70+ Python if else Statement Important Practice Questions

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Table of Content

  1. Python if else Statement Practice – Test 1
  2. Python if else Statement Practice – Test 2
  3. Python if else Statement Practice – Test 3
  4. Python if else Statement Practice – Test 4
  5. Python if else Statement Practice – Test 5
  6. Python if else Statement Practice – Test 6
  7. Python if else Statement Practice – Test 7

Python if else Statement Practice Test 1

Q1. Name the keyword which helps in writing code involves condition.

Q2. Write the syntax of simple if statement.

Q3. Is there any limit of statement that can appear under an if block.

Q4. Write a program to check whether a person is eligible for voting or not. (accept age from user)

Q5. Write a program to check whether a number entered by user is even or odd.

Q6. Write a program to check whether a number is divisible by 7 or not.

Q7. Write a program to display "Hello" if a number entered by user is a multiple of five , 
otherwise print "Bye".

Q8. Write a program to calculate the electricity bill (accept number of unit from user) according to the following criteria :
             Unit                                                     Price  
First 100 units                                               no charge
Next 100 units                                              Rs 5 per unit
After 200 units                                             Rs 10 per unit
(For example if input unit is 350 than total bill amount is Rs2000)

Q9. Write a program to display the last digit of a number.
(hint : any number % 10 will return the last digit)

Q10. Write a program to check whether the last digit of a number( entered by user ) is 
divisible by 3 or not.

Python if else

Python if else Statement Practice Test 2

Q1. Write a program to accept percentage from the user and display the grade according to the following criteria:

         Marks                                    Grade
         > 90                                         A
         > 80 and <= 90                       B
         >= 60 and <= 80                       C
         below 60                                  D


Q2. Write a program to accept the cost price of a bike and display the road tax to be paid according to the following criteria :
        Cost price (in Rs)                                       Tax
        > 100000                                                  15 %
        > 50000 and <= 100000                          10%
        <= 50000                                                  5%

Q3. Write a program to check whether an years is leap year or not.

Q4. Write a program to accept a number from 1 to 7 and display the name of the day like 1 for Sunday , 2 for Monday and so on.

Q5. Write a program to accept a number from 1 to 12 and display name of the month and days in that month like 1 for January and number of days 31 and so on

Q6. What do you mean by statement?

Q8. Write the logical expression for the following:
A is greater than B and C is greater than D

Q9. Accept any city from the user and display monument of that city.
                  City                                 Monument
                  Delhi                               Red Fort
                  Agra                                Taj Mahal
                  Jaipur                              Jal Mahal

Q10. Write the output of the following if a = 9
    if (a > 5 and a <=10):    

Python if else

Python if else Statement Practice Test 3

Q1. Write a program to check whether a number entered is three digit number or not.

Q2. Write a program to check whether a person is eligible for voting or not.(voting age >=18)

Q3. Write a program to check whether a person is senior citizen or not.

Q4. Write a program to find the lowest number out of two numbers excepted from user.

Q5. Write a program to find the largest number out of two numbers excepted from user.

Q6. Write a program to check whether a number (accepted from user) is positive or negative.

Q7. Write a program to check whether a number is even or odd.

Q8. Write a program to display the spell of a digit accepted from user (like user input 0 and display ZERO and so on)

Q8. Write a program to whether a number (accepted from user) is divisible by 2 and 3 both.

Q9. Write a program to find the largest number out of three numbers excepted from user.

Python if else

Python if else Statement Practice Test 4

Q1. Accept the temperature in degree Celsius of water and check whether it is boiling or not (boiling point of water in 100 oC.

Q2. _________ is a graphical representation of steps (algorithm/flow chart)

Q3. Python has _________ statement as empty statement (Pass/Fail)

Q4. In python, a block is a group of _______statement having same indentation level.(consecutive/alternate)

Q5. Out of “elif” and “else if”, which is the correct statement in python?

Q6. Accept the age of 4 people and display the youngest one?

Q7. What is the purpose of else in if elif ladder?

Q8. Accept the age of 4 people and display the oldest one.

Q9. Write a program to check whether a number  is prime or not.

Q10. Write a program to check a character is vowel or not.

Python if else

Python if else Statement Practice Test 5

Q1. Accept the following from the user and calculate the percentage of class attended:

a.     Total number of working days

b.     Total number of days for absent

    After calculating percentage show that, If the percentage is less than 75, than student will not be able to sit in exam.

