Updated Self Management Skills Class 10 Notes IT 402 Important Points

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Self Management Skills Class 10 Notes

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Self Management:

Self-management, also referred to as ‘self-control,’ is the ability to control one’s emotions, thoughts and
behaviour effectively in different situations.

Basics of Self-management:

To perform well at work and life in general, we must be able to manage and improve ourselves in various skills
including discipline and timeliness, goal-setting, problem solving, teamwork, professionalism, etc.

Some of the basic skills everyone should master to succeed in life:

1. Self-awareness:

Self-aware means that we can identify our strengths and weaknesses. Self-awareness, therefore, will help us in converting our weakness into strength and strength into an exceptional talent.

2. Responsibility :

Taking responsibility for the tasks which has been assigned to us is the step towards self-development.

3. Time Management :

We should make a time table and follow it diligently.

4. Adaptability :

We should prepare ourselves for new changes, so that we can transition seamlessly.


Stress can be defined as our emotional, mental, physical and social reaction to any perceived demands or threats. These demands or threats are called stressors. Stressors are the reasons for Stress

Meaning and Importance of Stress Management :

Stress Management refers to focusing human efforts for maintaining a healthy body and mind capable
of better withstanding stressful situations.

The ultimate goal of Stress management is to strike a balance between life, work, relationships, relaxation and fun.

Stress Causal Agents

1) Mental: Students can be left overwhelmed, if they are unable to handle their assignment submission deadlines and examinations grades.

2) Physical: As children grow up, they may become critically conscious of their looks. Issues related to general well-being and health of an individual can lead to low self-esteem and cause stress.

3) Social : Discord amongst family members, peer pressure for doing things which children would generally avoid , maintaining balance in relationships amongst friends, status show off may lead to stress at times.

4) Financial: Youngsters may have aspirational financial stress. This may be of becoming financially independent.

Advantages of Stress Management :

  1. It help us to have a joyful life.
  2. It help us to focus and complete tasks on time.
  3. It help us to be a happy person as we are stress free.
  4. It help us to be more energetic.

ABC of stress management

A: Adversity or the stressful event
B: Beliefs or the way you respond to the event
C: Consequences or actions and outcomes of the event

Steps to Manage Stress :

1. Be aware that we are stressed: Keep a check for signs of stress, such as headache, sleeplessness, sadness, excessive worrying, nervousness

2. Identify what is causing you stress : Find the reason for your stress. Is it because of exams, family pressures, money etc.

3. Apply stress management methods : Use time management tools, take good sleep etc.

Stress Management Techniques

Few simple stress management techniques are:

  1. Time management
  2. Do physical exercise in fresh air.
  3. Eating a balanced diet, such as Dal, Roti, vegetables and fruits.
  4. Focusing on positive aspects of life.
  5. We should get a good night’s sleep for at least 7 hours.
  6. Going on vacation with family or friends.

Self Management Skills Class 10 Notes

Importance of Stress :

Stress management is vital because it leads to following benefits:

  1. Improves mood
  2. Boosts immune system
  3. Promotes longevity
  4. Leads to burst of physical strength, which is vital for reaching goal.
  5. Complete mental and physical engagement for task accomplishment.
  6. Increases efficiency and effectiveness.
  7. Prevents psychological disorders and behavioural problems.

Symptoms of Stress :

Physical signs which may suggest stress are: breathlessness, dry mouth, butterflies in stomach, indigestion, nausea, acidity, fatigue, sweaty palms, cold hands and feet, irritation hyperactivity etc.

At the mental level following symptoms may reflect stress: irritation, impatience, loneliness, upset mood, anxiety, , depression, frustration, boredom, guilt, insecurity and forgetfulness.

Stress Management Techniques :

Following activities aid in stress management :

1) Physical Exercise : Physical exercise in the form of walking, skipping or for that matter indulging in any sports has been found to relieve stress as they stabilize mood, improve self-esteem and induce sleep.

2) Yoga : Yoga is a school of Hindu philosophy that reduces stress. Yoga includes a series of postures and breathing exercises practiced to achieve control of body and mind.

3) Enjoying : Recreational activities like watching movies, attending concerts, playing games, singing, dancing or even sketching can help individuals transcend to a happier mental state and help manage stress.

4) Meditation : It is a practice where an individual is supposed to focus his/her mind on a particular object,
thought or activity to achieve a calm mental state reducing stress.

5) Going On Vacations with Family and Friends

Self Management Skills Class 10 Notes

Importance of The Ability to Work Independently :

Everyone on this earth should learns the art of working independently. This typically means that one must learn to take ownership of the task assigned and leave no stone unturned in accomplishing the task. Following are the benefits of working independently.

  1. Ensures greater learning.
  2. Individuals feel more empowered and responsible.
  3. It provides flexibility to choose and define working hours and working mechanisms.
  4. Failure and success of the task assigned are accounted by individuals.
  5. Individuals become assets to organizations, groups and nations at large.
  6. It ensures creativity and satisfaction amongst individuals.

Enhancing Ability to Work Independently :

Ability to work independently can be enhanced by being self-aware, self-motivated and self-regulated

1) Self-Awareness : Having conscious knowledge of your own self, capabilities, feelings and one’s own character is called as self-awareness.

