Q41. The numeric keypad has ____________ columns and __________ rows.
Q42. On a numeric keypad, the number __________ is the guide key.
Q43. On a numeric keypad, the number __________ has a small raised tangible mark which serves as a guide for the touch typist in the placement of fingers on other keys.
Q44. _______________ number key on numeric keypad is to be pressed by the right-hand thumb.
Q45. Rapid Typing Tutor is a __________________
Q46. Keyboards usually have small protrusions on the ______________ keys. They help your fingers locate the base position without looking at the keyboard.
Q47. CPM (in reference to typing) stands for ___________________
Q48. _______________ is defined as the percentage of correct entries out of the total entries typed.
Q49. Ravi typed 240 characters per 2 min with errors in 20 characters. His Net typing speed is ________________
Q50. The fastest typing speed on an alphanumeric keyboard, ____________ words in one minute, was achieved by Stella Pajunas in 1946
Thank you
This quiz was quite good many new things to learn and have basic question which may come in exam
It’s help alot thank you sir or mam