Digital Documentation Class 9 Questions and Answers
Digital Documentation Class 9 Questions and Answers
Q1. What do you mean by document and documentation?
Ans. A document is a paper with written contents and the process of preparing a document is called documentation.
Q2. What is word processor?
Ans. A word processor is a computer application used for the production of printable material.
Q3. Write any two limitations of using typewriter.
Ans. Two limitations of using typewriter are:
In case of any typing error, the whole sheet is to be typed again.
It is not possible to type all the characters using the typewriter.
Q4. Write any four features of Word Processor.
Ans. Four features of word processor are :
We can Create, edit, save, retrieve and print the document
We can insert pictures or graphs within the document.
We can check spelling and grammar.
We can format paragraphs as well as pages.
Q5. Name any two Web-based word processor.
Ans. Two Web based word processor are: (write any two)
Google Docs
Office 365 Word
Microsoft OneDrive Word
Q6. Expand FOSS.
Ans. Free and Open Source Software
Q7. Write any two uses of Word Processor.
Ans. Two uses of Word Processor are:
Students use Word Processor for preparing project reports and assignments.
Word processors are used in the business for preparing letters, reports, and many other different types of documents.
Q8. Write two ways of starting Libre Office Writer in Windows.
Ans. Two ways of starting Libre Office Writer in Windows are: (Write any two)
Double click LibreOffice Writer shortcut, which is usually on the computer desktop.
Click on the Start or Windows button, select LibreOffice → LibreOffice Writer from application window.
Using the Search command, type the word ‘writer’ in the search field, and select LibreOffice Writer from the offered results.
Q9. How can you open a new file in Writer with the help of Mouse and Keyboard?
Ans. Keyboard : Press Ctrl + N and Mouse : Click on File → New → Text Document
Q10. What is the default file extension of Writer?
Ans. .odt
Digital Documentation Class 9 Questions and Answers
Digital Documentation Class 9 Questions and Answers
Q11. Write the keyboard shortcut for the following:
To open a new file
To open an existing file
To save a file
Ans. Keyboard shortcuts are:
To open a new file ———–Ctrl + N
To open an existing file ——Ctrl + O
To save a file —————–Ctrl + S
Q12. Write the steps to Save a document using password.
Ans. Steps to save a document using password are:
Select File → Save
Select the location and type a suitable name for the document.
Click on Save button.
Put a tick on the checkbox Save with a password.
Type the password to open the file in Set password dialog box.
Type the same password in the second box and click OK button.
Q13. What is Text Cursor?
Ans. The Text Cursor is a flashing vertical line in the body of the text.
Q14. What is the purpose of Home and End Key of Keyboard in Writer?
Ans. Pressing the Home key takes the Cursor to the beginning of the line and pressing End key takes the Cursor to the end of a line.
Q15. Complete the following table:
Key Combination Purpose in Writer Ctrl + End Ctrl + Home
Digital Documentation Class 9 Questions and Answers
Key Combination Purpose in Writer Ctrl + End the cursor jumps to the end of the document. Ctrl + Home the cursor jumps to the beginning of the document.
Digital Documentation Class 9 Questions and Answers
Q16. Aman is working in Open Office Writer. By mistake, he had made some changes and now he want to erase the last change done. Which option will help him to do so?
Ans. Undo
Q17. Write the keyboard shortcut for Undo and Redo ?
Ans. Undo – Ctrl + Z and Redo – Ctrl + Y
Q18. Write one difference between Copy & Paste and Cut & Paste.
Ans. Copy and Paste : It is used to make a duplicate copy of selected text.
Cut and Paste: It is used to move a selected text from one place to another.
Q19. Match the following:
Task Process To select a single word at a time By triple click To select a complete sentence at a time By quadruple click To select a complete paragraph at a time By Pressing Ctrl + A To select a complete document By double click
Digital Documentation Class 9 Questions and Answers
Task Process To select a single word at a time By double click To select a complete sentence at a time By triple click To select a complete paragraph at a time By quadruple click To select a complete document By Pressing Ctrl + A
Digital Documentation Class 9 Questions and Answers
Q20. How can you Select non-consecutive text items in Writer using Mouse?
Ans. By using the mouse
Select the first piece of text.
Hold down the Ctrl key and use the mouse to select the next piece of text.
Repeat as often as needed.
Digital Documentation Class 9 Questions and Answers
Digital Documentation Class 9 Questions and Answers
Q21. How can you select vertical block of text in Writer?
