Ch 13 Health and Safety at workplace Class 10 Question Answers

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Ch 13 Health and Safety at workplace Class 10 Question Answers

Ch 13 Health and Safety at workplace Class 10 Question Answers

Ch 13 Health and Safety at workplace
Ch 13 Health and Safety at workplace

A. Multiple choice questions

Q1. Workplace safety is essential in organisation _______________.

(a) to avoid the accident and injury
(b) to increase the productivity
(b) to improve the work environment
(d) All of the above

Q2. Which of the following is not mandatory to keep the good health of an employee?

(a) Cleanliness
(b) Food court
(c) Clean and fresh air
(d) Clean washroom

Q3. The security department is not responsible for _________________.

(a) personal safety
(b) computer system and equipment safety
(c) electrical safety
(d) personal belongings

Q4. The proper security procedures will increase ________________.

(a) liabilities
(b) insurance
(c) business revenue
(d) operational charges of the company

Q5. Which kind of hazards can occur in IT industry?

(a) Biological
(b) Chemical
(c) Physical
(d) Ergonomic

Q6. Which of the following can cause hazards while using computers?

(a) Poor sitting postures or excessive duration of sitting in one position
(b) Lifting heavy object
(c) Mishandling of tools and equipment
(d) Improper handling of office equipment

Q7. Which of the following statements is likely to result in an injury to the operator?

(a) Selecting the right tool for the job
(b) Wearing safety goggles or glasses
(c) Using a tool with loose handles
(d) Keeping cutting tools sharp

Q8. What are the potential cause of hazards at workplace?

(a) Poor ventilation
(b) Poor lighting
(c) Poor housekeeping
(d) All of the above

Ch 13 Health and Safety at workplace
Ch 13 Health and Safety at workplace

B. Fill in the blanks

1. Health of an employee is the state of the physical, ________________ and _______________ well being.

2. The work places must be cleaned in the __________________ before the people start working.

3. A proper ___________________ provide clean and cool air at the workplace.

4. A fresh food cafeteria helps to maintain the ____________________ of the employee.

5. The work environment of the organisation must be _____________ and free from _________________ and _____________.

6. The proper security procedures will increase the ___________ and will reduce the __________ of the company.

7. Injuries and illness of the employees is prevented through national policy on ________.

8. Physical hazards occurs due to ___________.

9. Electrical hazards mostly caused due to coming in direct contact with ______________, or indirect contact through a _____________.

10. Hazards while using computers occurs due to ___________ or excessive duration of sitting in ____________.

Ch 13 Health and Safety at workplace
Ch 13 Health and Safety at workplace

C. State whether the following statements are True or False

1. The employer and employees are responsible for workplace safety.

2. Any injury at work should be reported to the supervisor immediately.

3. No matter how big or small the injury; the injured person should receive medical attention.

4. While working with machines and equipment, employees must follow the safety guidelines set by the company.

5. Bright light sources behind the display screen can create contrast problems.

6. Exposure to bright lights and toxic fumes and vapour could damage the mouth and ears.

7. The use of personal protective clothing and equipment can control the hazards at workplace.

8. Do not throw rubbish daily.

9. Proper handling of office equipment can result in injuries.

10. Stress at workplace can cause hazard in today’s organisation.

D. Short answer questions

Q1. Briefly explain the concept of health, safety and security at workplace.

Q2. State the most important reasons for health, safety and security programs in workplace.

Q3. List out the various workplace safety hazards.

Q4. List out the potential sources of hazards in an organisation.

Q5. List some of the IT workplace hazards.

Q6. What are the examples of potential hazards?

Q7. Describe information technology workplace hazards.

Q8. What are the workplace safety rules?

Q9. List out different safety guidelines?

Q10. Describe type of emergency with example.

Ch 13 Health and Safety at workplace
Ch 13 Health and Safety at workplace

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Ch 13 Health and Safety at workplace Class 10 Question Answers

Ch 13 Health and Safety at workplace Class 10 Question Answers

Ch 13 Health and Safety at workplace Class 10 Question Answers

Ch 13 Health and Safety at workplace Class 10 Question Answers

Ch 13 Health and Safety at workplace Class 10 Question Answers

Ch 13 Health and Safety at workplace Class 10 Question Answers

Ch 13 Health and Safety at workplace Class 10 Question Answers

Ch 13 Health and Safety at workplace Class 10 Question Answers

Ch 13 Health and Safety at workplace Class 10 Question Answers

Ch 13 Health and Safety at workplace Class 10 Question Answers

Ch 13 Health and Safety at workplace Class 10 Question Answers

Ch 13 Health and Safety at workplace Class 10 Question Answers

Ch 13 Health and Safety at workplace Class 10 Question Answers

Ch 13 Health and Safety at workplace Class 10 Question Answers

Ch 13 Health and Safety at workplace Class 10 Question Answers

Ch 13 Health and Safety at workplace Class 10 Question Answers

Ch 13 Health and Safety at workplace Class 10 Question Answers

Ch 13 Health and Safety at workplace Class 10 Question Answers

Ch 13 Health and Safety at workplace Class 10 Question Answers

Ch 13 Health and Safety at workplace Class 10 Question Answers

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