Ch 7 Share and Review Spreadsheet Question Answers

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Ch 7 Share and Review Spreadsheet Question Answers

Ch 7 Share and Review Spreadsheet Question Answers

Share and review spreadsheet

A. Multiple choice questions

Q1. Sharing allows to edit the Spreadsheet by

(a) single user
(b) different users simultaneously
(c) one by one users
(d) one after other users

Q2. Sharing spreadsheet feature allows to save the changes in

(a) multiple sheets
(b) user’s sheet
(c) in a same sheet
(d) in different sheet

Q3. The Recording Changes feature of LibreOffice Calc provides different ways to record the changes made by ____________ in the spreadsheet.

(a) one user
(b) other user
(c) the user
(d) one or other users

Q4. In Calc, the comments are added

(a) automatically
(b) by author
(c) by reviewer
(d) all of above

Q5. The changes by team members in the spreadsheet can be accepted or rejected by

(a) the team members
(b) any of the user
(c) owner
(d) other users

Share and review spreadsheet

B. State whether the following statements are True or False

1. Spreadsheet cannot be shared to work with more than one user?

2. Some of the features becomes unavailable when the spreadsheet is in shared mode.

3. You can record changes in the spreadsheet when the spreadsheet is opened in shared mode.

4. File menu is used to Record changes for the spreadsheet.

5. You can add a note or suggestion in the spreadsheet using Insert Comment.

6. Formatting comment can be used to change the font colour of the comment.

Share and review spreadsheet

C. Fill in the blanks

1. The title bar of the document shows ______________ along with the filename for the shared mode of the spreadsheet.

2. The shared mode spreadsheet allows _____________ users to access and edit the spreadsheet at the same time.

3. Recording changes automatically ______________ the shared mode of a spreadsheet.

4. Click on Edit menu, Track Changes and then select ______________ to record the changes in the spreadsheet.

5. The border color of the changed cell will be ________________________.

6. ___________________ is used to add notes or suggestions to a cell in a spreadsheet.

7. The comment box can be formatted just like formatting the _______________

D. Answer the following questions

Q1. Define the terms

(a) Sharing Spreadsheet
(b) Record changes

Q2. Write the commands to perform

(a) Sharing Spreadsheet
(b) Record changes

Q3. Which menu is used to perform the functions

(a) Track Changes
(b) Saving Spreadsheet

Q4. What do you understand by reviewing the changes in the spreadsheet?

Q5. Differentiate between Merging and Comparing Spreadsheet.

Share and review spreadsheet

Important links of Class X (IT – 402)

Unit 1: Digital Documentation (Advanced) using LibreOffice Writer

Chapter 1. Introduction to Styles – NOTES

Chapter 1. Introduction to Styles – Question Answers

Chapter 2. Working with Images – NOTES

Chapter 2. Working with Images – Question Answers

Chapter 3. Advanced features of Writer – NOTES

Chapter 3. Advanced features of Writer – Question Answers

Unit 2: Electronic Spreadsheet (Advanced) using LibreOffice Calc

Chapter 4. Analyse Data using Scenarios and Goal Seek – NOTES

Chapter 4. Analyse Data using Scenarios and Goal Seek – Question Answers

Chapter 5. Using Macros in Spreadsheet – NOTES

Chapter 5. Using Macros in Spreadsheet – Question Answers

Chapter 6. Linking Spreadsheet Data – NOTES

Chapter 6. Linking Spreadsheet Data – Question Answers

Chapter 7. Share and Review a Spreadsheet – NOTES

Chapter 7. Share and Review a Spreadsheet – Question Answers




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Ch 7 Share and Review Spreadsheet Question Answers

Ch 7 Share and Review Spreadsheet Question Answers

Ch 7 Share and Review Spreadsheet Question Answers

Ch 7 Share and Review Spreadsheet Question Answers

Ch 7 Share and Review Spreadsheet Question Answers

Ch 7 Share and Review Spreadsheet Question Answers

Ch 7 Share and Review Spreadsheet Question Answers

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