Ans. To select the vertical block of text select from menu: Edit → Selection Mode → Block Area, or press Ctrl + F8 (Keyboard shortcut).
Q22. Which feature of Writer is used to search for a text and replace it with other text?
Ans. Find and Replace
Q23. Which feature of Writer is useful to jump to a particular page number? Under which menu this option is available? Also write the keyboard shortcut to open this feature.
Ans. In such a situation, ‘Go to Page’ feature of Writer is useful. This option is available in Edit menu. Keyboard Shortcut is : Ctrl + G
Q24. What is non printing characters in Writer? What is the keyboard shortcut to display the non printing characters?
Ans. Those characters which are not displayed at printing is called non printing characters. Keyboard shortcut to display non printing character is : Ctrl + F10
Q25. Write three ways to open Spelling and Grammar dialog box.
Ans. Three ways to open Spelling and Grammar dialog box are:
Select Tools menu → Spelling and Grammar
Click the Spelling and Grammar button on the Standard toolbar
Press the keyboard key F7.
Q26. Write the steps to open Page Style dialog box.
Ans. Click on the Format menu→ PageSetup and then click on Page option.
Q27. What do you mean by formatting text?
Ans. Formatting a text means to change a text’s appearance, such as its size and color.
Q28. Write various methods of formatting text.
Ans. Various methods of formatting text are:
Use the menu options from menu bar.
Use the readily available buttons on the formatting toolbar.
Use the context menu. The context menu appears by right clicking on the selected text.
Use the keyboard shortcut.
Q29. Write various ways to clear the text formatting in Writer.
Ans. Various ways to clear text formatting are:
select the text and choose Format → Clear Direct Formatting from the Menu bar
Click the Clear Direct Formatting button on the Formatting toolbar
Use Ctrl+M from the keyboard.
Q30. Write any two common text formatting features of Writer.
Ans. Two common text formatting features of Writer are: (Write any two)
Changing font size – by selecting font size.
Changing font style – bold, italic, underline
Changing font type – by selecting font drop down.
Changing font colour – by selecting font colour icon
Digital Documentation Class 9 Questions and Answers
Digital Documentation Class 9 Questions and Answers
Q31. Write the keyboard shortcuts for the following:
Task Keyboard Shortcut Making the text bold Making the text Italic Making the text Underline
Digital Documentation Class 9 Questions and Answers
Task Keyboard Shortcut Making the text bold Ctrl + B Making the text Italic Ctrl + I Making the text Underline Ctrl + U
Digital Documentation Class 9 Questions and Answers
Q32. How many Change case option available in Open Office Writer? Name all of them.
Ans. There are 6 change case options in Writer.
Upper case
Lower case
Cycle case
Sentence case
Capitalize every word
Toggle case
Q33. Write the steps to apply Superscript and Subscript in Writer.
Ans. To apply superscript: Select the text and select Format → Text → Superscript To apply subscript: Select the text and select Format → Text → Subscript
Q34. Write four types of alignment that can be applied to a paragraph in Writer.
Ans. Four types of alignment are:
Left alignment
Right alignment
Center alignment
Q35. Write the keyboard shortcut for the following:
Task Keyboard Shortcut Right alignment of paragraph Center alignment of paragraph Left alignment of paragraph Justified alignment of paragraph
Digital Documentation Class 9 Questions and Answers
Task Keyboard Shortcut Right alignment of paragraph Ctrl + R Center alignment of paragraph Ctrl + E Left alignment of paragraph Ctrl + L Justified alignment of paragraph Ctrl + J
Digital Documentation Class 9 Questions and Answers
Q36. How can you assign background colour to the paragraph?
Ans. To assign background colour to the paragraph:
First select the paragraph.
Select Format →Paragraph → Area→ Colour, then select the colour.
Q37. Write the steps to assign border to a paragraph.
Ans. Steps to assign border to the paragraph are:
Select the paragraph, then select Format → Paragraph → Borders → Select Line – Style, Width, Colour.
After selecting, click ‘Ok’.
Q38. What is page style in Writer?
Ans. Page styles define the basic layout of all pages in the document. It includes page size, margins, header and footer, border and background, number of columns, etc.
Q39. Write the steps to insert a page break?
Ans. To insert the page break select Insert → Page Break from the Menu bar or use the keyboard command (Ctrl + Return).
Q40. What is Header and Footer?
Ans. Header is text that appears at the top margin of the page. Footer is a text that appears at the bottom margin of the page.
Digital Documentation Class 9 Questions and Answers
Q41. How can you insert header and footer in Writer?
