Ch 15 Prevent Accident and Emergency MCQ
Ch 15 Prevent Accident and Emergency MCQ

Q1. Identify the natural emergency from the following:
a. Hurricanes
b. Earthquakes
c. Floods
d. All of the above
Q2. Identify the man made emergency from the following
a. Toxic gas releases
b. Fire
c. Chemical spills
d. All of the above
Q3. ________________ is an unplanned, uncontrolled, or unforeseen event resulting in injury or harm to people and damages to goods.
a. Emergency
b. Accident
c. Hazards
d. Risk
Q4. _____________________ is a serious or crisis situation that needs immediate attention and action.
a. Emergency
b. Accident
c. Hazards
d. Risk
Q5. A person falling down and getting injured. This is an example of _________________________
a. Emergency
b. Accident
c. Hazards
d. Risk
Q6. A customer having a heart attack. This is an example of _________________________
a. Emergency
b. Accident
c. Hazards
d. Risk
Q7. A sudden outbreak of fire in any organisation. This is an example of _________________________
a. Emergency
b. Accident
c. Hazards
d. Risk
Q8. Each organisation has ____________________ and ____________________ to handle and report accidents and to take care of emergencies.
a. Emergency report, Accident report
b. Protocol, Software
c. Procedures, Practices
d. Procedures, Software
Q9. Procedure to handle accidents caused by slipping or falling will be similar across the industry.(T/F)
a. True
b. False
Q10. We can tackle each form of accident and emergency in an organisation only when ______________________________
a. We are aware of Organisation’s policies and guidelines
b. We are aware of Organisation’s Financial Statement
c. We are aware of Organisation’s CEO
d. None of the above

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Q11. What should be done to handle a particular type of accident and emergency.
a. We should act as per the guidelines.
b. We should provide the required help and support as laid down in the policies.
c. We should not act outside the guidelines and policies.
d. All of the above
Q12. If someone is injured in an organisation, we should act as per our impulse or gut feeling.(T/F)
a. True
b. False
Q13. Who is authorized to take decisions beyond the organisation’s policies and guidelines, if the situation requires?
a. All employees
b. Team Leaders
c. Managers
d. Properly trained and certified professionals
Q14. What should NOT be done if someone is injured in an organisation?
a. Act as per your impulse or gut feeling.
b. Go as per the procedures laid down by your organisation’s policy for tackling injuries
c. Stay calm and follow the prescribed procedures
d. Provide medical help to the injured only if you are certified to provide the necessary aid.
Q15. What is the possible reason for Trip and Fall accident?
a. Loose wires on Floor
b. Wet floor
c. Dust on the Floor
d. Reflection on Computer Screen
Q16. Identify the odd one out.
a. Loose Wires
b. Goods left on aisles
c. Elevated threshold
d. Wet Floor
Q17. Slips and Fall are mainly due to ____________________
a. Wet floors
b. Spilling of liquids on floor
c. Throwing of slip-causing material on floors
d. All of the above
Q18. People may be injured in elevators by falling down due to ______________
a. Sudden, jerking movement of elevators
b. By tripping on elevators’ threshold
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q19. Escalators and elevators should be checked _________________ for proper and safe functioning by the right person or department
a. after every 20 days
b. every month
c. regularly
d. every year
Q20. Goods can fall on people from shelves and injure them. This typically happens if _________________________
a. Pieces of goods are placed properly and securely
b. Pieces of goods have been piled improperly
c. Pieces of goods kept in an appropriate manner
d. Pieces of goods are placed safely
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Q21. Identify the commonly occurring accidents in organisations.
a. Trip and Fall
b. Slip and Fall
c. Accidents due to Falling of Goods
d. All of the above
Q22. We can try to avoid accidents in our organization by ___________________
a. allowing employees to work from home
b. finding out all potential hazards and eliminating them.
c. restricting them to move from one place to another
d. not allowing them to talk with each other
Q23. What we should do in case of an injury to a colleague due to an accident?
a. Attend to the Injured Person Immediately
b. Inform your Supervisor
c. Assist your Supervisor
d. All of the above
Q24. First aid should contain all the important items for ____________
a. Cuts
b. Burns
c. Muscle Cramp
d. All of the above
Q25. What should be done on regular basis to avoid any electrical hazards?
a. Electrical staff and engineers should carry out routine inspections of all wiring to make sure there are no damaged or broken wires.
b. Keep a list of numbers to call during emergency, such as those of police, fire brigade, security, ambulance etc.
c. Ensure that emergency exits are not obstructed
d. Never place any objects near the emergency doors or windows
Q26. When people are removed from harmful or dangerous place is called ________________
a. Drill
b. Evacuation
c. Normalisation
d. Standard Procedure
Q27. What we should do during an emergency evacuation?
a. Leave the premises immediately and start moving towards the nearest emergency exit.
b. Do not use the escalators or elevators
c. Guide your customers or new colleagues to the emergency exits
d. All of the above
Q28. Electrical issues, such as ______________________________ often lead to fires
a. Damaged extension cords
b. Blocked electrical panels and heaters
c. Overloaded circuits
d. All of the above
Q29. Materials which won’t ignite on their own but will continue to burn once exposed to a heat source comes under the category of _____________________
a. Class C Material
b. Class D Material
c. Class B Material
d. Class A Material
Q30. Examples of Class A material is _________________
a. Cloth
b. Paper
c. Wood
d. All of the above

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Q31. Materials like liquid, grease, and gas materials that burn when exposed to ignition sources comes under the category of __________
a. Class A Material
b. Class B Material
c. Class C Material
d. Class D Material
Q32. Materials that are volatile and able to quickly ignite comes under the category of ___________________
a. Class A Material
b. Class B Material
c. Class C Material
d. Class D Material
Q33. Magnesium, Potassium, and Sodium are examples of _________
a. Class A Material
b. Class B Material
c. Class C Material
d. Class D Material
Q34. Electrical materials and equipment comes under the category of ___________________
a. Class A Material
b. Class B Material
c. Class C Material
d. Class D Material
Q35. Which of the following are examples of ignition sources?
a. Open flames
b. Sparks from metal saws
c. Heat sources such as heaters, ovens
d. All of the above
Q36. Which of the following type of fire extinguisher is not suitable for Class A material?
a. Water CO2
b. Mechanical Foam
c. ABC dry powder
d. Carbon dioxide
Q37. Which of the following type of fire extinguisher is not suitable for Class B material?
a. Water CO2
b. Mechanical Foam
c. ABC dry powder
d. Carbon dioxide
Q38. Which of the following type of fire extinguisher is suitable for Class D material?
a. Water CO2
b. Mechanical Foam
c. Dry Chemical Powder
d. Carbon dioxide
Q39. CPR stands for _____________________
a. Cardiac Pulmonary Resolution
b. Cardio Pulmonary Respiration
c. Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
d. Cardiac Pulmonary Respiratory
Q40. Write the following steps of operating fire extinguishers in sequence.
1. Use the fire extinguisher by squeezing the lever.
2. Break the seal and pull the safety pin from the handle.
3. Sweep it from side to side.
4. Identify the safety pin of the fire extinguisher, present in its handle.
a. 1>2>3>4
b. 2>3>1>4
c. 4>2>1>3
d. 3>1>4>2

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