Q2. Accept the percentage from the user and display the  grade according to the following criteria:

  •     Below 25 —- D
  •     25 to 45 —- C
  •     45 to 50 —- B
  •     50 to 60 –– B+
  •     60 to 80 — A
  •     Above 80 –- A+

Q3. A company decided to give bonus to employee according to following criteria:

    Time period of Service                Bonus

    More than 10 years             10%

    >=6 and <=10                   8%

    Less than 6 years              5%

    Ask user for their salary and years of service and print the net bonus amount.

Q4. Accept the marked price from the user and  calculate the Net amount as(Marked Price –    Discount) to pay according to following criteria:

Marked PriceDiscount
>7000 and <=1000015%
Python if else

Q5. Write a program to accept percentage and display the Category according to the  following criteria :

< 40Failed
>=40 & <55Fair
>=55 & <65Good
Python if else

Q6. Accept three sides of a triangle and check whether it is an equilateral, isosceles or scalene triangle.

Note :

An equilateral triangle is a triangle in which all three sides are equal.

A scalene triangle is a triangle that has three unequal sides.

An isosceles triangle is a triangle with (at least) two equal sides.

Q7. Write a program to accept two numbers and mathematical operators and perform operation accordingly.


Enter First Number: 7

Enter Second Number : 9

Enter operator : +

Your Answer is : 16

Q8. Accept the age, sex (‘M’, ‘F’), number of days and display the wages accordingly

>=18 and <30M700
>=30 and <=40M800
Python if else

If age does not fall in any range then display the following message: “Enter appropriate age”

Python if else

Python if else Statement Practice Test 6

Q1. Accept three numbers from the user and display the second largest number.

Q2. Accept three sides of triangle and check whether the triangle is possible or not.

(triangle is possible only when sum of any two sides is greater than 3rd side)

Q3. Consider the following code

python conditional statement practice
Python if else

What will the above code print if the variables i, j, and k have the following values?

(a)    i = 3, j = 5, k = 7

(b)    i = -2, j = -5, k = 9

(c)    i = 8, j = 15, k = 12

(d)    i = 13, j = 15, k = 13

(e)    i = 3, j = 5, k = 17

(f)    i = 25, j = 15, k = 17

Q4. Accept the electric units from user and calculate the bill according to the following rates.

First 100 Units     :  Free

Next 200 Units      :  Rs 2 per day.

Above 300 Units    :  Rs 5 per day.

if number of unit is 500 then total bill = 0 +400 + 1000 = 1400

Q5. Accept the number of days from the user and calculate the charge for library according to following :

Till five days : Rs 2/day.

Six to ten days  : Rs 3/day.

11 to 15 days  : Rs 4/day

After 15 days    : Rs 5/day

Q6. Accept the kilometers covered and calculate the bill according to the following criteria:

First 10 Km              Rs11/km

Next 90Km               Rs 10/km

After that               Rs9/km

Q7. Accept the marks of English, Math and Science, Social Studies Subject and display the stream allotted according to following

All Subjects more than 80 marks —       Science Stream

English >80 and Math, Science above 50 –Commerce Stream

English > 80 and Social studies > 80    —   Humanities

Python if else

Python if else Statement Practice Test 7

Q1. Evaluate the following statements:

  • a=True
  • b=True
  • c=True
  • d=True       
1.         print(c)
2.         print(d)
3.         print(not a)
4.         print(not b )
5.         print(not c )
6.         print(not d)
7.         print(a and b )
8.         print(a or b )
9.         print(a and c)
10.       print(a or c )
11.        print(a and d )
12.       print(a or d)
13.       print(b and c )
14.       print(b or c )
15.       print(a and b or c)
16.       print(a or b and c )
17.       print(a and b and c)
18.       print(a or b or c )
19.       print(not a and b and c)
20.       print(not a or b or c )
21.       print(not (a and b and c))
22.       print(not (a or b or c) )
23.       print(not a and not b and not c)
24.       print(not a or not b or not c )
25.       print(not (not a or not b or not c))

Python if else

The idea of giving above assignment of python if else is to give students a lot of practice of python if else concept and he/she would be able to do all types of question related to “python if else”

Disclaimer : I tried to give correct code of all the answers of above python if else assignments. The code is not copied from any other site or any other assignment of python if else. Please share feedback of above python if else assignment to csiplearninghub@gmail.com so that i can improve and give better content to you.