Ans. To insert header in the document, select Insert →Header and Footer → Header
To insert footer in the document, select Insert →Header and Footer → Footer
Q42. How can you insert page numbers in the footer section?
Ans. To insert page numbers in the footer section, place the cursor in the footer section and select Insert →Page Number.
Q43. Name any four elements that can be inserted in Writer.
Ans. Four elements that can be inserted in Writer are: (Write any four)
Special Character
Q44. Write the steps to add background colour to the paragraph in Writer.
Ans. Steps are:
Select the paragraph
Right-click anywhere in the paragraph, and choose Paragraph from the context menu.
In the dialog, select the Area tab, then choose Color.
Click OK
Q45. Which menu will help us to insert image, special characters and chart in Writer document?
Ans. Insert menu
Q46. Write the steps to insert image in Writer.
Ans. Steps are:
Place the cursor where you want to insert the image and select Insert → Image.
A file manger will appear.
Select the image file and click on Open button or just double click on the image file
Q47. Write the steps to insert special character in Writer.
Ans. To insert Special Character select Insert → Special Character
Q48. How can you divide a page into columns?
Ans. To divide the page into columns, select Format → Column. A Column dialogue box will appear. Enter the number of columns in the Column entry box and click OK.
Q49. What is table?
Ans. The representation of data in a tabular format is called as table. A table has a number of rows and columns.
Q50. Write the steps to create table in Writer.
Ans. The simplest way to create a table is, click the Table icon on the Standard toolbar. On the drop-down graphic, choose the size of the table.
Digital Documentation Class 9 Questions and Answers
Q51. How can you delete rows or columns in a table?
Ans. To delete one or more rows or columns, place the cursor in the row or column you want to delete. Right-click and choose Delete → Rows or Delete → Columns.
Q52. How can you delete a table?
Ans. To delete a table :
• Click anywhere in the table. • Choose Table → Delete Table from the Menu bar.
Q53. What is Print Preview in Writer?
Ans. Print Preview is useful to check the document before printing. A user can check whether the document is prepared as needed, such as indentation, borders, etc.
Q54. How can you print a document in Writer?
Ans. To print the document press Ctrl+P. A Print dialog box will appear. From the Print dialog, you can choose options as per your requirement. They are Printer, Properties, Print Range, Copies and Options. Press OK. The selected options will work for the current document only
Q55. Explain all the three options to print the number of pages in a document.
Ans. The three options to print the number of pages in a document are :
To print all the pages in sequence, choose the option All pages.
To print a single page, or number of nonconsecutive pages, choose the option Pages, and give the page numbers separated by comma.
To print only the selected text, choose the option, Selection
Q56. What is Mail Merge?
Ans. Mail merge is the process of merging the main document (letter or certificates) with the mailing address of various persons. The main document is merged with the mailing address, hence the name mail merge.
Q57. Mr Rathi is a principal of BPP School. He wants to send a letter to your parents regarding a meeting . The matter of the letter will be the same but the addresses will be different for different parents. Which special feature of Writer will help him to accomplish this task easily.
Ans. Mail Merge
Q58. How many documents are created in Mail Merge? Name them
Ans. Two documents are created in Mail Merge
Main Document
Data Source
Q59. How can you open the Mail Merge Wizard?
Ans. To open mail merge wizard select Tool→ Mail Merge Wizard
Q60. Write all the steps involved in Mail Merge Wizard.
Ans. Steps are:
Select starting document
Select document type
Insert address block
Create Salutation
Adjust layout
Digital Documentation Class 9 Questions and Answers
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Digital Documentation Class 9 Questions and Answers
Important Links of Class IX
Unit 1 : Introduction to IT–ITeS Industry BOOK SOLUTIONS
Unit 1 : Introduction to IT–ITeS Industry NOTES
Unit 1 : Introduction to IT-ITeS MCQ
Unit 3 : Digital Documentation NOTES
Unit 3 : Digital Documentation BOOK SOLUTIONS
Unit 3 : Digital Documentation MCQ
Unit 4 : Electronic Spreadsheet BOOK SOLUTIONS
Unit 4 : Electronic Spreadsheet MCQ
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Digital Documentation Class 9 Questions and Answers
Digital Documentation Class 9 Questions and Answers
Digital Documentation Class 9 Questions and Answers
Digital Documentation Class 9 Questions and Answers
Digital Documentation Class 9 Questions and Answers
Digital Documentation Class 9 Questions and Answers
Digital Documentation Class 9 Questions and Answers
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