Review of Python Quiz 9

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Welcome to your Review of Python Quiz 9

Q81. Which of the following is not the Boolean operator in Python?

Q82. _________ operator has the highest priority in Python.

Q83. How many elements will be displayed by statement : print(Tup1[-7 : -2 : 2]), if Tup1 has total 10 elements

Q84. Write the output of the following code:

Tup1=(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 35, 40, 45, 50)

Q85. In the statement :print("5" * 2), '*' will work as ________________

Q86. Select the odd one out.

Q87. Select the odd one out.

Q88. Select the odd one out.

Q89. What is the data type of 't2' in the following code.

t1 = (34, 45,{"A":"Apple","B":"Ball"})

Q90. Write the output of the following:

m,n,p,q = (9, 5, 5, 4)
if m > n and p < q and 0 :

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