Class 12 Computer Science Sample Paper 2020-2021.

Class 12 Computer Science Sample Paper Marking Scheme

Class 12 Computer Science Test Series

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32 thoughts on “70+ Python if else Statement Important Practice Questions”

  1. This is really use full. Please can you provide the answer for this one.

    # Accept the marks of English, Math and Science, Social Studies Subject and display the stream allotted according to following

    # All Subjects more than 80 marks — Science Stream
    # English >80 and Math, Science above 50 –Commerce Stream
    # English > 80 and Social studies > 80 — Humanities

    • eng = int(input(“ENGLISH : “))
      sst = int(input(“SOCIAL STUDIES : “))
      mth = int(input(“MATHS : “))
      sci = int(input(“SCIENCE : “))

      if eng > 80 and mth > 80 and sci > 80 and sst > 80:
      print(“Science Stream”)
      elif eng > 80 and (80 > mth and sci > 50):
      print(“Commerce Stream”)
      elif (eng and sst > 80) and (mth and sci < 80):

    • if mar > 80:
      print(science stream,humanities)
      elif mar >50 and mar <80:
      print(math , science)
      print("commerce stream")

    • m,e,s,so=map(int,input().split())
      if m>80 and e>80:
      if s>80 and so>80:
      print(“alloted science stream”)
      if e>80:
      if m>50 and s>50:
      print(“alloted commers”)
      elif so>80:
      print(“alloted humanites”)

    • eng = int(input(“Enter your English marks : “))
      math = int(input(“Enter your Math marks : “))
      science = int(input(“Enter your Science marks : “))
      ss = int(input(“Enter your Social Studies : “))

      if eng >= 80 and math >= 80 and science >= 80 and ss >= 80:
      print (“Science Stream”)
      elif eng >= 80 and (50>=math and science >= 50):
      print (“Commerce Stream”)
      elif eng >= 80 and (ss >=80):
      print (“Humanities”)

    • a=int(input(“Please enter your English marks: “))
      b=int(input(“Please enter your Maths marks: “))
      c=int(input(“Please enter your Social Science marks: “))
      d=int(input(“Please enter your Science marks: “))
      if a>80 and b>80 and c>80 and d>80:
      print(“The stream alloted to you is Science.”)
      elif(a>80 and b>50 and d>50):
      print(“The stream alloted to you is Commerce.”)
      elif(a>80 and c>80):
      print(“The stream alloted to you is Humanities.”)
      print(“Sorry! But no stream is alloted to you.”)

  2. Hello, can you please tell me why the we need to have 500 for calculations nu>200 in Q8 Test1 ?

    Q8. Write a program to calculate the electricity bill […]
    if nu>200:
    print(“Amount to pay :”,amt)

    I don’t get it!

      • Write a program to calculate the electricity bill (accept number of unit from user) according to the following criteria :
        Unit Price
        First 100 units no charge
        Next 100 units Rs 5 per unit
        After 200 units Rs 10 per unit
        (For example if input unit is 350 than total bill amount is Rs2000)

        if any one help on this.

          • Firstly, the given code is written in 11 lines.
            a) i=3, j=5, k=7 (consider these values for i, j and k)

            As first line is true as it satisfies the condition for (i<j) i.e., 3<5, it ignores else block
            which is at line 6 and enters into the "if" block which is at line 1. After entering inside the first "if" block which is at line 1. As again the condition is true at line 2, it enters into 3rd line thereafter "i" gets the value of "j" which means "i" value is 5 now. And ignores the
            "else" block which is at line 4. So, it it directly goes to line 11 and prints the values for i,j and k…here i value becomes 5. 'J' and 'K' values don't change as they are not being
            affected like i.

        • unit= int(input(“enter unit”))
          if unit<=100:
          print("their is no charges")
          elif unit in range(101,201):
          print("your electricity bill is",price)

        • amount=0
          n=int(input(“Enter the units”)
          if n>=100:
          if n>100 and n200
          amount= 500 +(n-200)*10 // 100 units is rs 5 per unit (100*5=500)
          print(“amount to be paid:”,amount)

        • km = int(input(‘Enter kms = ‘))

          if (km 10 and km <= 100):
          charge = 110 + ((km- 10) * 10)

          charge = 1010 + (km – 100) * 9
          print('total bill amount is ',charge)

