Database Concept Quiz-4

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Welcome to your Database Concept Quiz-4

Q31. A database schema can have different instances at different times.(T/F)

Q32. A _________________ is a request to a database for obtaining information in a desired way.

Q33. Query is used to fetch data from ______________________

Q34. Which of the following operation is not the part of Manipulation of Database?

Q35. Suppose Atharv’s Guardian has changed his mobile number, his Guardian Phone number needs to be modified in GUARDIAN file. This is called _________________ operation

Q36. ____________________ is the set of programs used by a DBMS to create database and handle various queries for data retrieval and manipulation.

Q37. Identify the limitations of DBMS.

Q38. The most commonly used data model is ___________________.

Q39. Identify the odd one out.

Q40. In DBMS, we can retrieve and manipulate data through ___________________

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