press OK.
Other way to add comment is given below
1. Click on the cell where you want to insert comments.
2. Select from main menu Insert > Comment.
3. The box will appear to write the comment.

NOTE: Once the comment is typed in the text box, you can observe a coloured dot in the upper-hand corner of the cell where the comment is added using insert comment. This type of comments is known as notes or suggestions in the spreadsheet
Steps to edit the comment
1. Right click on the cell where you have inserted the comments.
2. Select the “Edit Comment” option from popup menu.
3. Comment textbox will open.
4. Make the required changes.
Steps to delete the comment
1. Right click on the cell where you have inserted the comments.
2. Select the “Delete Comment” option from popup menu.
3. Comment will be deleted.
Steps to show the comment
1. Right click on the cell where you have inserted the comments.
2. Select the “Show Comment” option from popup menu to display the comment.
Steps to hide the comment
1. Right click on the cell where you have inserted the comments.
2. Select the “Hide Comment” option from popup menu to hide the comment.
Formatting comment
1. Right click on the cell where you have inserted the comments.
2. Select the option “Format cell”, which will display the Format Cells dialogue box.
3. Change the font, text colour, fill colour, line colour for the comment box as desired and click on OK button to apply the changes.
NOTE: Comments can be edited, deleted, show or hide by clicking on Sheet menu > Cell Comments
Reviewing Changes – View, Accept or Reject Changes
It is the final stage before submitting the spreadsheet. In this stage, we will go through the changes to accept or reject after looking at all the changes made by the team members. Steps to review changes are:
1. Click on Edit > Track Changes > Show
2. Show Changes dialog window will open.
NOTE: This is used to plan what all changes are to be displayed while reviewing the spreadsheet.
3. Click on Edit > Track Changes > Manage
4. Manage Changes dialog window will open.
5. Click on the line and click on Accept or Accept All or Reject or Reject All button to review the changes.
6. Click on Close button once the review is done.
Merging Documents
If the same spreadsheet is reviewed by different team members and you have two different versions of the same spreadsheet file. Follow the following steps to merge document.
1. Open the spreadsheet file(Say “Test.ods”) which we need to merge.
2. Click on Edit > Track Changes > Merge Document
3. Merge with dialog box will open.
4. Browse file (say “Test1.ods”) and click on Open.
5. Manage Changes dialog window will open.
6. Click on Accept All to accept all the changes which is done in the Test1.ods spreadsheet.
7. Open the file Test.ods and observe the change
Comparing Documents
Instead of merging two spreadsheets, we can compare the two spreadsheets by comparing the documents. Steps to compare the documents are:
- Open the spreadsheet.
- Click on Edit > Track Changes > Compare Document.
- This will open the Compare to dialog window, which will allow to open the spreadsheet to be compared.
- This will open the Manage Changes dialog window to accept/reject the changes.
- Finally click on Close button to close the Manage Changes dialog window.
Important links of Class X (IT – 402)
Unit 1: Digital Documentation (Advanced) using LibreOffice Writer
Chapter 1. Introduction to Styles – NOTES
Chapter 1. Introduction to Styles – Question Answers
Chapter 2. Working with Images – NOTES
Chapter 2. Working with Images – Question Answers
Chapter 3. Advanced features of Writer – NOTES
Chapter 3. Advanced features of Writer – Question Answers
Unit 2: Electronic Spreadsheet (Advanced) using LibreOffice Calc
Chapter 4. Analyse Data using Scenarios and Goal Seek – NOTES
Chapter 4. Analyse Data using Scenarios and Goal Seek – Question Answers
Chapter 5. Using Macros in Spreadsheet – NOTES
Chapter 5. Using Macros in Spreadsheet – Question Answers
Chapter 6. Linking Spreadsheet Data – NOTES
Chapter 6. Linking Spreadsheet Data – Question Answers
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data base concepts using libreoffice not included it seems
very useful during exams