Ch 14 Workplace Quality Measures Notes Important Points
Ch 14 Workplace Quality Measures Notes Important Points

In any organisation it is necessary to maintain a good air quality to improve the working capabilities of employees. A pollution free air is an essential requirement for any organisation. Also most of the IT companies makes use of centralised air conditioning system to keep the temperature of working place at pleasant level.
Water pollution is another problem faced by many organisations. So an organisation must ensure to prevent air pollution or water pollution.
Air and Water Quality Monitoring Process
Air and water pollution can be analysed by using several methods. There are three common forms of analysis –
- Physical
- Chemical
- Biological
NOTE: The PH value of the water can be measured through chemical analysis.
Guidelines for Clean Air and Clean Water
1. Air pollution is mostly caused by production of the dust, mixture of solid particles and gases in the surrounding air. So avoid dust production, generation of solid particles and gases in the air.
2. Extensive use of automobile vehicles in the campus can lead to the air pollution. So organisation must use limited number of vehicles to avoid air pollution.
3. The generation of ozone gas must be kept at low level by the organisation.
4. Extensive use of fertilizers and pesticide must be avoided as it can make the ground water polluted.
5. The sewage or the waste water should not mixed with the surrounding water.
Importance of Cleanliness at Workplace
It is always safe to keep our workplace clean to avoid hazardous. A clean work station makes our job easier and more pleasant. Each employee is responsible for the cleanliness of their work area and all tools and equipment used.
Spaces around machines and equipment should be kept clear and clean at all times to permit free movement.
Floors should be kept clean and clear to prevent slipping and collision.
Lighting fixtures are to be checked regularly to permit clear vision. Faulty lights should be reported to administration.
Office Ergonomics
Ergonomics is the science concerned with designing and arranging things so that people can use them
easily and safely. Applying ergonomics can reduce the potential for accidents. The following office ergonomics emphasize the identification of early warning signs.
Early Warning Signs | Potential Cause | Try This |
Sore lower back | No lumbar support | Use back rest of chair, put small pillow or lumbar support on backrest of chair |
Burning in the upper back | No upper back support from chair | Put document holder or prop up so you can see without leaning forward |
Stiff neck | Working with head turned to side tilting head forward holding telephone between the ear and shoulder | Move or raise monitor to centre of desk check if headset is available |
Sore shoulders | Reaching forward for long periods or reaching forward frequently | Move closer to the keyboard, Bring mouse down to level of keyboard or 1” higher |
Arching wrists | Working with wrists extended too much repetition | Add a wrist rest to the front of keyboard and mouse pad rest thumbs on front edge of keyboard so wrists can’t drop |
Dry eyes | Forget to blink | Rest eyes periodically and do simple eye exercises |
Eye strain and sore eyes | Glares from overhead lights or windows eye glasses not correct need vision check | Re-orient your desk and computer so light is not directly behind or in front of you. |
Computer Health and Safety Tips
With the increase use of computer, several health and safety issues related to vision, musculoskeletal issues, body aches and pains may occur. Some of the issues are listed below.

1. Musculoskeletal Problems
This problem include different areas of your body, such as neck, back, chests, arms shoulders and feet. It occurs because of your wrong posture, uncomfortable chair for sitting. To avoid this problem
- Position your computer such that the end of the monitor should be at your eye level.
- Keep your monitor at least arm length distance, or 20 to 30 inch away from you.
- Maximise contact of your back against the backrest of the chair.
- Minimise any twisting of your wrists from side to side or up and down.
- Always take small breaks while working on the computer to stretch your muscles.
2. Occupational Overuse Syndrome
Occupational overuse syndrome, also known as repetition strain injury (RSI), is a collective term for a range of conditions, characterised by discomfort or persistent pain in muscles, tendons and other soft tissues.
One of the most common conditions related to repetitive use of muscles when using the computer is carpal tunnel syndrome. It causes pain, numbness, and tingling in the hand and arm.
To avoid RSI
- Ensure that your fingers should be above the ‘home position’ (asdf and jkl; keys) on the keyboard, when your elbows are by your sides.
- You should avoid gripping the mouse too tightly.
- The keyboard and mouse should be kept at the same level.
- You should use ergonomic keyboard and mouse which help to reduce the risk of wrist related conditions.
3. Strain in Legs and Feet
Sitting to work for long time may cause strain in legs. Position your desk chair to sit comfortably with your feet flat on the floor. Use a footrest for more support. Ensure that there’s enough space to change position and stretch your legs.