        • units = float(input(“Enter electricity unit charges: “))
          if units <= 50:
          bill = units * 0.50
          elif units <= 150:
          bill = 50 * 0.50 + (units – 50) * 0.75
          elif units <=250:
          bill = 50 * 0.50 + 100 * 0.75 + (units – 100) * 1.20
          bill = 50 * 0.50 + 100 * 0.75 + 100 * 1.20 + (units – 100) * 1.50
          surcharge = bill * 0.20
          total_bill = bill + surcharge
          print("Electricity bill: ", bill)
          print("Surcharge: ", surcharge)
          print("Total bill: ", total_bill)

    • bro in the question it said that for first 100 units its for free ,
      then next 100 units you have to pay 5 ruppes per unit that means 100*5=500 ruppes and after 200 unit u have to pay 10 ruppes per unit that means previous 100*5=500 and after 200 units the formula is (num-200)*10 ruppes and also u have to pay the prevoius unit i.e. 500 thats why it written amt = 500+(num-200)*10

  3. That’s amazing and please tell me that it’s enough for learn and practice the code in condition programs?

  4. ME= int(input(‘Enter English Marks out of 100: ‘))
    MM= int(input(‘Enter Maths Marks out of 100: ‘))
    MS= int(input(‘Enter Science Marks out of 100: ‘))
    MSS= int(input(‘Enter SST Marks out of 100: ‘))
    SF = float(ME+MM+MS+MSS)
    CF = float(ME+MM+MS+MSS)
    Hm = float(MS+MSS)
    if SF>=320:
    print (‘You are eligible for Science Faculty’)
    elif CF>=260 and CF=50 and Hm <200:
    print ('You are eligible for Humanities')
    (Its a junior and just a beginner Python programmer from Pakistan. I just tried this whole code on my own. Sb may find it a bit pathetic. Mee too. But it somehow ran. But not with accurate demanded Output. But to some extent. Need your guidance dear all. Thanks

  5. science=int(input(“Enter Your Science Marks:”))
    english=int(input(“Enter Your english marks:”))
    math=int(input(“Enter your maths marks:”))
    socialstu=int(input(“Enter Your marks Socialstudies:”))
    allsubject = (science+english+math+socialstu)/400*100
    if allsubject>80:
    print(“You go for Science Stream”)
    elif english>=80 and math>50 and science>50:
    print(“You go for commerce stream”)
    elif english>=80 and socialstu>80:
    print(“You go for Humanities”)
    print(“You entered wrong subject”)

  6. # last digit print

    num=int(input(‘enter the any number—>’))
    if b:

  7. e= int(input(“Enter marks of English: “))
    m= int(input(“Enter marks of Maths: “))
    s= int(input(“Enter marks of Science: “))
    ss= int(input(“Enter marks of Social Science: “))
    if e>80 and m>80 and s>80 and ss>80:
    print(“Science Stream allotted”)
    elif e>80 and m>50 and s>50:
    print(“Commerce Stream allotted”)
    elif e>80 and ss>80:
    print(“Humanities Stream allotted”)

  8. english_marks = int(input(“Enter marks in English: “))
    math_marks = int(input(“Enter marks in Mathematics: “))
    science_marks = int(input(“Enter marks in Science: “))
    computers_marks = int(input(“Enter marks in Computers: “))

    average_percentage = (english_marks + math_marks + science_marks + computers_marks) / 4

    if average_percentage > 80:
    print(‘You got Science Stream’)
    elif 60 <= average_percentage <= 80:
    print('You got Commerce Stream')
    elif 50 <= average_percentage < 60:
    print('You got Arts Stream')
    print('Sorry! No stream is allotted to you')

  9. a=int(input(“enter the umit:”))
    if a<=100:
    print("no charge")
    elif 100<a<=200:
    print("bonus is",5*a)
    elif 200<a<350:
    print("bonus is",10*a)
    print("bonus: if unit is 350 is",2000)

  10. eng_marks=int(input(“Enter the marks in eng subject: “))
    math_marks=int(input(“Enter the marks in math subject: “))
    science_marks=int(input(“Enter the marks in science subject: “))
    social_marks=int(input(“Enter the marks in social subject: “))
    if eng_marks>80 and math_marks > 80 and science_marks > 80 and social_marks > 80:
    print(“You are eligible for Science Stream”)
    elif (eng_marks >80 and math_marks>80 )and science_marks >50 :
    print(“You are eligible for the Commerce Stream”)
    elif eng_marks > 80 and social_marks > 80:
    print(“You are eligible for the Humanities”)


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