Q281. A ______________ is a digital image, which is representation of image in finite set of digital values 0 or 1, known as ______________________.
Q282. Identify the odd one out
Q283. A document containing pictures is always easier to understand than a pure text document.(T/F)
Q284. The image file stored on the computer, can be inserted into a document by using ________________
Q285. ____________ option to be selected from _______________ menu to open Insert Image dialog box.
Q286. Win+E is a keyboard shortcut to ____________________
Q287. When image is inserted by _______________ method, it is not embedded in the document?
Q288. Which toolbar help us to resize, crop, delete and rotate the image?
Q289. The ______________ toolbar automatically appears when an image is inserted or selected in the document.
Q290. There are ______________ types of filters available on image toolbar.