Ch 13 Health and Safety at Workplace MCQ
Ch 13 Health and Safety at Workplace MCQ

Q1. When there was a fire in a building. We find that the fire alarm was ringing and fire brigade vehicles along with water tanks were approaching the building. This event remind us the importance of _____________________
a. Health and Safety at the workplace.
b. Health and Safety at the Home
c. Environment at the workplace.
d. Computer Safety at the workplace.
Q2. Health, Safety and Security will increase the ______________ at workplace.
a. Dispute
b. Productivity
c. Casualties
d. Damage
Q3. ________________ of an employee is the state of the physical, mental and social well being
a. Safety
b. Security
c. Health
d. Age
Q4. Every organisation must provide __________________________
a. Healthy and safety working environment
b. Clean and Pollution free environment
c. Filtered water facility
d. All of the above
Q5. A _______________ is something that can cause harm to the people.
a. Risk
b. Safety
c. Hazard
d. None of the above
Q6. A _________________ is a probability of causing harm to the people.
a. Risk
b. Safety
c. Hazard
d. None of the above
Q7. A proper safety guidelines must be prepared by the ______________ and safety procedures must be practiced by _______________ at regular employees.
a. Company, Employees
b. Employees, Company
c. Local Police, Company
d. Company, Local Police
Q8. Which of the following is not the responsibility of Organisation?
a. To provide clean water
b. To provide clean and cool air
c. To provide meals at all time
d. To provide clean washroom
Q9. ________________ is a kind of freedom from any potential harm
a. Safety
b. Health
c. Hazard
d. Security
Q10. Security department should be responsible for _____________________
a. Electrical safety
b. Personal safety
c. Computer System Safety
d. All of the above

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Q11. The proper security procedures will reduce _________________ for organisation
a. Liabilities
b. Insurance
c. Compensation
d. All of the above
Q12. DoIT stands for ___________________________
a. Desk of Information Technology
b. Department of Information Technology
c. Do it Now
d. Department of Intelligent Transport
Q13. The proper security procedures will increase _________________ for organisation
a. Liabilities
b. Insurance
c. Business Revenue
d. Compensation
Q14. A health, safety and security ___________________ is a written statement by an employer stating the company’s commitment for the protection of the health, safety and security.
a. Registration
b. Document
c. Policy
d. Language
Q15. Select the appropriate reasons for Health, Safety and Security Programs or Policies in Workplace.
a. It indicates the company’s commitment for their employee’s health and safety
b. It also shows that how injuries and illness of the employees is prevented.
c. It clearly state that the company is not only doing the business for profits but it is taking care of all its stake holders.
d. All of the above
Q16. OHS or OH&S stands for _______________________________
a. Occupational Health and Safety
b. Occupational Health Safety
c. Occupational Health and Security
d. Occuring Health Safety
Q17. Company should adopt measures and processes that focus on the prevention of occupation related accidents..(T/F)
a. True
b. False
Q18. Which of the following is not the common type of Hazard in a Company or Factory or in any Organisation?
a. Physical Hazard
b. Electrical Hazard
c. Ergonomics Hazard
d. Paper Hazard
Q19. _________________ could also mean working with machinery and electricity operated machines.
a. Chemical Hazards
b. Biological Hazards
c. Ergonomics Hazards
d. Physical hazards
Q20. Which type of hazard arising from the work environment like floors, facilities, walls, and ceilings?
a. Physical Hazards
b. Chemical Hazards
c. Ergonomics Haxards
d. Biological Hazards

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Q21. What should we do to avoid falls and slips in an organisation?
a. All things must be arranged properly
b. Any spilt liquid such as paints must be immediately cleaned to avoid any accidents.
c. Proper lighting at all places
d. All of the above
Q22. _____________________ is due to coming in direct contact with live wires, or having indirect contact through a conductor.
a. Physical Hazards
b. Biological Hazards
c. Electrical Hazards
d. Ergonomics Hazards
Q23. Common cause of electrical accident is _______________________
a. worn-out wiring
b. overloading of electrical circuits
c. faulty equipment
d. All of the above
Q24. To avoid electrical hazards in an organisation, the security and safety department should ________________________
a. provide basic knowledge of using electrical equipment
b. provide basic instructions to employees about electrical safety.
c. make sure that electrical technician and engineers should carry out routine inspections of all wiring
d. All of the above
Q25. Which of the following hazards may damage vital workplace equipment stock, other items, and the building;?
a. Fire Hazard
b. Ergonomic Hazard
c. Biological Hazard
d. Physical Hazard
Q26. Employees should be aware of all emergency exits, including fire escape routes of the office building and also the locations of fire extinguishers and alarms. In this we are talking about _______________ Hazard
a. Physical
b. Biological
c. Fire
d. Chemical
Q27. Which of the following hazard may damage the lungs?
a. Chemical Hazard
b. Electrical Hazard
c. Physical Hazard
d. None of the above
Q28. Which of the following hazards may result in pain and strain?
a. Hazards from Computer
b. Electrical Hazards
c. Biological Hazards
d. Chemical Hazards
Q29. Which of the following may be the cause of hazards using computer?
a. Poor sitting postures
b. Long duration of sitting in one position
c. Bright light from screen
d. All of the above
Q30. Which of the following is potential sources of hazards in an organisation?
a. Hazards using Computers
b. Handling Office Equipment
c. Stress at Work
d. All of the above

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Q31. Which of the following is a stress causing hazards?
a. Long working hours
b. Aggressive arguments with colleagues
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q32. Sharp-edged equipment if not handled properly, can cause ___________
a. Cuts
b. Burns
c. Strain
d. Pain
Q33. Bright light sources behind the display screen can create ________________
a. Picture Problem
b. Contrast problem
c. Best picture
d. None of the above
Q34. Which of the following are appropriate solution to avoid bright light sources behind the display screen?
a. Use blinds or drapes on windows to eliminate bright light.
b. Use indirect or shielded lighting
c. Use well-distributed diffuse light.
d. All of the above
Q35. Which of the following can mitigate hazards from computer?
a. Stretching at regular intervals
b. Doing some simple yoga in your seat
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q36. Improper handling of office equipment can result in ___________
a. Fatigue
b. Poor eyesight
c. Injuries
d. All of the above
Q37. _____________________ without proper procedure or techniques can be a source of potential hazard
a. Lifting Heavy Objects
b. Moving Heavy Objects
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Q38. What could be done to reduce stress at work?
a. Working for long hours
b. Looking for aggressive conflicts or arguments with colleagues.
c. looking for ways to resolve conflict with colleagues
d. None of the above
Q39. Potential hazards at working environment may include _________________
a. Chairs and Tables of inappropriate height
b. Poor ventilation
c. Poor lighting
d. All of the above
Q40. Hazards include physical or emotional intimidation, such as bullying or ganging up against someone.(T/F)
a. True
b. False
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