4. Eye Strain
Computer’s bright light, glare and flickering images can cause eye strain and visual fatigue. Computer Vision Syndrome is caused by poor lighting and glare on the computer screen.
To reduce the risks of visual problems:
- Adjust the brightness of computer screen to save your eyes from strain.
- Keep a proper vision distance from computer.
- Wear anti-glare glasses while working in computer.
- Give your eyes periodic breaks from the screen and perform frequent blinking.
- Keep your monitor between 18 to 24 inches away from your face.
5. Headaches
Headache may occur due to muscle tension or pain in the neck. Strain on the eyes or vision problem can also cause headaches.
Try your best to keep your neck straight in front of the computer and take breaks.
6. Obesity
Spending long hours on computers may lead lacks of physical activity and exercise. You should take a break and try to squeeze in some exercise until you go back to work.
7. Stress Disorders
Prolonged use of computers may be accompanied by poor health and increased pressure, which may lead to stress. Stress can lead to decreased attention span, lack of concentration, dizziness.
Try things from yoga, to natural remedies, to medications as prescribed by a medical provider to combat your stress.
8. Injuries from Laptop Use
The growing use of laptops cause more pain and strain. In laptop the screen and keyboard are very close together so if you position the screen at the right height for your back and neck, it will cause you to have to lift your arms and shoulders too high to use it and vice versa.
9. Sleeping Problems
Artificial lighting from computer screens can trick your brain and suppress release of melatonin substance that assists your sleeping patterns. To tackle this, refrain from using a computer right before going to bed.

Health and Safety Requirements for Computer Workplace
The minimum health and safety requirements for Desktop computers, Laptops, Tablets, Smart phones, Television screens and Video monitors are as follows:
Display Screen (Monitor)
- Use the modern LED monitors of legible size.
- The image on the screen should be stable, with no flickering.
- The screen must be free of reflective glare and reflections.
- The keyboard should tilt and separate from the screen to find a comfortable working position and avoid fatigue in the arms or hands.
- The space in front of the keyboard must be sufficient to provide support for the hands and arms of the user.
- The keyboard should have a matt surface to avoid reflective glare.
Work Surface
The work desk should be sufficiently large and allow a flexible arrangement of the screen, keyboard, documents.
Work Chair
- The work chair must be stable and allow the user to move easily and find a comfortable position.
- It should be adjustable in height.
- The user’s feet must be placed flat on the floor or a footrest should be used.
Space Requirements
The workstation should be designed to provide sufficient space for the user to change position and vary
There must be satisfactory lighting conditions with appropriate contrast between the screen and background
Reflections and Glare
Workstations should be designed so that sources of light, such as windows and other openings, transparent walls, and brightly coloured fixtures cause no direct glare on the screen.
Noise and Heat
Noise emitted by equipment should not distract the attention. Noise cancelling earphones may provide a
solution if some noise is unavoidable.
The equipment may not produce excess heat which could cause discomfort to users.
Cautions while Working on the Computer
It is important to work safely on computer. A battery backup system is the best way to protect against a power outage, as it provides the system with constant voltage.
Unplug all power sources and cables from computer. If you are working with plugged in computer then it might damage your hardware.
Watch Out for Cords and Wires
Loose cords and wires can cause hazard and even electrical hazards. If a cord or wire will cross a pathway safety it should be mark it with hazard tape.
Never touch or try repairing any electrical equipment or circuits with wet hands.

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