Basic ICT Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers
Session 1: Introduction to ICT
A. State whether the following statements are True or False
- The full form of ICT is Information Commuting Technology. –
- Live sports and news can only be shown using ICT. –
B. Short answer questions
Q1. Give any two uses of ICT at home.
Q2. What are the emerging skills in ICT?
Q3. What are the key skills one should possess to use ICT?
Session 2: ICT Tools: Smartphones and Tablets – I
A. Short answer questions
Q1. Identify the following symbols and write the name in the blank space

Q2. Write any two differences between a smartphone and a tablet.
Session 3: ICT Tools: Smartphones and Tablets – II
A. Multiple choice questions
Q1. What is a short-range wireless communication technology called?
(a) Wi-Fi
(b) Internet
(c) Bluetooth
(d) PS
Q2. Which part of the home screen is visible on all pages?
(a) Status bar
(b) Main icon area
(c) Dock
(d) Clock
Q3. What does GPS stand for?
(a) Global Positioning System
(b) Global Payment System
(c) Global Program System
(d) Global Pointing System
Session 4: Parts of a Computer and Peripherals
A. Multiple choice questions
Q1. Which of the following units make up the CPU? Choose and tick all the correct options.
(a) Processing Unit
(b) Input Unit
(c) Memory Unit
(d) Control Unit
(e) Output Unit
Q2. Which of the following are names of ports in a computer? Choose and tick all the correct options.
(a) HDMI
(b) Input
(c) VGA
(d) USB
(e) Ethernet
Q3. There is a talent contest in your town. For participating in the audition, you have to send a recording of a song. What would you connect to your computer to record your song?
(a) Keyboard
(b) Microphone
(c) Scanner
(d) Mouse
B. Short answer questions
Q1. Write the purpose of the I/O devices
a. Mic/Microphone
b. Scanner
c. Camera
d. Barcode Reader
e. Printer
f. Speaker
Session 5: Basic Computer Operations
A. Multiple choice questions
Q1. Which of the following functions are performed using a mouse. Choose and tick all the correct options.
(a) Turn on computer
(b) Typing
(c) Right click
(d) Drag and Drop an Icon
Q2. What is the term used when you press and hold the left mouse key and move the mouse around?
(a) Highlighting
(b) Dragging
(c) Selecting
(d) Moving
Q3. Rearrange the steps for starting a computer in the correct sequence.
(a) Desktop appears after login
(b) Login screen appears
(c) Power on Self-Test (POST) starts
(d) Operating system starts
(e) Welcome screen appears
B. Short answer questions
Q1. Describe the functions of atleast 5 types of keys
Q2. Describe the functions of a mouse.
Session 6: Performing Basic File Operations
A. Multiple choice questions
Q1. Which one of the following shortcut key is used to paste a file? Tick mark the correct answer.
(a) Ctrl + C
(b) Ctrl + P
(c) Ctrl + V
(d) Ctrl + X
Q2. Which of the following is a valid file extension for Notepad file? Tick mark the correct answer.
(a) .jpg
(b) .doc
(c) .text
(d) .txt
Q3. Which key do you use to copy something? Tick mark the correct answer.
(a) Ctrl+X
(b) Ctrl+C
(c) Ctrl+Z
(d) Ctrl+T
Session 7: Communication and Networking — Basics of Internet
A. Multiple choice questions
Q1. To connect to the Internet, the computer has to be connected to the ________________.
(a) Internet Society
(b) Internet Architecture
(c) Internet Service Provider
(d) Large Area Network
Q2. What is the Internet?
(a) Phone connections
(b) Collection of computer networks
(c) Network of computers in an office
(d) None of the above
B. Short answer questions
Q1. Write a short note on the uses of internet.
Session 8: Communication and Networking—Internet Browsing
A. Multiple choice questions
Q1. What do I need to get information from the World Wide Web?
(a) Computer
(b) Browser
(c) Internet Connection
(d) All of the above
Q2. Which of the following is a web browser?
(a) Internet
(b) Chrome
(c) Windows
(d) None of the above
B. Short answer questions
Q1. List the steps to search for information using a web browser.
Session 9: Communication and Networking—Introduction to e-Mail
A. State whether the following statements are True or False
1. Email cannot be sent to more than one person at a time.
2. Email is an electronic message sent over the Internet or a computer network.
3. Pictures, videos, audio files, and spreadsheet files cannot be attached with an e-mail.
Session 10: Communication and Networking— Creating an e-Mail Account
A. Multiple choice questions
Q1. Here are the steps to sign in to your Gmail account.
(i) Type username (ii) Go to (iii) Click Sign in (iv) Type password
Choose the option with the correct order.
(a) i > ii > iv > iii
(b) ii > i > iii > iv
(c) ii> i > iv > iii
(d) ii > iii > i > iv
Q2. Which one of the following statements is false?
(a) You need to create an account before you can send an e-mail.
(b) You should sign out of your account when you are not using the computer.
(c) You do not need an Internet connection to use your Gmail account.
(d) You must not share your password with others.
Q3. Which of the following is an e-mail service?
(a) WhatsApp
(b) WeChat
(c) Gmail
(d) Facebook
B. Short answer questions
Q1. What characters should the password have in e-mail address, to make it more secure?
Session 11: Communication and Networking— Writing an e-Mail
A. Multiple choice questions
Q1. What do you type in the “To” field?
(a) The topic of the e-mail
(b) The main message of the e-mail
(c) Email address of the person to whom you want to send a copy of the e-mail
(d) Email address of the person you are sending the mail to
Q2. You want to send an e-mail message to your friend Sushil. In which order will you perform the given steps to write and send an e-mail to him?
(i) Type Sushil’s e-mail address, subject and message
(ii) Click on the Compose button (iii) Click Send (iv) Open your e-mail account.
(a) (iv)>(ii)>(i)>(iii)
(b) (iv)>(i)>(ii)>(iii)
(c) (iv)>(i)>(iii)>(ii)
(d) (iii)>(i)>(ii)>(iv)
B. Fill in the blanks
1. In “To:” section ____________________ is typed for sending a message through e-mail.
2. The Attach button in e-mail often has a ________________ as its symbol.
3. In the ________________ section of the e-mail, the topic of the mail is written.
4. After typing the message in the main body of the e-mail, you need to click on _________ button to send the e-mail.
Session 12: Communication and Networking — Receiving and Replying to e-mails
A. State whether the following statements are True or False.
1. By choosing the “Reply” option, the e-mail address of the sender of the original message will appear in the “To” field.
2. Email is an electronic message transmitted over the Internet or computer network from one user to another.
3. You can forward the e-mail by clicking on the delete icon
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Unit 4 : Electronic Spreadsheet MCQ
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