2) Self-motivated : Self-motivated individuals have an inner urge to do something, achieve their goals without any external pressure

3) Self-regulated : Self – regulation inculcates discipline that helps in consistent efforts to move towards goal.

Emotional Intelligence :

Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage one’s own emotions, as well as the emotions
of others. It generally include at least three skills:

  1. Emotional awareness
  2. Harnessing Emotions
  3. Managing Emotions

Steps to manage emotional intelligence are as given below:

  1. Understand your emotions: We should observe our behavior and work on things that we need to improve.
  2. Rationalise: Do not take decisions abruptly; be rational in your thinking.
  3. Practice: Do meditation and yoga to keep yourself calm.

Session 2: Self-awareness — Strength and Weakness Analysis

Being self-aware means that we can identify our strengths and weaknesses. Self-awareness, therefore,
will help us in converting our weakness into strength and strength into an exceptional talent.

In other words, being self-aware actually means knowing our inner strengths, hidden talents, skills and even weaknesses

Examples of strengths

  1. I am good at creative writing.
  2. I am confident of speaking in front of an audience.
  3. I play guitar very well.

Examples of weakness

  1. I find it difficult to solve mathematics problems.
  2. I would like to speak English fluently.
  3. I do not like to lose in any game or sports

Difference between Interests and Abilities

Things that we like to do in our free time.An acquired or natural capacity
Things we are curious about or would do even
if no one asked you to do it.
Enable us to perform a particular job or task
with considerable proficiency.

Session 3: Self-motivation

Self-motivation is simply the force within us that drives us to do things. Self-motivation is what pushes
us to achieve our goals, feel happy and improve our quality of life.

In other words, it is our ability to do the things that need to be done without someone or something influencing us.

Types of Motivation

1. Internal Motivation: LOVE

We do things because they make us happy, healthy and feel good. For example, when we perform in
our annual day function and we learn something new, such as dancing, singing, etc., so we feel good.

2. External Motivation: REWARD

We do things because they give us respect, recognition and appreciation. For example, Suresh participated
in a 100m race and won a prize. This motivated him to go for practice every morning.

Qualities of Self-motivated People

  1. They know what they want from life.
  2. They are focussed.
  3. They Know what is important
  4. They are dedicated to fulfill their dreams

Building Self-motivation

There are four steps for building self-motivation

  1. Find out your strengths
  2. Set and focus on your goals
  3. Develop a plan to achieve your goals
  4. Stay loyal to your goals

Session 4: Self-regulation — Goal Setting

Goals : They are a set of dreams with a deadline to achieve them, for example, saving pocket money to buy a
favorite mobile phone by a particular date.

Goal setting : It is all about finding and listing our goals and then planning on how to achieve them.

SMART method

We can use SMART method to set goals. SMART stands for:





Time bound

Session 5: Self-regulation — Time Management

Time management is the ability to plan and control how you spend the hours of your day well and do
all that you want to do.

Example of Time Management

1. Sameera is always punctual at school.

2. Simple has a regular schedule that she follows everyday.

3. Mohini plans for study and play time in advance

Example of non-Time Management

1. Nisha usually arrives late to work.

2. Hema does not submit her assignments on time.

3. Sheetal sometimes gets carried away in certain activities and forgets the main tasks in hand.

Four Steps for Effective Time Management

  1. Organise: We should plan our day to- day activities.
  2. Pritortise : We should make a to-do list and rank them in the order of importance.
  3. Control : We should have a control over our activities and time.
  4. Track : We should identify and note where we have spent our time.

Tips for Practicing the Four Steps for Effective Time Management

  1. Avoid delay or postponing any planned activity.
  2. Organise your room and school desk.
  3. Prepare a ‘To-do’ list
  4. Replace useless activities with productive activities

Self Management Skills Class 10 Notes

Disclaimer : I tried to give you the correct “Self Management Skills Class 10 Notes” , but if you feel that there is/are mistakes in “Self Management Skills Class 10 Notes given above, you can directly contact me at csiplearninghub@gmail.com. Book and Study material available on CBSE official website is used as reference to create above “Self Management Skills Class 10 Notes“. Mind Map also copied from same study material

Self Management Skills Class 10 – Book Solution

Self Management Skills Class 10 – Extra Questions

Self Management Skills Class 10 – MCQ

More MCQ of Employability Skills

Click for Employability Skills MCQ( from Previous Sample Paper)

Click for Communication Skills MCQ

Click for Entrepreneurial Skills MCQ

Click for Self Management Skills MCQ

Click for Green Skills MCQ

Click for ICT Skills MCQ

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Important links of Class IX (IT-402)

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Unit 1 : Introduction to IT–ITeS Industry NOTES

Unit 1 : Introduction to IT-ITeS MCQ

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Unit 3 : Digital Documentation BOOK SOLUTIONS

Unit 3 : Digital Documentation MCQ

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Unit 4 : Electronic Spreadsheet MCQ

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Self Management Skills Class 10 Notes

Self Management Skills Class 10 Notes

Self Management Skills Class 10 Notes

Self Management Skills Class 10 Notes

Self Management Skills Class 10 Notes

Self Management Skills Class 10 Notes

Self Management Skills Class 10 Notes

Self Management Skills Class 10 Notes

Self Management Skills Class 10 Notes

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Self Management Skills Class 10 Notes

Self Management Skills Class 10 Notes

Self Management Skills Class 10 Notes

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